NEW Fishing licenses and West Coast restrictions.
Fishing licenses and West Coast restrictions.
The Government/Cabinet/Minister have decided. Announced 2 July. Apply from mid October 2009.
2 month closed season for West Coast demersal species 15 Oct to 15 Dec each year.
More demersal species included in the West Coast list, not just a "vulnerable 5". Coral and Coronation trout, Cods, Dhufish, Emperors, Baldchin groper and Tuskfish, Blue Groper, Hapuku, Bass groper, Trevella, Grey banded rock cod, Parrot fish, Pink Snapper, Queen snapper, Red Emperor, Red snapper, bight redfish, nannygai and swallowtail, Tropical snappers and sea perch (mangrove jack, fingermark, job fish, stripey sea perch etc.) Foxfish and Pigfish.
State wide boat licence fee $30 for any fishing from boats, (unless the activity is covered by one of the separate licences also held, eg recreational rock lobster)
West Coast demersal fishing licence from boats $150 per year, $20 for 1 day, $60 for 14 days.
Other licence fees increased to $45 each. Umbrella licence removed.
50% discounts for Pensioners and Children under 16. Children under 16 fishing with a licenced fisher don't need a Rec boat fishing licence if using part of the licenced person's daily bag limit.
EDIT EDIT 4:15PM Ignore this >>>Some ambiguity in the wording about children under 16 needing a licence, (eg demersal licence) when fishing and using part of the licenced person's daily bag limit. Understand that the intention is no licences required for this.<<< Ignore this EDIT EDIT Yes a separate licence IS required.
Shore based fishing for finfish doesn't need any licence, that means shore based catch of demersals doesn't need a demersal licence. Closed seasons for West Coast demersals applies to shore based fishing too.
Revenue raised from the new licensing system would be quarantined in a recreational fishing trust and only spent on matters related to recreational fishing.
The review reports which were part of the decisions on restrictions will be released.
Mixed bag limit for lower risk category 3 fish in the West Coast bioregion will reduce from 40 per angler to 30 and for medium risk category 2 fish from 16 to 12.
Tailor slot limit changes to only 2 fish over 50cm (previously only 2 fish over 60cm) within the unchanged 8 per day bag limit.
Review of all these after 12 months of operation.
Some details still to be explained or clarified.
Source:- Minister for Fisheries Media Statement:-
Dept of Fisheries (Added 12:14 pm)
Recfishwest Media Release
Strong reaction expected to West Coast Recreational fishing changes.
Recfishwest has predicted a public outcry over the latest measures announced by Fisheries Minister Norman Moore.
Recfishwest executive director Frank Prokop said that despite recognising the benefit of a recreational fishing licence system, his organisation did not support Minister Moore's new fee structure.
"Fees for different activities such as fishing for rock lobster, abalone, marron and fresh water species have been raised and standardised to $45 each," Mr Prokop said.
"The addition of two new licences - $30 for anyone fishing from a boat and an additional demersal fishing licence costing between $20 a day to $150 annually - means that keen anglers who want the complete suite of fishing activities will have to pay $405 per year.
"This is in stark contrast to the previous umbrella licence which cost $81."
Mr Prokop said that despite flaws in the previous umbrella licence system, Recfishwest believes at the very least, that a discount for fishers who undertake multiple licensed fisheries must be included in the new management structure.
"We agree with the plan to quarantine funds raised through the new licence system into a recreational fishing trust account," he said.
Recfishwest will be steadfast on ensuring any revenue is managed by the recreational sector for enhancement and management needs of the fish resources we access.
"Our preferred licensing model would be for a much lower fee shared amongst all recreational fishers," Mr Prokop said.
Recfishwest supports a state wide boat fishing licence, but as a step towards a general angling licence. This would spread the financial cost, allow for the needs of all fishers to be met and provide data across all recreational fisheries.
"The extremely high fee structure is obviously aimed at helping to make the recreational West Coast Demersal fishery cost recovered and we are concerned this cost will act as a financial disincentive to fishers who wish to target these species."
The commercial West Coast Demersal fishery harvests 50% of the resource, but its fee structure is not even close to being cost recovered.
However, Mr Prokop believed that there are some good elements to the package.
We support the moves to introduce new bag limits on category 2 and 3 inshore species and to fund new research into the status of these stocks.
Recfishwest strongly supported the change to the tailor slot limit to become two fish larger than 50 cm instead of two fish over 60 cm which will provide additional protection for larger tailor.
Recfishwest supports a two month closure as opposed to the four month closure proposed by the previous government.
We believe that it sends an important message to anglers that we have a part to play in managing stocks of species such as dhufish. Recfishwest believes that the government has seriously under-estimated the impact the closed season combined with extremely high demersal licence fees will have on reducing recreational participation and catch.
"The performance measures for the fishery must be developed such that they allow the recreational sector to benefit from a stock recovery. We also urge an independent assessment of the impact of these management reforms and ongoing review." Mr Prokop said.
Recfishwest is also pleased that the government did not pander to the irresponsible demands for area closures from radical marine conservation groups.
"One of the benefits of licensing is that it allows the recreational sector to have greater influence on management reforms. Recfishwest is also calling on the government to apply the same risk and cost recovery principles to Marine Park management where proponents contribute nothing financially to management."
Mr Prokop expected strong opposition to these proposals in a number of areas, especially given the extremely high cost of fishing and the contribution it already makes to the economy.
"The money MUST be used responsibly with the benefits of management being returned to recreational fishing.
After all, this is a $750 million industry and an essential component of the Western Australian way of life." Mr Prokop concluded.
ENDS Media Contacts
Frank Prokop, Executive Director - Recfishwest ph. 9246 3366 or 0419 949 118
Kane Moyle, Policy Officer - Recfishwest ph. 9246 3366 or 0403 898 432
Beavering away in the background.......

Posts: 3758
Date Joined: 05/11/07
hey mate, I agree with you
hey mate,
I agree with you definately.
But i guess if there was a plan for the revenue collected, and made public, it might make this whole process more understanding.
All we have heard is its going into a trust, and recfishwest will have access to all financial records to help administer it.
Its like the goverment saying everyone has to hand over another $200 a year to license their car.
You would get a public uproar unless it is correctly explained in detail as to why it needs increasing, and what the additional revenue is going to be used for.
the $180 for a fishing license isnt going to stop those who go out and catch fish all the time, they will pay the license and get on with it, so 10% of the recreational community will still take 90% of the fish.
Posts: 2724
Date Joined: 29/11/06
No Idea
Bob, Your living with your head in the sand, and tipify why people leave websites like this one. No idea. Every one is entitled to their option without having to worry about someone they have never met having a crack at them. Get with the program champ.
As for me raping the ocean, I've had days where I've let five legal dhuies go before deciding to keep one and I normally will only keep just enough for a feed. If I were you I'd hold off on the personal attacks and attempt to post something constructive.
The best reason for doing what's right today is tomorrow.
Posts: 3
Date Joined: 02/07/09
no idea
Soupster your the one with your head in the sand . do you even own a boat ?or do you just fish with your mate who has access to cheap fishing gear and has a big boat .Realeasing fish is nothing to bragg abount as they all suffer some form of trauma.Keeping the first size fish is far better for the fishery
Ryan Thipthorp (not verified)
Posts: 16
Date Joined: 01/01/70
Releasing fish is good to brag about as there's more for the future. Soupster doesnt release barotrauma fish so that issue isnt an issue.....we fish shallow water
Welcome to the site Coasty ;-)
Posts: 1549
Date Joined: 10/05/08
You have had days that you
You have had days that you have let 5 Dhuies go ?
That shows all the bag limits have been working, why am i seeing more Snapper now than 20 years ago ? Because off the strict bag limits and closures,,we have all been doing our bit to fish for the future and we are seeing the benefits,,you will see forum members regurly posting up their photos of great days on the water.
My problem is the so called "Independent Reasearchers that tell us certain fish are under threat,,remember its these types that killed 100 odd Dhuies in cages,,pulling them up wacking them in cages then pulling them up later and saying they don't release well (after they have been stressed out in the cage)
My point is we have all done our bit and done the right thing and now we are hit out of the blue with this,,we wanted our kids to be able to fish in the future,,but many will not be able to fish in 2010.
BTW . Bobs the nicest bloke you will ever hope to meet,,that comment may have been a little rough though,,cheers,,,
Posts: 35
Date Joined: 24/09/08
Soupster51, My apologies if
My apologies if you saw that as a personal attack on you.
Thats one each, I'll leave it at that.
I'll stand by what I said in relation to bag limits, that is the way to go, It is only a revenue raiser for the government and if you look at the media show video from minister moore, and take note of what he says, he doesent want anyone fishing, and will price everyone out of the sport or pastime, this is the start and the costs will only escalate from here on in.
Ive never caught a dhuie, and probably never will, its not important to me, I dont know if they release well or not, I can only hope that they did.
Posts: 49
Date Joined: 24/05/08
My prophesy
mmmm, Why are they just targetting West Coast Region... my prophesy-
West Coast Region - $150
Pilbara Kimberley $0
Gascoyne $0
South Coast $0
West Coast Region - $150
Pilbara Kimberley $150
Gascoyne $150
South Coast $150
big red
Posts: 62
Date Joined: 05/07/07
Just a thought
The government is attempting to cut the amount of demersals caught. Among the options available to them include the following.
1. Sanctuary / no take zones
2. Closed seasons
3. Introduction of a licencing scheme to price people out of / discourage people from fishing
4. Reduced bag limits
5. A tag system
6. A combination of the above
They have gone with a two month closed season and the pricing option. If we make enough noise, we may very well get the pricing of a licence reduced, but I reckon they will then look at introducing some of the other measures to “compensate” as they will be raising revenue, but not necessarily discouraging people from going out fishing, therefore not reducing “effort”.
The scenario may very well be something along the lines of OK guys, we’ll reduce the price of the licence, but in return there will be a closed season between October and January every year, and various sanctuary / no take zones introduced and you’ll be able to apply for a certain amount of tags for a twelve month period.
It may well be a case of be careful of what we wish / ask for!
For the record, I think the $180 for the demersal licence will not have the desired effect on fish stocks. Those who target and catch these fish regularly will pay the fee and continue to catch fish, while those that only fish occasionally (and generally don’t catch many at all) are the ones who will give it a miss. It reduces effort, but mainly only from those who have minimal impact on the fishery already.
At the end of the day, I just hope the right thing is done by the fish and all of the political crap stays out of it. Wishful thinking?
Posts: 913
Date Joined: 15/08/05
funny some of the people complaining
The guys that love the $500+ for a rod and reel but cant see the benefits of a user pay system....
People forget it costs similar money to do other activities
Kids that enjoy playing basketball beg mum and dad for $100+ joggers...
Golf membership costs lots
how many people go out on the weekend and blow $150 on booze??
movies with 2 adults and two kids with some drinks and popcorn...
Royal show???
Zoo for the day
Going to the footy
go-karting cost $20 for 7 minutes
Latest flat screen tv's and computer games
As long as the money goes into worth while projects which benefits rec anglers.....whats the problem.
Sad facts are that this 'cost' wont stop the 10% pulling 90% of the fish...or go anyway to preserving fish stocks....
good post soupster :)
Posts: 171
Date Joined: 20/04/09
yeah & how many families can
yeah & how many families can afforde to do half the stuff u mentioned mate not alot people listen to the media to much its not right what they are doing fishing should be free
sure i can afford the fees the money side dosnt realy bother me but alot of kids & families cant & its not right & if you think the moneys goin to go to the right places yeah right im sure it will fishing shouldnt be just for the rich
growing up my family could never afford these fees fishing was always free & something i could always do it didnt cost much i fished with hand lines for years & used mucles & pipies for bait to catch small fish then used them for big fish
im lucky now ive got a realy good paying job but therse alot of people that dont fishing can also stop people getting board gives kids something to do insted of hanging around getting in the shit i hate to think where i could have ended up if i didnt get into fishing you want protected stocks reduce bag limits protection zones closed seasons dont price it out of peoples reach
Posts: 913
Date Joined: 15/08/05
I hear what you are saying Wombat
And agree with you that it penalises some people...boat anglers specifically...
not kids fishing off the beach...
Just saying we have always been able to go and get some free fish doesnt wash anymore......where can you go and play golf for free
We need to be putting something back......
I would have preferred a general fishing say $30 a year...
would have raised a heap more funds from 600, 000 anglers rather that $180 from 80, 000 boat anglers...
thats said...lots of tinnie anglers are getting a poor deal compared to the people with bigger boats and flashers fish finding gear....
Posts: 1549
Date Joined: 10/05/08
I am wondering what penaltys
I am wondering what penaltys will be applied,,maybe a large amount of the revenue raised will be from fines.
A 16 year old puts his kayak in the water but decides to take the risk not paying the $180,,fine $500 ? $1000? criminal record ?
Ones thing for sure the Adult and childrens courts will be flat tack next year.
Jabba Jabba
Posts: 35
Date Joined: 02/07/09
A petition to urge the Minister to reconsider the new license scheme now has over 550 sigantures and some great comments.
Sign the petition
Check out the responces
email the Minister
Write to the Minister
Fax the Minister
Mindarie Districts Sea Sports Club
Posts: 913
Date Joined: 15/08/05
Its all about the fish
do you hear the breamers complaining....they spend mega bucks on their sport....and they let em go..... what about the gamefishermen...... what about the divers...... no noise from the crabbers either its only the meat fishers who are whining like spoilt kids.... look at the positives out of all this.....more funding for rec to buy out pro licences.....more research....more compliance officers....and the big kicker..... Maybe more fish down the track......
Posts: 1549
Date Joined: 10/05/08
Well tourism is going to
Well tourism is going to take a hit,,just read that Eastern States fishos are cancelling holidays in W.A booked through the W.A tourist commision, seems chaseing Barra in the N.T is becoming more attractive for some,,the money still stays in Australia so its not all bad i guess,,
tailor marc
Posts: 2979
Date Joined: 27/09/06
Shorty, Penaltys are listed
Penaltys are listed in end of this news story...,21598,25732593-2761,00.html
My photography pictures...
Posts: 1549
Date Joined: 10/05/08
No worrys Marc, i guess the
No worrys Marc, i guess the $100 will be for not having a boat licence and $400 for not having a demesal licence.
I would like to make a point,,some people say we spend $1000's on fishing tackle a year but i would suggest 95 % do not,,you will find the super keen fishos visit fishing forums such as this and spend most of their money on fishing products or fishing holidays.
Another thing i am wondering is when everyone starts thinking about getting dermesals licences in late December will the fisherys department be open ? Maybe i am just wondering ?
Its been interesting reading the different opinions and it will be interesting how things play out over the next few months,fishing used to be a stress free recreation but it causes me more stress as each day goes by,,lol
Posts: 2773
Date Joined: 08/07/08
Well hopefully I've done my bit
I've cut and pasted all the petitions and addresses to all my friends and send via email, so lets hope something comes out of it. Personally we don't mind paying the license for fishing, but this is going to hit the hip pocket of the average family with kids. I'm not adding anymore think we've all said, its now got page 3
Love to see Norman Moore's office mail bag this morning and the amount of emails sent over the week-end, wonder if he'll be on the TV tonight's news with the enormous results from us all?
Ginger Tablets Rock
Posts: 271
Date Joined: 15/05/06
Hard to fathom...
The need for action is/was clear. The amount of action was well documented (50% reduction in take of those at-risk species).
On one level - I am happy to hear a dramatic action which shakes up the status quo.
One another there seem to be other better ways to do it - more equitably.
And on yet another - well, in the scheme of things, I dont think we necessarily have a right to take fish out of the ocean - it is more of a privilege that is granted to us by the rest of the community - though I accept that people feel as though it is a right. I think user-pays in general is fine. And in the scheme of things, it is not alot of money to pay if it really does what it intends to do.
However, it is a bit weird to say the least - alone, the licence fee is not likely to cause a dramatic reduction in catch cos despite what some people have written here, it is NOT more cost-effective to drive to Windy Harbour or Carnarvon to avoid the West Coast Bioregion, and it is still well worth your while to pay $180 for a years worth of catching some of the best eating fish you can find on the planet. Hence those people that catch most of the fish will pay, and continue to do so. Or not pay, and continue to do so. The closed season is great IMO. But the licensing surely wont cut the catch much.
The socio-economic bias is highly concerning - any financial dis-incentive obviously favours the richer amongst us. I went fishing for dhuies with mates who have boats twice last year and loved every second of it. But I will have to think about paying $150 to do that this year, as I am recently a pauper. So I wont be helping out my mates with decky duties or fuel money or knowledge cos (maybe - still deciding) if I cant afford the license. A more wealthy mate who can afford it gets to go...not fair!!
By aiming to price a section of people out of the activity, there will consequently be a large number of fishers (participating or non-participating) who are not licenced. Therefore actual numbers and effort of rec fishing is more difficult to ascertain. A lower fee which pretty much everyone will pay will result in a better understanding of participation rates, etc, etc.
Raising money for research and compliance - excellent and required. Research and compliance costs for each section of the rec fisher community should be strategically designed and then license fees structured accordingly. Perhaps they have. Perhaps it simply costs alot per capita for the research and compliance over such a vast state. In fact it does cost an awful lot to do even the most basic marine research - if funds arent provided through normal tax revenue (and they basically aren't) then we need to pay. If it costs alot, we need to pay alot. Why should someone in Kalgoorlie pay higher taxes to cover fishery research...etc
But pricing people out of the fishery is not fair or effective. It changes the fishing dynamic to cut-out occasional, lifestyle fishers in favour of hard-core meat fishers - who are the ones catching the most fish.
BUT - having said all of that - I actually sort of agree with some of the comparisons which show it is not a large cost in the scheme of things. To ensure (and we must make sure that it does) a sustainable fishery in the long term, I think that the cost is acceptable, and affordable, at the end of the day.
How much does the fuel cost you to go fishing on one single fishing trip? yet you pay that without blinking. Fuel price fluctuations would amount to more than $150 per year for your average boating fuel bill, yet are accepted, or have little influence on behaviour.
Regos, safety gear, new epirbs. Boat name stickers or painting, the latest echo sounders or GPS - I bet it wasnt too much to pay $500 for a GPS when they came in, if it results in more fish. Well, so should more money for research and management. Any fisho who says they bought a GPS for safety is lying.
Do you buy mulies or occy? Lures? how much do these cost you per year? are they necessary, or luxuries? (i.e. you could catch your own bait, and lets be honest - the fish dont care if you use a 15-year old favourite lure, or the latest and greatest $25 model)
How much did your last fishing reel cost? What were the words you used to justify that to your spouse or to yourself? Just use the same ones when you pay the fee.
Anyone with fishing bling (you know who you are) loses the right to complain about this fee IMO. For example if you have more than 2 rods for any given purpose, if any of the fishing gear has gold on it (lol). People who fish on the cheap can complain plenty!! haha sort of just kidding - but the general sentiment remains. Think about what you spend and on what before getting too worked up about it!
I reckon personally I will pay it day by day ($20/day). Thinking in terms of what I get for it, it doesnt seem so bad. $20 is about 3 pints which gives about 2 hours of enjoyment at a pub. Say $60 for a day of fishing ($20 for licence, $40 for fuel or so) equates to at least 6 hours of fishing enjoyment - that's OK. And if I get a big one, I get 5 - 10 meals of delicious fish. It all works out for me personally. As Andy breaks it down for more regular fishers - it doesnt add very much in todays money to a per-trip costing.
I will still be writing to relevant people to advocate that there are better options as described by others here - but if it goes through then at the end of the day I dont feel too bad about it, in the trust that the desired outcome is achieved. It will cost me more, and I dont have much money, so I will have to buy one less carton of beer per year to be able to afford a cray licence. Catch more public transport, fill up the fuel tank one less time, to be able to afford an abalone license. Buy one less footy ticket to pay for a day of fishing. And so on...the world still turns.
Andy Mac
Posts: 4778
Date Joined: 03/02/06
Very well said Ewan
That last post basically says it all.
I for one will grin and bear it but that doesn't mean I agree that a price deterrant is an effective management tool in this instance, when as I pointed out in one of my first posts in this thread, that those who kill the pig now will continue to kill the pig at the grand sum of a few dollars per trip added to their cost.
Infrequent fishers (vast majority) will be the ones who get stung. But in my opinion, whilst they comprise a fair amount of Demersal effort, they anecdotaly only comprise a small amount of the Demersal extraction (big difference). That's why the proposed license structure is a very blunt instrument and does little to target the people doing the most damage.
Not sure of the correct alternatives, but I will bet there won;t be any easy ones that don't invoke some degree of pain for us rec fisho's, otherwise quite frankly they would be pointless implementing.
We can argue the price disparity but I think we all accept that far more aggressive management measures are long overdhu.
Andy Mac (Fishwrecked Reeltime Editor & Forum Moderator)
Youngest member of the Fishwrecked Old Farts Club
Posts: 272
Date Joined: 17/05/07
whilst I agree in principal with a fishing licence, we had them for a long time in the UK and i would be happy to pay one here.
but this seems more like more miking of the cash cow that boaties seem to be regarded as.
if they were serious about protecting fish stocks why not introduce a closed season on each species,ie one year ban on taking snapper, next year dhuies,next year groper etc etc
at least it would give each species a break and stocks a chance to recover
just my ten bobs worth
Posts: 46
Date Joined: 10/04/08
went in and handed mine in
went in and handed mine in to the ministers office as well as faxed it 10 times and emailed it ten times just to make sure
I agree with the rules in place all be it apart from the 405$ even $200 would be reasonable but that amount of money breaks up families fishing, and i feel sorry for the bloke just trying to make ends meet and now has to fork out that amount of money to enjoy himself on the water.
I have been a fisheries officer would never work for them again and would hate to be one now, trying to enforce those rules and regs.
I manage a retail outdoors outlet I hate to think the impact this will have leading into christmas, typical government not thinking about the follow on affect this type of action has, and jeez feel sorry for the bait guys, have to close up shop 2 months coming into busiest period
I would expect the licence fee to come down. They will probally cut it in half to try and make the public seem that they are reasoning with the public.
I just hope the money stays in the fisheries department and original funding dosent gets taken away I garuantee it will.
Posts: 207
Date Joined: 05/04/09
I'm all for getting a
I'm all for getting a licence for fishing, but why cant it be per boat not per person on the boat? I have a wife and 4 kids who like going out on my boat. At the moment the minimum it would cost me per year is 300 dollars, but what about when the kids get to the age of needing a licence? That cost would jump to 900 minimum. As it is i'm struggling with the mortgage, power increases and gas increases. Fishing was a cheap way to take the kids out on the boat for a day and have some fun, now i'm just not going to be able to go out with them with the hope of getting a good feed (these kids love there seafood). We'll just have to go to Hillarys and fight the crowd to catch some herring or maybe a tailor, and I wont be able to fish cause i'll be untangling everyones line. They should have a licence like the eastern states where its a set amount for three years. I'm not saying it should be the same amount as there because our coastline is much vaster but it should be significantly lower than what they're proposing now. And why cant they do a licence on the size of boat your using, less for tinnys and gradually increase the amount the bigger the boat, but there would have to be a cut off point so it dosn't get to expensive
People who haven't caught a big fish just don't get it
Posts: 1
Date Joined: 19/07/09
Discriminatory Fishing Fees
Whilst I am not against the new licence fee, I am disgusted that only boaties are required to pay it.
Every week I read reports in WA publications stating that shore based anglers target and capture demersal finfish species, yet they are exempt? Why? They are catching exactly the same species as boaties, as far as I can tell.
My guess is, it is easier for fisheries officers to sit at the boat ramp and begin milking the fishing cash cow by walking up to each returning boatie and begin a search and siezure than actually get off their behinds and patrol the whole coastline.
Maybe I need to tether that pesky pinkie that keeps stealing my dhuie bait and use him as a shark lure ;-)
EVJ Timmers
Posts: 53
Date Joined: 01/01/09
what a load of sh...
..........dont no what to say im that pissed
Posts: 896
Date Joined: 25/05/09
i think this is pathetic ,
i think this is pathetic , now we have to pay to fish what a joke 1 always the same the big hob nobs have to stick there heads in. charging everyone 150 bucks n more money aint gonig to fix the problem
living is fishing
Posts: 1549
Date Joined: 10/05/08
Well its seems its over with
Well its seems its over with the new fishing rules announced in the papers,,i thought August 11th it gets tabled in Parilement ? I don't know,,looks like a done deal now and any more talk is to late ?
Will start saving my pennys
Posts: 35
Date Joined: 24/09/08
Fishing licence Rip off
I dont know Shorty, it's never too late, I actually got a response from the premiers's office, nothing from the fisheries minister though.
I dont mind a licence fee,keep it in line with the rest of the country, This B/S fee is not going to have any effect on reducing the catch, those that are able will be out there catching as many demersal fish they can, and taking their bag limit home every day, There is nothing to say they cant fish every day of the week, so thats bag limit times 7 equals a heap of scale fish.
I wont pay the $150.00 on principal,I'll pay the boat fee but thats it.
Posts: 231
Date Joined: 03/07/09
Normans New TAX
Dear all, I have written to the Minister and signed various petitions. HAVE YOU!!
It seems a degree of apathy as usual with these issues. I have responded to the Ministers reply and have included some of the fee structure from another fisho Buz. When you compare the sheer greed and size of the fee we really should be doing what the French farmers would be doing when their Government steps out of line.
9) Sustainable fishing, In the past, I cannot actually recall taking the bag limit…… Now when I go out; will I; and all of the others; if they pay this tax, now be thinking I’m going to catch enough to pay for the license and then fish the hell out of this ground? Or will they be thinking, “oh that’s right I’ve just been hit with this huge tax to go fishing I’m just going out for a nice day on the water of catch and release….?? What do you think?
10) Costs; For my family could you confirm the costs for my wife, my eldest son, and myself fishing will therefore add up to, $30 x 3 = $90; $150 x 3 = $450, Lobster license 1 x $45, Abalone License 1 x $45, and if I use a throw net for bait 1 x $45,
Total annual cost fishing license’s = $675, add to this the rego hike for Boat registration, fuel etc and I have to say you’re successfully destroying the “Australian” way of life.
11) Is it correct that the fee to register a boat under 9.99m has risen from $124.30 to $233.10 and boats between 10m and 20m the fees would rise from $231.70 to $506.90 ? Could you advise the justification for a rise of approximately 90%
These are the posted fees from other states;
Just out of interest some of the other states licenses costs and comparison of WA three people fishing for three years on the licenses listed.
N.S.W all recreational fishing 3 Days $6.00 1 Month $12.00 1 Year $30.00 3 Years $75.00 Comparison – (3) years NSW for 3 people =$225 (3) years fishing WA for (3) people = $2025 or equal to NINE years fishing in NSW
Victoria all recreational fishing 2 Day $6.00 28 Day $12.00 1 Year $24.50 3 Year $66.00
Tasmania For sea fishing with rod and line no license required. For any of the below: -abalone -rock lobster dive (fisher must be over 10 years old) -rock lobster pot (fisher must be over 10 years old) -rock lobster ring (fisher must be over 10 years old) -graball net, mullet net, beach seine net -scallop 1 Year $44.80 for initial license then an additional $6.40 for each other type Comparison – (3) years Tasmania for 3 people =$192 (3) years fishing WA for (3) people = $2025 or equal to 10.5 years fishing in Tasmania
Freshwater fishing 1 Day $15.00 1 Year $52.00
Oueensland Only for 33 freshwater impoundments and dams 1 Week $7.00 1 Year $35.00 Comparison – (3) years Queensland for 3 people =$315 (3) years fishing WA for (3) people = $2025 or equal to 6.4 years fishing in QLD.
A.C.T No recreational fishing licenses
S.A No recreational fishing licenses (there are plans to introduce one)
N.T No recreational fishing license.
For only fishing from boats (Don't know why they dont apply it to everyone like every other state with recreational fishing licenses) 1 Year $30.00 For other special fishing activites 1 Year Crayfish $45.00 Abalone $45.00 Marron $45.00 Netting $45.00 Freshwater $45.00 For anyone fishing for demersal species in the West Coast Region(Black Point to Kalbarri). 1 Day $30.00 2 Weeks $60.00 1 Year $150.00
Hmmmm seems to me a bit of a difference from other states that have been doing pretty well managing their fisheries over the past decade, including for QLD, NSW, VIC and TAS stocking their dams and impoundments. End quote. The above was taken from the Fishwrecked web site see ( ) specifically ( ) with another user having done some more homework.
Could you detail your justification for such a HUGE fee comparatively to the other states, and please don’t use the more fisheries officers excuse.
Could you please answer these specific questions and not sent another “Corporate” reply.
And for all the NON-boaties don’t think you’re in the clear; quote from the MINISTER;
"While it remains free to fish from a beach or jetty, the government will continue to carefully monitor all of our fish stocks and will introduce further measures, if necessary to ensure that not only are existing stocks maintained but that over time they rebuild to ensure that our children and their children can enjoy recreational fishing." end quote. How can you even hope to justify your tax?
"Life wasn't meant to be a spectator sport"
Posts: 35
Date Joined: 24/09/08
fishing licence
How much did it cost us to have a referendum on daylight saving.
How many people are paying for a licence for less daylight,more daylight ??????
You have lost my vote.
I received a reply from minister moore, same as every one else I expect, no answers to questions, just one of his helpers sticking mass produced media releases into envelopes and mailing them off..Why do we pay taxes???answer,So Politicians can get paid for doing nothing except slug the worker.
Its just too exorbitant Mr Moore, get real.
Posts: 231
Date Joined: 03/07/09
Proforma letter
If your serious about a fishery, there are many things that can be done BESIDES TAXING the boaties. Sell tags at $5 $10 or $20 each. Have an extended closed system, no problem. So if I'm out fishing for whiting.... Hook a Dhuie..... have NOT paid the $150 because I'm only chasing whiting, and he dies... What do I now do with the fish?? Throw it back for the gulls????? If I take it in do I then get fined$$$$$$ If I have a tag, then I tag him, and keep him........ If; as usual for me, I only catch whiting....... I've still got the tags in the tackle box. I got the sanitised Moore response to my letter, no answers to questions so I've got another letter ready to go. I don't know if I'm breaking the rules but I have downloaded a letter for the "Western Angler" site that ONLY needs you to insert the Politicians name, your name and address and sign it...... SURELY, SURELY, THAT'S not to hard........ I DON'T want everyone to be out there FISHING HARD to recoup the cost of this outrageous TAX... this minister is well out of order..... PLEASE TAKE THE TIME TO DOWNLOAD THE LETTER FILL IN THE BLANKS AND SEND TO YOUR LOCAL POLITICIAN.
This is the site
cheers shane
"Life wasn't meant to be a spectator sport"
Posts: 231
Date Joined: 03/07/09
Land based fishos your next!!!
ref Colin Hays comment "(The minister may use) other methods to cut back fishing activity in an interview on the ABC. I can see fishing licences for everyone next."
And for all the NON-boaties don’t think you’re in the clear; quote from the MINISTER;
Below is the second last paragraph of the reply I received, it said; QUOTE
"While it remains free to fish from a beach or jetty, the government will continue to carefully monitor all of our fish stocks and will introduce further measures, if necessary to ensure that not only are existing stocks maintained but that over time they rebuild to ensure that our children and their children can enjoy recreational fishing." end quote.
"Life wasn't meant to be a spectator sport"
Posts: 64
Date Joined: 10/07/08
Posts: 231
Date Joined: 03/07/09
"Fishing Tax Grab" YOU can action
Below is a very informative reply from
To WIN this , YOU NEED TO HELP yourselves.
"Hi Shane
Thanks for the informative email and well done with your research and letters. Please promote and the template letters wherever you wish, it will assist the objective of disallowance of the harsh regulations in the Parliament. The key to success is to achieve the numbers for a successful disallowance motion either in the Legislative Assembly or the Legislative Council, and that is the focus of the campaign. Most people are not aware that regulations are open to disallowance in Parliament. The necessary regulations haven't been Gazetted yet, then they must be tabled in Parliament. Regards Neil
-----Original Message-----
From: Sent: Wednesday, August 5, 2009 01:37 AM
To: Subject: Ministers reply Tax Grab <> <>
Dear Tax grab fighters,
I've been on another website , and have written to the Norman Moore and received this reply. I've another letter ready to go and I'm going to target as many Ministers as possible, please see attached list. Would it be Ok If I post your letter on the other web site.
I've been commenting on a proposal to have a " Boats in the City" campaign to disrupt Perth CBD with all Boating Fishos trailering their boats into the city at say 0800 hrs and 1630 hrs to show our level of anger at this tax gab.
I'm all for other options and have a heap of info on fee's charged in other states as attached. Would it be Ok to post your letters on the other website?
regards shane
This web site has a proforma letter you can print sign scan and send, please make the effort.
I sent an email off today and they came straight back, and honestly; I'd spend a hell of alot more $$$ to defeat Norman Moore than this License will cost me because it's a rort.
Politicians web sites.
Norman Moore is the Minister for fisheries the others were taken from the web page according to those I thought I needed to petition.
Norman Moore Minister for Fisheries / or
Midland / Michele Roberts,
Port Hedland / Pilbara /
Albert Jacob / MLA LIB
Geraldton / ian.blayney Carine /
Tony Krsticevic /
Kimberley /
Rockingham /
Warnbro /
See this web page or look up Western Australian Government
"Life wasn't meant to be a spectator sport"
Posts: 231
Date Joined: 03/07/09
Minister inundated
Got a few replys so far. Albert Jacob Ocean Reef says quote," Thankyou for your email, I have been inundated with contact on this issue and. as a result, will be focusing on those constituents from Ocean Reef. I would suggest you should contact your local MLA or the Ministers office directly." end quote. Ian Blayney of Geraldton is one of Norman Moores colleagues so he said not interested and sent me the same letter I got from Norm with a different letter head. Now the reason I wrote to him was that he said in the West Australian that he had, had "very little response to the proposed changes". Believe that as you will..... So for those of you out there who have been writing in; keep it up. cheers shane
"Life wasn't meant to be a spectator sport"
Posts: 35
Date Joined: 24/09/08
Licence tax grab Petition
I have been hitting the local boat ramps with a petition and am getting signatures, I had a meeting with a local MLA and he is keen to further the cause, he to likes to go and have a fish.
Francis Logan at Cockburn, call his office on 9414 3266, he will send some to you, or pop into his office(next door to bank of QLD) at Cockburn shopping centre and sigh the petition he has there.
Apparently 11,000 signatures have been collected from the boat show and elsewhere and just shows how much these new fees need to be rationalised.