NEW Fishing licenses and West Coast restrictions.

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Fishing licenses and West Coast restrictions.

The Government/Cabinet/Minister have decided. Announced 2 July. Apply from mid October 2009.

2 month closed season for West Coast demersal species 15 Oct to 15 Dec each year.

More demersal species included in the West Coast list, not just a "vulnerable 5". Coral and Coronation trout, Cods, Dhufish, Emperors, Baldchin groper and Tuskfish, Blue Groper, Hapuku, Bass groper, Trevella, Grey banded rock cod, Parrot fish, Pink Snapper, Queen snapper, Red Emperor, Red snapper, bight redfish, nannygai and swallowtail, Tropical snappers and sea perch (mangrove jack, fingermark, job fish, stripey sea perch etc.) Foxfish and Pigfish.

State wide boat licence fee $30 for any fishing from boats, (unless the activity is covered by one of the separate licences also held, eg recreational rock lobster)

West Coast demersal fishing licence from boats $150 per year, $20 for 1 day, $60 for 14 days.

Other licence fees increased to $45 each. Umbrella licence removed.

50% discounts for Pensioners and Children under 16.  Children under 16 fishing with a licenced fisher don't need a Rec boat fishing licence if using part of the licenced person's daily bag limit.

EDIT EDIT 4:15PM Ignore this >>>Some ambiguity in the wording about children under 16 needing a licence, (eg demersal licence) when fishing and using part of the licenced person's daily bag limit. Understand that the intention is no licences required for this.<<< Ignore this   EDIT EDIT Yes a separate licence IS required.

Shore based fishing for finfish doesn't need any licence, that means shore based catch of demersals doesn't need a demersal licence. Closed seasons for West Coast demersals applies to shore based fishing too.

Revenue raised from the new licensing system would be quarantined in a recreational fishing trust and only spent on matters related to recreational fishing.

The review reports which were part of the decisions on restrictions will be released.

Mixed bag limit for lower risk category 3 fish in the West Coast bioregion will reduce from 40 per angler to 30 and for medium risk category 2 fish from 16 to 12.

Tailor slot limit changes to only 2 fish over 50cm (previously only 2 fish over 60cm) within the unchanged 8 per day bag limit.

Review of all these after 12 months of operation.

Some details still to be explained or clarified.

Source:- Minister for Fisheries Media Statement:-

Dept of Fisheries   (Added 12:14 pm)

Recfishwest Media Release

Strong reaction expected to West Coast Recreational fishing changes.

Recfishwest has predicted a public outcry over the latest measures announced by Fisheries Minister Norman Moore.

Recfishwest executive director Frank Prokop said that despite recognising the benefit of a recreational fishing licence system, his organisation did not support Minister Moore's new fee structure.

"Fees for different activities such as fishing for rock lobster, abalone, marron and fresh water species have been raised and standardised to $45 each," Mr Prokop said.

"The addition of two new licences - $30 for anyone fishing from a boat and an additional demersal fishing licence costing between $20 a day to $150 annually - means that keen anglers who want the complete suite of fishing activities will have to pay $405 per year.

"This is in stark contrast to the previous umbrella licence which cost $81."

Mr Prokop said that despite flaws in the previous umbrella licence system, Recfishwest believes at the very least, that a discount for fishers who undertake multiple licensed fisheries must be included in the new management structure.

"We agree with the plan to quarantine funds raised through the new licence system into a recreational fishing trust account," he said.

Recfishwest will be steadfast on ensuring any revenue is managed by the recreational sector for enhancement and management needs of the fish resources we access.

"Our preferred licensing model would be for a much lower fee shared amongst all recreational fishers," Mr Prokop said.

Recfishwest supports a state wide boat fishing licence, but as a step towards a general angling licence. This would spread the financial cost, allow for the needs of all fishers to be met and provide data across all recreational fisheries.

"The extremely high fee structure is obviously aimed at helping to make the recreational West Coast Demersal fishery cost recovered and we are concerned this cost will act as a financial disincentive to fishers who wish to target these species."

The commercial West Coast Demersal fishery harvests 50% of the resource, but its fee structure is not even close to being cost recovered.

However, Mr Prokop believed that there are some good elements to the package.

We support the moves to introduce new bag limits on category 2 and 3 inshore species and to fund new research into the status of these stocks.

Recfishwest strongly supported the change to the tailor slot limit to become two fish larger than 50 cm instead of two fish over 60 cm which will provide additional protection for larger tailor.

Recfishwest supports a two month closure as opposed to the four month closure proposed by the previous government.

We believe that it sends an important message to anglers that we have a part to play in managing stocks of species such as dhufish. Recfishwest believes that the government has seriously under-estimated the impact the closed season combined with extremely high demersal licence fees will have on reducing recreational participation and catch.

"The performance measures for the fishery must be developed such that they allow the recreational sector to benefit from a stock recovery. We also urge an independent assessment of the impact of these management reforms and ongoing review." Mr Prokop said.

Recfishwest is also pleased that the government did not pander to the irresponsible demands for area closures from radical marine conservation groups.

"One of the benefits of licensing is that it allows the recreational sector to have greater influence on management reforms. Recfishwest is also calling on the government to apply the same risk and cost recovery principles to Marine Park management where proponents contribute nothing financially to management."

Mr Prokop expected strong opposition to these proposals in a number of areas, especially given the extremely high cost of fishing and the contribution it already makes to the economy.

"The money MUST be used responsibly with the benefits of management being returned to recreational fishing.

After all, this is a $750 million industry and an essential component of the Western Australian way of life." Mr Prokop concluded.

ENDS Media Contacts

Frank Prokop, Executive Director - Recfishwest ph. 9246 3366 or 0419 949 118
Kane Moyle, Policy Officer - Recfishwest ph. 9246 3366 or 0403 898 432

Beavering away in the background.......

Andy Mac's picture

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Charter Boats?

Thu, 2009-07-02 11:35

Are they exempt or do you need to purchase a "day license" as part of your fare?




Andy Mac (Fishwrecked Reeltime Editor & Forum Moderator)

Youngest member of the Fishwrecked Old Farts Club

Colin Hay's picture

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Andy, according to Mr Moore's press release

Thu, 2009-07-02 11:43

"From mid-October, people fishing from a boat anywhere in the State (including those fishing from charter boats) will need a $30 licence and people targeting demersal scalefish will need an additional, specific, demersal licence."


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Thu, 2009-07-02 11:49

just read that press release.




Andy Mac (Fishwrecked Reeltime Editor & Forum Moderator)

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More details

Thu, 2009-07-02 11:45


More details

Charters are not exempt.

Beavering away in the background.......



mako magic's picture

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just another kick in the

Thu, 2009-07-02 11:50

just another kick in the teeth and especially hard for charter boats thats for sure, they say the money will be put away for future fishing..........................i think it will be put away for more studies to shaft us fishos even more personally

Andy Mac's picture

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Tough for families

Thu, 2009-07-02 12:10

Not so bad for individuals.


10 months 1 trip a month min adds aboput $18 to a trip out, half that if its 2 trips a month.


But a family of 4 or more will cop a big hit to go fishing unless they stick to whiting and herring.


This will certainly hit a nerve with a big number of people.


I'll be checking licenses with deckies if this comes in. No license = no fishing. Lack of deckies with licenses will be an impact on fishing time too if you need an extra hand to put the boat in and out.


Would love to know how much extra they plan to spend on enforcing this, as I'll be big time peed off if I end up paying for a license and they let others get away with not paying without penalty.



Andy Mac (Fishwrecked Reeltime Editor & Forum Moderator)

Youngest member of the Fishwrecked Old Farts Club

mako magic's picture

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thinking the same there

Thu, 2009-07-02 12:15

thinking the same there Andy, imagine going out for a fish here and there as a family,very expensive, i think the need to rethink a family rate etc for sure.


Seems to be the government is saying bend over and while you at it hand over $180 thanks.



Colin Hay's picture

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Apparantly kids will not have to have a licence

Thu, 2009-07-02 13:17

According to Frank Pocock from Recfishwest who was just speaking on the ABC


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yeh, thats right...just

Thu, 2009-07-02 13:20

yeh, thats right...just their fish fall under their parents bag limits.....


being shafted folks...end of story....

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We're a family of 6 and

Thu, 2009-07-02 12:20

We're a family of 6 and often take out uncles and cousins with us. It is gonna cost a fortune??!!! CryYell I have a feeling that the only thing they're seeing is $$$

Dale's picture

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I'm not going to pay any of

Thu, 2009-07-02 12:29

I'm not going to pay any of this, the bloody tax grabbing nazi liberal government. I'd rather sell my boat and all my gear before bending over to this.




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wicksey's picture

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why not charge the

Thu, 2009-07-02 12:30

why not charge the commercials the same rate of increase (ie. 500% increase) and see where that gets them. wankers.

Buz's picture

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Think i am going to move

Thu, 2009-07-02 12:44

Think i am going to move outside of the West Coast Region. I hear they still get all the good southern demersal species out from Windy Harbour and Walpole. Alternatively Carnarvon is far enough North. Seems to me for anyone willing to go the distace, which i know i am, they will just go and fish for these species outside the West Coast Region and not have to pay the $150.

I have three friends that work in Fisheries and they are absolutly blown away at how retarded these new laws are. Considering their latest recruitment was supposed to intake around 30 Fisheries Officers. But was cut back, so only 8 got jobs, which from what they tell me was only to replace Officers who had left.

And hey if they can barley enforce laws in the Metro areas i wonder how they are going to enforce laws in the remote areas of W.A. E.g Kimberly, Pilbara, Far South Coast?

Always the N.T and S.A aswell. Hahaha :)

roberta's picture

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The only Fisheries you see in Leeman

Thu, 2009-07-02 12:55

300klms up the coast are the volunteer red shirts that are gathering infor for fisheries.

Yes Carnarvaon is looking better and better all the time to live there


Ginger Tablets Rock


roberta's picture

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Can't believe this but I know one thing

Thu, 2009-07-02 12:53

I didn't vote for these money hungry wankers.  I believe we should look after our fish stock but as usual the working man/women is always hit in the pocket.  The only thing this is good for as please JMO are the murderers that go out day after day fishing for all fish, these are the A$#@holes we are being penalized for, the very greedy fisherman that doesn't give a damn fishings gets his/her bag everyday (weather permitting) and the sells his/her catch and this also includes crayfish, squid & crabs.

So lets get this right Bob and I go fishing so this means we have to have two licenses and depending on how long we stipulate we are fishing is going to cost us heaps lets ad it up now

License for your boat

                        boat trailer

                        crayfishing & other licenses for netting marron etc

 now a license to go fishing in a boat   I know one thing I'm never never ever going to give any information to a  red shirt volunteer fisheries .  thats it      


Ginger Tablets Rock


crasny1's picture

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Wanted something like this, but not THIS

Thu, 2009-07-02 13:06

Mate that is a bit steep. If I was down south I would always have Marron, FW, crays and net. Not into Abs. Up here in Karratha its net (cast) and crays.

I thought they would bring in a demersal lic but the rate is steep.

Still havent fully digested it.



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Andy Mac's picture

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Here's an interesting perspective from left field

Thu, 2009-07-02 13:06

If you are used to going fishing every week or even several times a week and doing very well on dhuies and other demersals, you shouldn't be getting too upset by all this  as the cost will be absolutely bugger all per trip and you will have half the ocean to yourself as those that go out far less frequently consider giving it all away due to the significantly higher costs per trip involved (especially if they would be lucky to catch a V10 or 20 or whatever it is now as their reward).


When you look at the 20% that get 80% of the catch it certainly favours them (though still at a cost) but really stitches up the 80% who struggle to go fishing as often or as successfully. I took my boat out a grand total of 5 times last year. (plenty more this year but still maybe only once a fortnight if I'm lucky) Intention and end result are two very different things when it comes to getting the boat out. 


Some tough decisions will be made in coming months I'm sure, as people grasp with the notion of

  • "how many times do I think I will be out there fishing for demersals?"
  • Do I pay as I go or punt on an annual fee?
  • Do I change species targets to avoid the cost?
  • Do I sell the boat and fly the white flag and take up gardening?

Loads of differing views and actions no doubt.


Now would be a good time for the govt to announce a Dam stocking program to shift some of the effort to freshwater impoundments similar to over east. - just a suggestion.

Interesting times for sure, but no real surprise other than the extent of the cost structure, that clearly needs to be reviewed for multi-license holders and families.




Andy Mac (Fishwrecked Reeltime Editor & Forum Moderator)

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Andy, DEC are trying to shut

Thu, 2009-07-02 14:52


DEC are trying to shut down freshwater fishing WA...forget about impoundments!

The cost of my freshwater licence has jumped to $45, for the right to access a fishery that is shrinking each year as less and less waterways are allowed to be stocked with trout.


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this is bullshit , they can

Thu, 2009-07-02 13:09

this is bullshit , they can get farked . What else do we have to pay for in this world . If they did there job n stoped illegal trawlers and fishing vessels in australian waters and actually prosecuted them / hung the bastards , our fish stocks would be a bit better , also the fact that what do trawlers bring up ? A net full of what do they call them TABLE SNAPPER , that are like 30cm long . Trawlers should be the blame , at least we take fish of sizeable standards , n what happens to the fish that are small and dead , or over there limit of that certain species in the nets of trawlers ? they throw the lot back . Not only do they get bulk fish most of which are undersized, but they are the people to blame for the majority of damage to reefs and the oceans floor. yes they have to make a living aswell , but come on sustainable fishing. 500 tonnes of fish from one or two trawlers , that is alot of fish.. Now we have to pay more farkin money to fish . what a load of shit. this government is pathetic .  


living is fishing

UncutTriggerInWA's picture

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The money grab continues

Thu, 2009-07-02 13:12

Landfill levies up 300%, power/gas up, everything is UP BIG TIME since this Gov't came to power after a deal they could never afford.

This is disgusting news for recreational families. I agree with comments that this money will bypass the real management of rec fishing and end up in state revenue somewhere, just like the landfill levies.

So much for the poor buggers who fill in as deckies. Either they won't be allowed on the boat by the skipper or they won't be able to afford it. It's all getting too hard folks...


Work smart and fish often.
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Andy Mac's picture

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Thu, 2009-07-02 13:24

Deckies paying their day license might get a bit narky with the skipper if he/she doesn't put them onto a dhuie for the day = More pressure for the skipper. Not good all round.


This is going to take time to sink in and work out what to do. Certainly the biggest change to metro rec fishing in my lifetime.



Andy Mac (Fishwrecked Reeltime Editor & Forum Moderator)

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even though libs are in here

Thu, 2009-07-02 13:14

even though libs are in here , Kevin Rudd has farked the country inside out


living is fishing

scotto's picture

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you just nailed it mate. no

Thu, 2009-07-02 21:19

you just nailed it mate.

no such thing as something for nothing.

Andy Mac's picture

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Is a Kayak a boat?

Thu, 2009-07-02 13:18

My guess is yes... but.....

Hmmmm, if its not then I might have to join the paddle brigade or can see  a business opportunity for charter boys where you offer to tow the kayak boys out to demersal territory for a fee.Laughing



Andy Mac (Fishwrecked Reeltime Editor & Forum Moderator)

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Shorty's picture

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Time to get a kayak lads ,no

Thu, 2009-07-02 13:18

Time to get a kayak lads ,no mention of them in the package Cool

If there was i am sure none of us will pay,,they will not get my name and i have no numbers on the yak .

Albee Mangles's picture

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Good thought but no polony...

Thu, 2009-07-02 14:42

I rang fisheries thismorning and asked the question, kayaks are boats too, so even if you go 50m of the beach and chase herring, your included.



Colin Hay's picture

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That proves it is a money grab

Thu, 2009-07-02 14:48

I am not sure how they are going to police all the yak fishermen though. I can see them setting up at boat ramps to check people for licences, but how are they going to keep up with all the yakkers.


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Shorty's picture

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Fisherys > "Whats your names

Thu, 2009-07-02 15:32

Fisherys > "Whats your names ?"

Yakkers > "Get stuffed"

Fisherys> "You under arrest !!!"

 Yakkers > "Bully for you, are you going to jump in and try and get the handcuffs on me ?"

Fisherys > "We can do this the hard way,,we can wait all day if nessary"

Yakkers > "We have enough water to spend all night and all the next night,plus we can peddle into shallow water where you can't go "

Fisherys >" Look you are being really silly the police will be here soon do yourself a favorand give your name and address and stop playing the fool,,you could end up with a big fine "

Yakkers> See all the Digis filming you,,see Marc Russo over there takeing piccys,,all the money from A current Affair and the West Australian will pay the fines,,now go and do something useful Cool

Colin Hay's picture

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The Minister said the Government will be considering

Thu, 2009-07-02 13:21

other methods to cut back fishing activity in an interview on the ABC.

I can see fishing licences for everyone next.


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Iceman's picture

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Money Grab

Thu, 2009-07-02 13:22

I agree with all on this. This is just another money grab by the state Gov't. 3 of us go fishing and it will cost $540 for licences etc, in addition to increases in boat and trailer licence. We pay enough in taxes when buying fuel, bait and tackle. Why not have a licence that covers the boat and have it tiered depending on the size or to cover a max number of people on the boat.


Smartline Personal Mortgage Advisers - Level 1, 11 Hobsons Gate Currambine 


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a across the board fishing

Thu, 2009-07-02 13:25

a across the board fishing licence for individuals, and a boat licence for fishing would be far better imo. as this new proposal stands, alot of money will change hands....doubt it will be spent in the industry as stated....


what happens if its a last minute trip due to a turn in the weather?? no can do deckie... nowhere is open to buy your day pass!!


 a flawed poorly thought out plan, that is simply revenue raising at its best!

Posts: 65

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The more i'm reading about

Thu, 2009-07-02 13:29

The more i'm reading about this, the more angry i'm getting. In my opinion, this is going to make people WANT to take more fish, because they are now having to pay for it. I think that it's not going to make much of a difference, except for upsetting alot of anglers. I'm right bloody pissed off and they can shove their licenses up their clacker for all I care. What are they going to make us pay for next?

mako magic's picture

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Thu, 2009-07-02 13:32

dont worry next will be a road toll for the people heading up north to avoid the west coast region $150 per vehicle towing a boat, can just see it now

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another new law in   AIR

Thu, 2009-07-02 13:33

another new law in


AIR TAX !!  no longer can you breath freely.



Andy Mac's picture

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we should have deleted that post mako

Thu, 2009-07-02 13:34

they will have the idea now so next budget I reckon it will be in there. (Doh!)



Andy Mac (Fishwrecked Reeltime Editor & Forum Moderator)

Youngest member of the Fishwrecked Old Farts Club

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Thu, 2009-07-02 13:35

Maybe we should organise a protest and take our boats and park outside parliament house. I seems to work for other people. Hopefully the media will be at ramps this weekend to get our few. Let rip if they do.


Smartline Personal Mortgage Advisers - Level 1, 11 Hobsons Gate Currambine 


Colin Hay's picture

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Thu, 2009-07-02 13:36

"Taxpayers pay more than $8 million for retired MP’s flight"

"Recreational fishermen kicked in the back pocket by MPs"


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mako magic's picture

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hahaha andy, but yeah in all

Thu, 2009-07-02 13:36

hahaha andy, but yeah in all seriousness you could only imagine them doing something like that, im with you i agree that now since they have incresed the freshwater licence, maybe they should take a long hard look at what the eastern states do and stock the dams and river well, it works over there and they dont pay that much for a licence, makes sence

mako magic's picture

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maybe next at each boat ramp

Thu, 2009-07-02 13:39

maybe next at each boat ramp a set of scales and a price per kilo for all fish kept, payable straight to the governmentTongue out

Andy Mac's picture

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Lucky Kasey

Thu, 2009-07-02 13:41

If he had caught that monster a few months later he could have been bankrupted.Surprised



Andy Mac (Fishwrecked Reeltime Editor & Forum Moderator)

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Colin Hay's picture

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Don't laugh guys

Thu, 2009-07-02 13:39

The UK once had a tax on the number of windows you could have in your house.


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roberta's picture

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And we all got the sh%$#Ts when Labor

Thu, 2009-07-02 13:47

was going to bring in the V5 ban, this is disgusting, I agree also fellas this money IS NOT going to go where Mr Moore says, like all revenue its going to end up in the Government's big swimming pool and Gryllis will get more.

I agree we need to manage our fish better but I can't see how this is going to protect them when you go out and some fisher people (not all of us) will just fish till they get the biggest of each species they are targeting then throw what they don't want over board.  All I can see robbing Paul to pay Peter.

Yes Andy Mac this is going to take quite a few days to sink in and yes have to work out whether its going to be worth taking out a annual license or work out how many weeks you want a fishing license as we do most of our fishing now in Leeman 3 or 4 weeks at a go.  We are lucky that we get all our fishing licenses 50% being pensioners but I honestly feel for the family that have a couple of kids how they must feel, the ever increasing fees, power, rates & groceries/meat the list goes on.


Ginger Tablets Rock


Tony Halliday's picture

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about time they got the

Thu, 2009-07-02 13:47

about time they got the rules and a license in place. They look hard and I'm not 100% happy with the December closer period, as it's own only quality time I fish with the family.

As for the price of the license, hell most spend more per month on grog, cigs and sex!!!!gambling and a load of other vices... :wink:
But a family license would be more fair for those with a wife and say three kids that fish...Say $400 per year for the boat, skipper and legal family ( spouse and kids under 21 yrs old).

I have not fully read it all and will comment in detail later, but once a license is in place, then tags must follow for the icon five species.

We need to cap the yearly take of the 10%ers that rape pillage and plunder the whole year round.

At least Moore has done more in one year than the labor buffoons did in 8 years!!!

Will it stop me fishing,??? NO
It will make me target my fish better and not waste time on the water. I'll probably spend more now on away trips in other states or up north in NT. These days I'm lucky to fish three or four times a year! due to work, costs and weather, so a closure of my prime time kills of half my Chrissy holiday period with the family


Tony Halliday: ~Meals on Reels ~

 It takes a strong fish to swim against the current. Even a dead one can float with it

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schecky's picture

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the shore based scenes gonna

Thu, 2009-07-02 14:25

the shore based scenes gonna also cop a hiding because people wont be bothered paying and just start fishing from the shore

Posts: 75

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Absolute disgrace.  This

Thu, 2009-07-02 14:50

Absolute disgrace.

 This government is hoping the fishing public have a short memory, but I for one will remember this at the next election.

 As a boat owner, I had the massive increase on rego, now a boat fishing license and a license to fish for demersals. Your joking, I thought the fish were a public resource.

What next a license to buy fish or a license to eat fish at a restaurant. After all if people didn't eat fish then the pro's wouldn't need to catch it.

I feel sorry for the deckies that fish with me once a year. I am going to be the one looking like a w***er when I say can't take you, you haven't got a license. 

Shorty's picture

Posts: 1549

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The rich will be able to

Thu, 2009-07-02 14:53

The rich will be able to keep fishing,,the battlers will be on the shore.

Andy Mac's picture

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Very true

Thu, 2009-07-02 14:56

a cost imposition like this will hit the battlers hard.


Just because you own a boat / yak doesnt mean you are rolling in it.



Andy Mac (Fishwrecked Reeltime Editor & Forum Moderator)

Youngest member of the Fishwrecked Old Farts Club

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We pay enough in taxes when

Thu, 2009-07-02 15:03

We pay enough in taxes when buying fuel, bait and tackle.

This is all federal taxes.  With all the coastline to manage GST distribution is based on the amount of people. Unfortunately WA is a bit bigger than the other states to manage its fishery.

Ill say that again federal.

This government is hoping the fishing public have a short memory, but I for one will remember this at the next election.

Labour intended on the same implementation with the greens. 


Angling tourism is worth $10 billion to the Australian economy - 90000 jobs; more than any sport; spread the word

Posts: 1081

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What next a license to buy

Thu, 2009-07-02 15:05

What next a license to buy fish or a license to eat fish at a restaurant.


Well, anglers could spend their $180 on Dhufish at the fish shop and throw it on the parliment house steps as a protest?


Angling tourism is worth $10 billion to the Australian economy - 90000 jobs; more than any sport; spread the word

Posts: 103

Date Joined: 10/01/07


Thu, 2009-07-02 15:19

Radio 6PR are asking for talk back callers to voice their opinions on this subject sometime between 3 and 6pm. The Govt does monitor this program.

carnarvonite's picture

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Thu, 2009-07-02 15:25

The next fee to go up will be the entry fees to national parks like the new one announced around the Walpole/Nornalup estuarys and for all along the coast between Naturaliste and Augusta
Like Barrd up has stated the government hope we will have forgotten come the next election.NOT BLOODY LIKELY

Posts: 1081

Date Joined: 30/03/08

Like Barrd up has stated the

Thu, 2009-07-02 15:33

Like Barrd up has stated the government hope we will have forgotten come the next election.NOT BLOODY LIKELY

Labour will be tied with the Greens. What do you think they will do?

It will be interesting to see what the money is spent on out of the "fishing trust".

In case people dont know the "trust" is where the money will sit.

I assume that includes the $45 Marron, Lobster and other associated licence reveneue?


Angling tourism is worth $10 billion to the Australian economy - 90000 jobs; more than any sport; spread the word

Posts: 70

Date Joined: 05/12/06

Dangerous Job

Thu, 2009-07-02 15:29

Wouldnt like to be the fisheries guys trying to enforce all this - i think things will be a little different when interacting with these guys at the ramp. I know i will be very selective on what info i handover to them from now on.

I know they're only the messengers dishing out the bullshit directives from the clowns upstairs but they will be the ones copping it from the general public.

I'm all for effective management of our resources and believe something had to be done but definately dont agree on individuals paying $180 to fish with me for the year, why not have the licence set up the same as the skippers ticket where only one person has to have it on the boat???

PilbaraBrad's picture

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How people in the pilbara are affected

Thu, 2009-07-02 15:48

From what i can gather people in the pilbara are not subject to any of the closed seasons on any of the "demersal species" and do not require a demersal liscence. We will however need a boat liscence which costs 30 bucks on top of that my cray/thrownet liscence price now cost me 45 each, bit steep perhaps especially when i only get mullet in the throw net

found a link to FAQ
s on the fisheries website

seems we faired a bit better off financially than you southerners

i feel for you

Posts: 171

Date Joined: 20/04/09

this is crap

Thu, 2009-07-02 15:53

when i was younger & moved out of home me & mates were prety broke we caught fish to live & theres alot of people around like that now bring out the restrictions fine something like that needs to be done fine but licences whens everone going to stand up get together & say STOP no more its not just this though look across the board soon your goin to need 100 000 thou a year just to live someones out on every corner waiting to jump & take your money f###in poofters


Colin Hay's picture

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Look out skippy

Thu, 2009-07-02 15:55

According to the Fisheries website - Charter boats will not be able to fish for demersal scalefish the closure period, but could be used to conduct other fishing activities.


Moderator. Proud member of the Fishwrecked "Old Farts". Make sure your subscribed to Fishwrecked Reeltime

Jabba Jabba's picture

Posts: 35

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Democracy ?

Thu, 2009-07-02 15:59

People, we live in a so called democracy so lets exercise our right to protest!

Theres no point sitting around complaining lets do something... anything!

A good place to start would be an email to the minister the premier

It would be great to organise some sort of march or tow on parliment house but we would need number to make an impact.


Mindarie Districts Sea Sports Club

Posts: 65

Date Joined: 31/01/08

Perhaps someone who is good

Thu, 2009-07-02 16:02

Perhaps someone who is good with words can write up an email on the issue, that we can all then email out to the minister and premier.

Jabba Jabba's picture

Posts: 35

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Thu, 2009-07-02 16:07

You don't have to be good with words.... Numbers are what the pollies are concerned about. Each email is a voter. Here's what I have sent to the minister and then to 6PR

Hi Howard, Please see below an email I have sent to the Minister and the Premier. I can’t believe they are slamming us with these massive fees. It will ruin the healthy outdoor activity my family currently enjoy. I often take my two boys mates out for a bit of a fish but I guess the government would rather these kids sit on their arses in front of the TV. What’s wrong with a $50 a year across the board fishing license for shore based and boaties or just a boat fee instead of individual licenses.  My family would catch a very small number of kilo’s of fish a year, maybe two or three dhu fish and a bucket of herring. I spend a big wad of money at the local tackle store and boat shops not to mention fuel and maintenance.  Unbelievable.... Regards, Cam. From:
Sent: Thursday, 2 July 2009 2:18 PM
To: ''; ''
Subject: New Recreactional Fishing Licenses
Importance: High 

Dear Minister,


I cannot believe that you have brought in such an unreasonable licensing scheme. I am in no way against having to pay a license to fish in Western Australia, but making me pay $405.00 a year to participate in an activity my family has enjoyed for years is outrageous.


$225.00 for myself and $180.00 for my two children is ridiculous, how do you expect me to pay for this along with all the other increases your government as introduced?


What do I say to my 10 year old son when he asks me if he can bring one of his mates along for a fish?  “No mate, he doesn’t have a license and I can’t afford to pay $30.00 for everyone that comes out with us.....” It’s a bloody joke!


It would seem your government is hell bent preventing people with boats from enjoying a day on the water with their families. The cost of having a boat is prohibitive enough without having to pay this ludicrous amount of money for the privilege of having a fish.  This will make it nearly untenable to keep my boat and I will be sure to tell the marine mechanic workshop, the local tackle shop and the local chandlery  that they can no longer rely on my custom to keep their employees in a job because of your government.


I strongly urge you to reconsider the fee structure. I have been a liberal voter all my life but this is just beyond my ability to see reason in or justify to myself  your policy, and if something isn’t done I can guarantee you  I will not vote Liberal at the next election and I will be very careful that preferences derived from my vote don’t end up with Liberal either.




Cameron Johnston



Mindarie Districts Sea Sports Club

Zorba's picture

Posts: 35

Date Joined: 24/09/08


Thu, 2009-07-02 16:17

The only way to voice opinion on this is to not buy the licences.

I can go without fishing for a while, I love it and have fished since I was 5 yrs old.

I'm now 62,and used to pay a licence fee in NSW,freshwater and lately saltwater.

But unless they make a rational fee for this They can get stuffed for mine.

I dont think they will be in power after the next election.The fisheries minister will be responsible for his own redundancy,and good riddance, money grabbing bastard.

There has to be one licence fee,

It has to be a family fee,

or a boat fee, every one on board covered by one licence,

catch regulations to be observed,

there goes the charter boat business. boat charter fee+$150.00= no business.




P.S. If a rally is organised to march on parliament Lots of folks would be in that,

Have to do it when they are in the country though.

PPS. Thanks Cam, I copied the context of your letter and sent it on also.

Posts: 171

Date Joined: 20/04/09

they wouldnt care i dont

Thu, 2009-07-02 16:15

they wouldnt care i dont think half of them have fished in there vwhole life dont recon half of them evan know what one looks like

Posts: 32

Date Joined: 05/03/08

Bad news for tackle stores

Thu, 2009-07-02 16:17

Also I'm a bit confused about the demersal fishing licenses.  For $60 for 14 days, is that 14 consecutive days whether you fish or not, or 14 fishing days i.e. you tick off one day for every day you head out on the boat?


I would have preferred if the licenses were not person specific, e.g. boat owner owns 4 licenses and can then bring out whoever they want.

That way you can bring out your nephew who fishes one a year for a quick fish without having to hit the atm??


But yeah feel really bad for charter boats and tackle stores...

tailor marc's picture

Posts: 2979

Date Joined: 27/09/06

What a joke!

Thu, 2009-07-02 16:28

What a joke!


My photography pictures...



mitch's picture

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Thu, 2009-07-02 23:52


hodge's picture

Posts: 71

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Thu, 2009-07-02 16:42

this is the biggest load of shite i have ever heard of. there is nothing i love more than goin out for a fish with my mates and family, it is very very rare that we actually catch anything decent but still enjoy just being out on the water. we already pay out of the ass for bait, fuel, tackle, rego for boat and trailer and they go and chuck this bloody licence crap into it too. Fish are a natural resource and everyone has a right to fish it with out some pricks making us pay for something which they have no right to. i dont know bout everyone else but i dont have lots of money and all this is going to hit me and my mates big time. personally the government can go to hell and will not be getting my vote again.

Posts: 489

Date Joined: 11/08/05

Quote: is that 14

Thu, 2009-07-02 16:43

is that 14 consecutive days whether you fish or not, or 14 fishing days

It is a fortnight, =14 consecutive days, 2 weeks.

Beavering away in the background.......

Posts: 1535

Date Joined: 30/12/08

Tax grab

Thu, 2009-07-02 17:11

Its nothing more than a tax grad , but like i have said before on this site, big spending Lab governments have F**ked this country for years to come so dont blame the libs only. No funds for any bloody anything so get ready to be wacked everywhere. This is just the start of it all. Just watch what the Libs will do when they next win the fed election to pay for k rudds huge spending sprees. [remember the beloved handouts] It will probably be the worst time in a lot of peoples lives, but remember that after all labour governments,  we have to pay it back one way or another . Thats the nature of politics. Have a look around your dinner table tonight and add up $15000 for every person.. babies kids the lot because that is what we owe at the moment and have to pay back somehow in the future [and getting worse as every day goes by]  we need them to stop spending our money and the only way that will come about is to boot them out. So ring up your local federal polly and demand them to stop spending our money  because we have had a gutfull of so called fee increases and the likes. [just another tax grab]

Jabba Jabba's picture

Posts: 35

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Thu, 2009-07-02 17:27

I've just created an on-line petition, please follow the link and sign it. When we've got enough we can submitt it to Minister Norman Moore.


Mindarie Districts Sea Sports Club

Posts: 65

Date Joined: 31/01/08

I'm not a member of any

Thu, 2009-07-02 18:41

I'm not a member of any other fishing forums, although maybe those who are can post the above link on those forums.

kaney68's picture

Posts: 401

Date Joined: 29/07/08

Good idea for the petition BUT...

Thu, 2009-07-02 22:48

stuffed if I'm going to be forced to pay a donation to lodge it !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Jabba Jabba's picture

Posts: 35

Date Joined: 02/07/09

It's free, ignore the donation page

Thu, 2009-07-02 22:58

The petition is free, once you have got to the donation page your vote has already been cast! Just close it down when the donation page comes up.


Mindarie Districts Sea Sports Club

roberta's picture

Posts: 2773

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Signed petition Jabba and I'm emailing your

Fri, 2009-07-03 09:44

link to the petition to all our fishing mates


Ginger Tablets Rock


roberta's picture

Posts: 2773

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Jabba Jabba I have

Fri, 2009-07-03 13:24

send 12 emails with your petition, so good luck ... Roberta


ps ... has anybody read in the West Australian how much money is going to Mr Gryills country voters ... disgusting


Ginger Tablets Rock


PJAY's picture

Posts: 1005

Date Joined: 12/05/09

If people stop

Thu, 2009-07-02 17:27

If people stop fishing...........

bait businesses will be affected

tackle stores will be affected

boating businesses will be affected

tourism will be affected

the price of fish will skyrocket

fewer options for cheap recreational activities - fishing

the list goes on............

have the government really done their homework on this or do they just expect all boaties/fishos to be quiet and cop it sweet??


Whats lawn or recreational pergola taxes???


The Kimberley....perfect one day and more perfect the next!!!

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Thu, 2009-07-02 18:04



living is fishing

Simo_'s picture

Posts: 1843

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Thats it im voting for

Thu, 2009-07-02 18:05

Thats it im voting for Labor next time, fucking Liberal scum bags...Money mouth


Bring on April

damo6230's picture

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Aren't pollies supposed to be....

Thu, 2009-07-02 18:21


no stasis in this decision.....

where'd the community consultation process go.......Surprised

we do pay his wage!!

Posts: 12

Date Joined: 12/06/09

new fisheries rules

Thu, 2009-07-02 19:11

Welcome to what pro fisherman have been subject to for the last 30 yrs i know of,once again the powers of the day have totally disregarded all of the submissions and practical solutions to stock protection,business viability,and the voice of the general public.Moore as with Ford had a real chance at showing us they had any idea of fisheries management by discussing and studing all the submissions but before them from all the fishing community and the only thing they came up with was a TAX.Have a look at the total mis management of the rock lobster industry.What has making people pay for yet more licences got to do with protecting our vunurable species.Please vote to kick this clown out of office and get a Minister that will engage with the people.Hope they dont bring in the sex tax or shes all over


Kim 0437217907

Frank F's picture

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Thu, 2009-07-02 19:14

What a bunch of dickheads. How many times do you see a fisheries officer at the boat ramp never, they should be posted there permanently. All you see is the misual bastards doing serveys. On the water occationally but have never had the boat searched. This will not stop the people that rape and pillage the ocean. There will always be that minority of people that will take the chance and do the wrong thing unless they are caught in the act or stoped at the ramp or see people being caught consistently

A $30 fishing license is fine to help fund more fisheries officers.

Posts: 5

Date Joined: 14/08/07

I'm not paying shit. These

Thu, 2009-07-02 19:29

I'm not paying shit. These Liberal dogs are just a bunch of money grabbing fuckers. To take my boat and two boys out to catch a nice fish, I'm looking at over $600 + trailer rego + boat rego which have both increased. This government is a disgrace.

wicksey's picture

Posts: 314

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"Zorba The only way

Thu, 2009-07-02 19:45

The only way to voice opinion on this is to not buy the licences."


I think thats a very good idea.

Posts: 1081

Date Joined: 30/03/08

"Zorba: The only way to

Fri, 2009-07-03 08:07


Angling tourism is worth $10 billion to the Australian economy - 90000 jobs; more than any sport; spread the word

Posts: 223

Date Joined: 28/10/08

Its just going to get worse

Thu, 2009-07-02 19:46

Its just going to get worse as the years go by,imagine what its going to be like when our kids get to the age when they have their own boats 1000 dollars to farkn fish sux..Its another way the Gov get to line the pocket..

What do you do if you have the passion to fish and be on the big blue.PAY.

Very pissed..


jersey's picture

Posts: 393

Date Joined: 12/06/08

Some Comments

Thu, 2009-07-02 19:55

Regarding this draconian new tax are somewhat strange,yes i agree that the fees are exorbitant,and seem to be grossly unfair,but some of you are saying that the boat owner/skipper should be the one to have the license, I find it hard enough to get people to contribute to the fuel for the boat,not mentioning the car,it seems that many people think that if a person owns a boat they are rich,I suggest all you boat owners count up the costs involved,Boat purchase,safety gear (All) servicing, rego wear and tear,(damage) insurance,Trailer,rego,servicing,(bearings,tires) wear and tear.Vehicle to tow boat,wear and tear,parking &  launching fees,Oil for boat engine,fuel,replacing items ,Flares,Radios,Epirb,Sounders,Gps,in sum cases,Supplying fishing gear,Then add to the above the pressure of trying to find the elusive fish for the expectant crew and feeling shit house when you fail too,being responsible for the safety of your crew,If an unfortunate accident occurred while on the boat then the skipper is the one that will be asked all the questions and if he did something that may of contributed to a crew member being hurt or worst then they could be in a whole world of shit.

No, I do not think asking boat owners to bear the cost of these taxes is fair or the way to go.the same as some suggest a boat trailer blockade at the house on the hill,the coppers would have a field day with the trailers. Unable to put to print my thoughts on what to do to the Richard craniums and whoever else helped think up this Bullfish jersey

Posts: 51

Date Joined: 09/06/09

seeing as boat owners are

Thu, 2009-07-02 22:05

seeing as boat owners are the guys fishing these fish, its only fair they wear some of the cost imo. i wouldnt flinch at a cost to use my boat for what i bought it for.... fishing. a annual fee of $100 for boats ( $50 for the boat licence, and $50 for the owners licence), which allowed the boat, and the boat owners to fish for any species would bring in a ton of revenue.... add to that a annual fishing licence for anybody who fishes of $50, be it land based or boat based.... equals lots of $$$ for the fishery ( supposedly!!)


this crap of a licence to fish on a boat...and a further licence/permit to fish demersal fish, and a licnece to catch crays... and another for crabs... etc ect....


it can only be seen as revenue raising !! pfft, $400+ to be able to fish for everything... joke. 

 as for the rest of your post about boat ownership. thems the breaks mate. dont like the costs...dont own a boat!

Posts: 896

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The only reason everything

Thu, 2009-07-02 19:57

The only reason everything is so expensive , is NOT BECAUSE OF THE LIBERALS , its because they are fixing the fark ups of the labor government , everytime labor goverment gets in , this country takes 10 steps backwards , just look at the debt australia is in now , Considering howard left us in 46 billion dollar surplus , n now we are a couple hundred billion in debt wtf does labor have to show for it NOTHING  . and it always will remain the same. rudd is buying votes with his little bank card n 900 dollar bonus's and he knows how to market himself , instead of fixing his fark ups which he knows he has made , soon he will sell australia . So much more could have been put into hospitals roads , dams etc. instead he gives it away to other countries , the illegal immigrants and legal immigrants reciece more bonus's and help then our own australia,  we cant even take care or our own country and its people yet alone them.


living is fishing

gav077's picture

Posts: 207

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Have you looked at the

Thu, 2009-07-02 21:42

Have you looked at the global economy lately, I think Labor did a bloody good job to keep us out of recession. I think even if Johnny boy stayed in we'd still be up shit creek without a paddle.

Enough said on that topic, this licence is an absolute blow to human rights. They are promoting people to get out of the house and now they are fucking up an australian pasttime


People who haven't caught a big fish just don't get it

carnarvonite's picture

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Fri, 2009-07-03 15:09

Can you please tell me what Rudd has to do with these fees??
He in FEDERAL government and this is STATE government that has delivered this bunch of crap on us.Its payback for those who voted them in at the last election on their promise not to have a closure of the same areas that are going to be closed in 2 months time.Barnett had to crawl on his belly to get the Nationals to form a government with his "Cash for the Country"and now we are all going to suffer for it.
Its too late to change it now but we have to make sure they are not there after the next election so they cannot slug us again

joe amato's picture

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norman moore kiss my ass

Thu, 2009-07-02 20:04

norman moore kiss my ass and all the liberal party at the next election,how dare you charge this exorbetent amount,i think this is over the top asshole

MARK79's picture

Posts: 44

Date Joined: 25/05/09

Licenses a must.

Thu, 2009-07-02 20:05

Its about time fishing licences where intoduced, after all we, are using a resource and it does cost money to manage it effectively. I do believe that a $45 demersal license issued state wide, not just the west coast bio region,would have been far more appropriate.

I understand that the majority of peole are outraged, but if this means that i can continue to catch iconic species like Dhufish and Baldchin groper for the next fifty years, i am all for it and will willing pay my license fee. I dont believe that any body on this site would enjoy there children being told in the next 25 years that the great western australian Dhufish has become "Extinct!" due to poor management policies.

We could always look on the positive side of these new regulations, the revenue raised from the new licenses could be used for buy backs of profesional licenses, in at risk zones and the restocking of "at risk species".

At the end of the day i will pay my $180, because the feeling i get when a 15kg Dhufish bobs up along the side of the boat, is worth much more.......