Rous Head Ramp
Submitted by Adam Gallash on Mon, 2005-08-29 09:09
I'm thinking of composing a letter to Geoff Gallop regarding the situation of the East Fremantle boat ramp and the terrible congestion it always has. I'm sure it's been done before and I'm sure I won't be the last, but its getting to a ridiculous situation and I'm sure that it is only a matter of time before some serious ramp rage occurs from what is supposed to be a recreational outing facility.
Does anyone have any good ideas or points that they think should be addressed regarding this situation? I will construct a letter and post it for comments soon.
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I think something along the
I think something along the Lines of
Re: rous head ramp
Build it!
West Australian Fishermen"
Adam Gallash
Posts: 15655
Date Joined: 29/11/05
Rous Head
I was thinking of something a bit more constructive, but considering it will be snuffed out before it gets anywhere near geoff's office, a well written piece probably won't go far anyway.. But that hasn't stopped me before and it won't in the future, something must be done, and its time is now..
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Rous Head
As far as I know regarding this issue there has been some reasonably detailed work done that looks at the issues such as :
1. The unnecessary pollution in the Swan from all the boats having to travel from EF to the heads.
2. The unnecessary fuel usage for the same journey and the resultant greenhouse gas production.
3. The vessel congestion and riverbank damage from wake formation at peak times.
I think the issues from the first two points when looked at over a twelve month period would add up to some fairly substantial figures .I know marine propulsion systems are continually evolving into more efficient and less polluting animals which is great , the problem is that as that occurs we keep strapping more and more horses on the transom to negate the effect to some degree.
If the argument was couched in an environmental manner you would imagine that Green Grandstand Gallop (He who would attend the opening of an envelope if there was going to be an audience)given his track record of targeting so called environmental issues whilst ignoring scientific evidence would be hard pressed to refuse.
Adam Gallash
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Date Joined: 29/11/05
Rous Head
Agree 100%. I spose the problem for Geoff is justifying the money spent on building a new ramp compared to spending it on other sectors which require funding?
The environmental impact on the river would be significantly reduced if the level of fishermen launching/retrieving from EF was placed at the heads. I spose it still doesn't resolve the issue of the big diesels that want to just cruise up and down the river, but surely less traffic on the water could only be a good thing for the points you mentioned. The weekends at East Fremantle ramp have got to the stage where something serious is going to happen one of these days, too many boats, with too many people wanting to cut in, too many people not thinking about others and this can only lead to trouble in my opinion.
I really want to know the reasoning why it hasn't been built, or if the government has even considered it, or why they have rejected it.
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Rous Head Ramp - RecFishWest & BRAG
It seems that this issue has been brought up before. Item 4 of RecFishWest's Electronic Bulletin Feb 2004 states
"Recfishwest has received a request from the Boat Ramp Action Group for support to lobby for a new boat ramp facility at Rous Head. So far the group has gathered over 1000 signatures and is hoping for another 3000 to present to the Legislative Assembly in March. You can give you support by contacting Josephine Muir at"
Maybe we send Jo a line and see what the situation is?
gone with the wind.
Adam Gallash
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Date Joined: 29/11/05
Interesting - Re Rous
February 2004? I think i can tell what the situation is going to be a year and a half down the track and nothing has been done. 1000 signatures and that doesn't get any action from the government? I think my time may be better spent elsewhere than trying to get a deaf government to hear.. Maybe when someone gets stabbed or theres a serious incident at the ramp, then it will get noticed, but until then, i suppose its the insignificant fisho's wanting more government money spent.
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Department of Planning and Infrastructure
Another interesting thing is that the Department of Planning and Infrastructure Annual Report 2002 has a Rous Head Boat Launching Facility on the agenda, which is meant to be built by 2006-2007 at an estimated cost of $5300.
So.. what happened there? Is this thing still happening?
Doesn't look like it from the tone of this RecFishWest Media Statement from 2002, which begins:"Recfishwest has today asked the government for a full, independent review of the administration of the Recreational Boating Facilities Scheme after gross inconsistencies have been discovered."
What a messy situation for poor old GG.
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Rous head ramp
Adam Gallash
Posts: 15655
Date Joined: 29/11/05
Rous Head - Continued
Yeh.. I'm sure it does have something to do with the parking fees and fines.. Its highway robbery down at EF, $7.60 or something ridiculous to park there.. The meter guys are there 2 minutes after your expiry time too! Certainly had a few occasions where we have been a couple of minutes past our expiry and still copped $60 tickets.
The tide that rips through there causes all sorts of havoc with people trying to hold their boats and land on the side where the wind and current and pushing them away from the ramp.. Seen many a situation where people launch where the people are retrieving and have to go around them, it is quite a trying and painful situation sometimes and the sooner something gets done the better..
Have received something from BIA today about the ramp situation, will post it up when I read through it fully.
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EF Ramp
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"Rous Head"
Ministerial Office: 13th Floor, Dumas House, 2 Havelock Street, West Perth WA 6005
Ph: 9213 6400 Fax: 9213 6401
Adam Gallash
Posts: 15655
Date Joined: 29/11/05
Re - Rous Head
Interesting.. I could see how it could cause problems with the road trains and container trucks and also that security might be a nightmare.
Agree with the trouble of parking south of the river and congestion on Sundays with the levels of families in the area. Rous Head is rather remote in terms of population, but a perfect spot for boaties that want to get away from the congestion, which is one of the major reasons it needs to be done.. East Fremantle has become way too much effort to launch from considering the amount of traffic and the people who just want to get their boats in the water, regardless of the situation and the others waiting to retrieve..
Thats an excellent link Terry, I am extremely interested to see what their plans are for the next few years.. I will have a good look through it and comment more once done.. Cheers!
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Adam Gallash
Posts: 15655
Date Joined: 29/11/05
BIA - Boat Ramp News - Mosman Bay
Information from the BIA newsletter:
'The redevelopment of the Mosman Bay boat launching ramp facility initially became less likely however more recently things have turned again for the better. After receiving a declining response from the Mosman Park Council to our detailed submission for improvements to the Johnston Street ramp structure which in effect removed any suggestion that the Mosman Council would allocate any further funding to the project.
This ignores the importance that this site represents as this facility is the nearest boat ramp to harbour entrance on the north side of the river servising Mosman Park, Peppermint Grove, Cottesloe and the Claremont rate payers.
We decided to suggest to the Mosman Park Council that alternative sites at Meads and at Chidley Point be considered as each of these alternatives suffers the same negatives in terms of adjacent parking facility that are encountered at Johnston Street.
Out of those discussions however we did manage to extract a commitment from Mosman Park Council to revisit the suggested redevelopment if we could come up with a fully costed proposal. We have been able to arrange a costing to be done.
We continually await any news of a decision being made by government for the establishment of a major ramp facility on the coast servicing the Western Suburbs and adjacent areas. (Ideally just north of Rous Head) Hopefully we may hear of decisions in the very near future which would mean a ramp available in approximately 18 months.'
Quote from BIA (Boating WA newsletter)
Great stuff BIA, congratulations on getting a response and continually pushing for the rights of Western Australians that enjoy their recreational water activities.
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