Out wide report
Heard that the first marlin, reported, for the season was caught last week, a 140kg striped on 37kg tackle that took 45mins.
Other news is that the derwent still has sambo's and pinkies on it, but if you like 200m jigging with a 4knot current then I wish you all the best.
The boys were meant to head out to the fads today, but looking at that easterly, i think they will have hid somewhere until it drops (if it drops). Most likely chased some tailor or anchored up on a shallow lump somewhere. Will get their report soon, not suprising that we had perfection weatherwise last week and its gone crap again this week, can't win!
With Gamex coming up next week, there should be some awesome pelagic reports and photo's coming in soon!!!! :)
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Date Joined: 25/07/05
Wind dropping?
Looking out the window at the swan - it sure has dropped!!!
Adam Gallash
Posts: 15655
Date Joined: 29/11/05
Monday Report
Out at the fads they managed a double hookup of dollies with one dropped and one landed. It shutdown after that and that was the end of the fads mission. Back at the jigging grounds they caught a few sambo's and got buried by something big with 80 pound line, tight drag on the saltiga - suspected was a big amberjack. On the way back in they also came accross a couple of tuna schools which provided half a dozen southern blues of small, but fun size. They also tried trolling for marlin for a while without any luck.
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