Steep Point Groper

We had 4 of these Groper stealing our fish the last trip to Steep.

Hard to judge the size of them, a 44 gallon drum would be very close..

Dont know what species they are, any one know ?..

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Nice footage

Sun, 2011-04-10 19:26

Nice footage but I cant help with the species id

NOHA's picture

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Queensland groper

Sun, 2011-04-10 19:27

 Yellow fins make it a queenslander for me


Twin turbo..V8 diesel..Ohh what a feeling!!

No Orange Hats Allowed

grantarctic1's picture

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Look's right QLD Groper

Sun, 2011-04-10 19:38

Look's right NOHA, I thought that's what is was, but was not 100% sure.


MattMiller's picture

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Yep, agree with NOHA

Sun, 2011-04-10 19:36

Queensland Groper for me. I remember the big bugger under the Broome jetty that gets up to the same mischeif

PattyT's picture

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Big boy! Would have taken a

Sun, 2011-04-10 19:45

Big boy! Would have taken plenty of good fish in its lifetime  i'd bet.

sea-kem's picture

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I remember catching about a

Sun, 2011-04-10 20:03

I remember catching about a 7kg-8kg Spanglie at high rock and getting the whole thing swallowed by the resident cod there.


Love the West!

cuthbad's picture

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haha bloody big fish

Sun, 2011-04-10 20:13

haha bloody big fish

grantarctic1's picture

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Sun, 2011-04-10 20:16

Talked to the ranger (Paul) and he believes they are the offspring from Mr Jingles.

Mr Jingles was huge,( about 300kg) but sadly was killed by a diver with a smokey many years ago.



Jas04's picture

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whats a amokey???? and why on

Mon, 2011-04-11 10:45

whats a amokey???? and why on earth would you kill a 300kg fish?? 

hlokk's picture

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I'm going to guess here that

Mon, 2011-04-11 11:07

I'm going to guess here that its a speargun that you load with a bullet (or shotgun shell) so that when it hits the fish it goes off killing them quicker.

Why would you want to kill a 300kg fish? Probably because you deserve a spear to go from one temple through the other.

Lastchance's picture

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Jesus hlokk! Harsh, but fair.

Mon, 2011-04-11 11:35

Jesus hlokk! Harsh, but fair. There is always a hero that stuffs it up for the rest of us.

grantarctic1's picture

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The story of Jingles

Mon, 2011-04-11 12:21

The story as told to me by Paul (Ranger)

A diving instuctor from perth was diving for cray's around Monkey Rock. With a full bag of cray's, he was near Lion Cave(Jingles Home) when the large cod charged at him and grabed the catch bag.

The diver then hit the cod with a "smokey" (Spear or hand spear with live round(bullet) on the tip) The cod was left to die.

The ranger only found out a year after the incedent and had the diver banned from steep point for life.

This was about 8 year's ago, and as i said this is the story told to me,(not trying to start a debate about diver's) and Paul would not tell me the diver's name. Only he was well known in perth.

It was a real shame and god only knows how old a fish like that was.


scotto's picture

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paging Dr hlokk polsmoker...

Mon, 2011-04-11 12:36

a smokey is a housing that encases an ammunition round, that gets put over your speartip, and detonates upon contact with whatever it gets fired at. we used to use "disposable smokies", which was an aluminium tube with a .303 shell, and silicon the shell at the bullet tip, and use varnish on the primer, to make it waterproof. a good mate machined up a beauty that took shotgun rounds, but he used to pack his own shells with twice as much powder, and half the shot.


they come in very handy when you are quite a way away from the boat/shore, and some big sharks get a little too pushy. its safe to say they have undoubtedly saved lives of spearfisherman on numerous occasions.


FYI, large cod havent always been protected, and in days of yesteryear, some of these large cod were legaly hunted as trophies. gladly, some are now a totally protected species, and the majority over a certain size/length are protected, but, as i mentioned earlier, it was PERFECTLY LEGAL, an acceptable practice, and fair game in its day.


no-one would be insane enough to take a protected cod these days, as even in isolated environments such as steep point, quobba, etc, it wouldnt take long for the relevant authorities to find and prosecute anyone found infringing on the regulations. these days, it would disgust even the hardest of fisherman.


also, having shot some legal sized but big cod myself, a smokey would have been the only way to bring one of that size down!

hlokk's picture

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For some reason I cant edit

Mon, 2011-04-11 13:11

For some reason I cant edit my previous post, but it was supposed to be 'speargun tip', not 'speargun'. Loading a bullet into a speargun without a spear would be a pretty stupid thing to do. Though, in the everglades, they commonly forgo the gun part and just have the shell on the end of a pole for dealing with nuissance alligators. You can buy tips for various rounds of ammunition there relatively easily (not sure how easy it is here).

Though, even if it was legal, whats the point. Hurr, durr, look at me, I can kill things I will them dump and leave to rot. Like killing those friendly rays at Hamelin I think it was. It might have been legal, but that doesnt make it right. If you're shooting large cod (or marlin or big tuna) and you're going to eat it, ok, I dont have a problem. If you're just killing it because you need to compensate for whats lacking in your pants, or 'just because' then its a different story.

scotto's picture

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Mon, 2011-04-11 17:27

why do all of your replies have to revolve around someone elses penis? seriously hlokk, its a fishing website. grow up.


not only would "Loading a bullet into a speargun without a spear would be a pretty stupid thing to do", but it would also be impossible. not only that captain clever, but then tell me how it would then be fired without a pin, or have any real chance of aiming it without a barrel to travel down? unless your are firing blanks. are you firing blanks hlokk?


I guess one of the major problems with your thinking logic hlokk, is you arent prepared to learn from any history. you arent prepared to look through old fishing or spearfishing books and see what they caught way back when. you arent prepared to listen to people like my (now dead) grandad, or my old man, and hear how things were done when you were nothing but a sparkle in your other daddys brown eye. you arent prepared to go out and get some of your own experiences, except for reading them on the internet.


technically, if something isnt illegal, then it is right. thankfully now, harming these giants is illegal, and rightly so.


whilst im at it, i thought that even you (being the keyboard warrior that you are), would have figured out by now that you cant edit posts that have been replied to. its to stop trolls altering their original posts, thus going back on what they originally said. its a bullshit filter, but yours is obviously not functioning, as it seems to let you post frequently.



hlokk's picture

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175 words and thats what you

Mon, 2011-04-11 17:41

175 words and thats what you pick up on?

I dont know why you're going on about how they work, I know how they work, so why crap on about it assuming I dont? Besides, if it didnt work, its still a stupid thing do to (because it wouldnt work). Besides, air guns have barrels.

Also, just because something is not illegal does not make it morally or ethically wrong, merely legally wrong.


And yeah, I dont think the bullshit filter is working, you're posts still keep coming though. Even if I put up some less than brilliant posts, at least i'm not trying to be an unconstructive asshole.

scotto's picture

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Mon, 2011-04-11 18:12

you count how many words are in your posts?!?!? shit yeah, pm me your crack dealers phone number man, that must be some goooood shit.


pointless hlokk paragraph number 3014  (insert 4 year old childish girly voice here) - "I dont know why you're going on about how they work, I know how they work, so why crap on about it assuming I dont? Besides, if it didnt work, its still a stupid thing do to (because it wouldnt work). Besides, air guns have barrels."

hlokk, i put it to you, that you do not understand how a speargun works. or a standard gun. or for that matter a female body. not only that, but your posts simply dont make sense, almost like you are rushing them, just to satisfy your typing O.C.D.


ps, recycling my jokes and jaunts and then trying them on me, and in the same thread, exposes your lack of experience and creativity.


go read up on how to win an argument.

hlokk's picture

Posts: 4293

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Advice taken on the last bit,

Mon, 2011-04-11 18:21

Advice taken on the last bit, cheers


scotto's picture

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but yet you go on.

Mon, 2011-04-11 18:51

you dont want to argue, but you have to keep replying?


bet you $5 you reply to this post.



Alan James's picture

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He didn't reply I did

Mon, 2011-04-11 19:04

Hlokk, take your $5. 



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Mon, 2011-04-11 17:30

made my arvo!

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What a load of rubbish

Tue, 2011-04-12 20:18

Take it to pm's guys

grantarctic1's picture

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Any way

Tue, 2011-04-12 20:21

Any way, did any one notice the big groper in the vid ? LOL..