What fish is this?

 Hi, caught this down on the canals at Halls head. Any ideas what it is?

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luke george's picture

Posts: 554

Date Joined: 13/04/07


Thu, 2016-06-23 09:01


sea-kem's picture

Posts: 15049

Date Joined: 30/11/09

 Yep Gurnard, very tasty.

Thu, 2016-06-23 09:14

 Yep Gurnard, very tasty.


Love the West!

crasny1's picture

Posts: 7006

Date Joined: 16/10/08

Butterfly Gurnard

Thu, 2016-06-23 10:37

scroll 4 down on this link to Fishwreckopaedia

Edit: just thought might be a red one aswell.


"I would like to die on Mars. Just not on impact!!" _ Elon Musk

Syzygy's picture

Posts: 39

Date Joined: 13/04/15

 Cheers guys, pretty fish.

Thu, 2016-06-23 10:40

 Cheers guys, good looking fish. It seemed to have a spike on its top fin......nasty?