NEW Fishing licenses and West Coast restrictions.
Fishing licenses and West Coast restrictions.
The Government/Cabinet/Minister have decided. Announced 2 July. Apply from mid October 2009.
2 month closed season for West Coast demersal species 15 Oct to 15 Dec each year.
More demersal species included in the West Coast list, not just a "vulnerable 5". Coral and Coronation trout, Cods, Dhufish, Emperors, Baldchin groper and Tuskfish, Blue Groper, Hapuku, Bass groper, Trevella, Grey banded rock cod, Parrot fish, Pink Snapper, Queen snapper, Red Emperor, Red snapper, bight redfish, nannygai and swallowtail, Tropical snappers and sea perch (mangrove jack, fingermark, job fish, stripey sea perch etc.) Foxfish and Pigfish.
State wide boat licence fee $30 for any fishing from boats, (unless the activity is covered by one of the separate licences also held, eg recreational rock lobster)
West Coast demersal fishing licence from boats $150 per year, $20 for 1 day, $60 for 14 days.
Other licence fees increased to $45 each. Umbrella licence removed.
50% discounts for Pensioners and Children under 16. Children under 16 fishing with a licenced fisher don't need a Rec boat fishing licence if using part of the licenced person's daily bag limit.
EDIT EDIT 4:15PM Ignore this >>>Some ambiguity in the wording about children under 16 needing a licence, (eg demersal licence) when fishing and using part of the licenced person's daily bag limit. Understand that the intention is no licences required for this.<<< Ignore this EDIT EDIT Yes a separate licence IS required.
Shore based fishing for finfish doesn't need any licence, that means shore based catch of demersals doesn't need a demersal licence. Closed seasons for West Coast demersals applies to shore based fishing too.
Revenue raised from the new licensing system would be quarantined in a recreational fishing trust and only spent on matters related to recreational fishing.
The review reports which were part of the decisions on restrictions will be released.
Mixed bag limit for lower risk category 3 fish in the West Coast bioregion will reduce from 40 per angler to 30 and for medium risk category 2 fish from 16 to 12.
Tailor slot limit changes to only 2 fish over 50cm (previously only 2 fish over 60cm) within the unchanged 8 per day bag limit.
Review of all these after 12 months of operation.
Some details still to be explained or clarified.
Source:- Minister for Fisheries Media Statement:-
Dept of Fisheries (Added 12:14 pm)
Recfishwest Media Release
Strong reaction expected to West Coast Recreational fishing changes.
Recfishwest has predicted a public outcry over the latest measures announced by Fisheries Minister Norman Moore.
Recfishwest executive director Frank Prokop said that despite recognising the benefit of a recreational fishing licence system, his organisation did not support Minister Moore's new fee structure.
"Fees for different activities such as fishing for rock lobster, abalone, marron and fresh water species have been raised and standardised to $45 each," Mr Prokop said.
"The addition of two new licences - $30 for anyone fishing from a boat and an additional demersal fishing licence costing between $20 a day to $150 annually - means that keen anglers who want the complete suite of fishing activities will have to pay $405 per year.
"This is in stark contrast to the previous umbrella licence which cost $81."
Mr Prokop said that despite flaws in the previous umbrella licence system, Recfishwest believes at the very least, that a discount for fishers who undertake multiple licensed fisheries must be included in the new management structure.
"We agree with the plan to quarantine funds raised through the new licence system into a recreational fishing trust account," he said.
Recfishwest will be steadfast on ensuring any revenue is managed by the recreational sector for enhancement and management needs of the fish resources we access.
"Our preferred licensing model would be for a much lower fee shared amongst all recreational fishers," Mr Prokop said.
Recfishwest supports a state wide boat fishing licence, but as a step towards a general angling licence. This would spread the financial cost, allow for the needs of all fishers to be met and provide data across all recreational fisheries.
"The extremely high fee structure is obviously aimed at helping to make the recreational West Coast Demersal fishery cost recovered and we are concerned this cost will act as a financial disincentive to fishers who wish to target these species."
The commercial West Coast Demersal fishery harvests 50% of the resource, but its fee structure is not even close to being cost recovered.
However, Mr Prokop believed that there are some good elements to the package.
We support the moves to introduce new bag limits on category 2 and 3 inshore species and to fund new research into the status of these stocks.
Recfishwest strongly supported the change to the tailor slot limit to become two fish larger than 50 cm instead of two fish over 60 cm which will provide additional protection for larger tailor.
Recfishwest supports a two month closure as opposed to the four month closure proposed by the previous government.
We believe that it sends an important message to anglers that we have a part to play in managing stocks of species such as dhufish. Recfishwest believes that the government has seriously under-estimated the impact the closed season combined with extremely high demersal licence fees will have on reducing recreational participation and catch.
"The performance measures for the fishery must be developed such that they allow the recreational sector to benefit from a stock recovery. We also urge an independent assessment of the impact of these management reforms and ongoing review." Mr Prokop said.
Recfishwest is also pleased that the government did not pander to the irresponsible demands for area closures from radical marine conservation groups.
"One of the benefits of licensing is that it allows the recreational sector to have greater influence on management reforms. Recfishwest is also calling on the government to apply the same risk and cost recovery principles to Marine Park management where proponents contribute nothing financially to management."
Mr Prokop expected strong opposition to these proposals in a number of areas, especially given the extremely high cost of fishing and the contribution it already makes to the economy.
"The money MUST be used responsibly with the benefits of management being returned to recreational fishing.
After all, this is a $750 million industry and an essential component of the Western Australian way of life." Mr Prokop concluded.
ENDS Media Contacts
Frank Prokop, Executive Director - Recfishwest ph. 9246 3366 or 0419 949 118
Kane Moyle, Policy Officer - Recfishwest ph. 9246 3366 or 0403 898 432
Beavering away in the background.......

Posts: 1555
Date Joined: 28/08/07
Other State License's
Just out of interest some of the other states licenses costs
N.S.W all recreational fishing
3 Days $6.00
1 Month $12.00
1 Year $30.00
3 Years $75.00
Victoria all recreational fishing
2 Day $6.00
28 Day $12.00
1 Year $24.50
3 Year $66.00
For sea fishing with rod and line no license required.
For any of the below:
-rock lobster dive (fisher must be over 10 years old)
-rock lobster pot (fisher must be over 10 years old)
-rock lobster ring (fisher must be over 10 years old)
-graball net, mullet net, beach seine net
1 Year $44.80 for initial license then an additional
$6.40 for each other type
Freshwater fishing
1 Day $15.00
1 Year $52.00
Only for 33 freshwater impoundments and dams
1 Week $7.00
1 Year $35.00
No recreational fishing licenses
No recreational fishing licenses (there are plans to introduce one)
No recreational fishing license.
For only fishing from boats (Don't know why they dont apply it to everyone like every other state with recreational fishing licenses)
1 Year $30.00
For other special fishing activites
1 Year
Crayfish $45.00
Abalone $45.00
Marron $45.00
Netting $45.00
Freshwater $45.00
For anyone fishing for demersal species in the West Coast Region(Black Point to Kalbarri).
1 Day $30.00
2 Weeks $60.00
1 Year $150.00
Hmmmm seems to me a bit of a difference from other states that have been doing pretty well managing their fisheries over the past decade, including for QLD, NSW, VIC and TAS stocking their dams and impoundments.
Seriously have been thinking of moving back to Darwin for along time now. And i know that as with progress eveything WILL eventually change everywhere, i think the far north will be the last places affected (or enforced!) by any changes. Anyone else keen for the N.T? :)
Jabba Jabba
Posts: 35
Date Joined: 02/07/09
Lets get as many names on the petition as possible!
Email the Minister!
Email Barnett
There's not much point complaining lets do something!
So much for fish for the future, how many kids won't be fishing now because there parents can't afford it. This will change the lives of many families especially those with limited funds. Basically if your poor and you struggle to keep a boat you might aswell give it away and let your family sit around the house and watch TV.
Mindarie Districts Sea Sports Club
Posts: 525
Date Joined: 17/03/09
My dp is what i think of
My dp is what i think of noorman moore
I would sign ur petition jabba, but dont u have to make a donation 2 the site?
Paul G
Posts: 5215
Date Joined: 12/12/07
mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm what can
mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm what can one say ,we knew it was coming. We will all pay and go fishing and catch our fish like before.Its a bit like fuel prices we don't like them but we pay or we don't work and play .I can't see how the money will stop the decline in fish stocks,hopefully we may see so more of the fisheries on weekends checking boats and catches,as for the bans ,looks like we will be going diving in the summer .I still think a bag limit of four dhuies per boat is the way to save the stocks, or one per person up to four people on board, and 10kg instead of 20kg per angler from the northern trips.It is a sign of things to come so sell your boats ,or bight the bullet and pay to fish.
Active Gyp-Rok solutions ,Residential and commercial ceilings and walls
Jabba Jabba
Posts: 35
Date Joined: 02/07/09
Petition is FREE
nice work Davy_G... No, the petition is free. We have 15 so far, it's only been up for a couple of hours. We need more ...sign!
Mindarie Districts Sea Sports Club
Posts: 242
Date Joined: 18/01/07
FW Petition??
Is it possible to create a FW based petition???
Yours is a great idea Jabba, but the whole point is that we are pi$$ed about having to throw more money away, so having to pay again for the yanky based petition isnt gonna help.
Jabba Jabba
Posts: 35
Date Joined: 02/07/09
Norman Moore admits he is trying to price people out of fishing
Norman Moore admits he is trying to price people out of fishing.
On an interview on 6PR today Norman Moor openly admitted he was using the fees to stop people fishing! so if your well off your fine but if your not this government doesn't want you and your family to fishing!
Serioulsy, he openly said that he is using the fee structure to discourage people from fishing to achieve his 50% reduction of fish catch.
Mindarie Districts Sea Sports Club
Posts: 242
Date Joined: 18/01/07
cheers Jabba
how is it free though?? I've been through it and even when they ask for $10 and I change t to $2 they still put you through to paypal...
any shortcuts??
Posts: 525
Date Joined: 17/03/09
r u sure it doesnt cost a
r u sure it doesnt cost a donation?
coz i tried to register and when i put what i had 2 say and clicked sign it came up with "how muc wold u like to donate?" then it had a list ond u had 2 click 1 then it said next.
Posts: 1555
Date Joined: 28/08/07
I had no dramas signing that
I had no dramas signing that petition online Jabba, dont know where scottbec is going???
out wide
Posts: 1535
Date Joined: 30/12/08
Could be worse
That wako garret and his idiot acedemic mate whats her name ? who cares anyway would have closed heaps of our fishing areas down if their Labour mates were still in government over here . Thank fark they are gone.
Posts: 525
Date Joined: 17/03/09
i registered but how do i
i registered but how do i see who has signed
Jabba Jabba
Posts: 35
Date Joined: 02/07/09
it's free
scottbec don't worry, once you have voted it puts you through to the donation page but your vote has already been counted. You have voted twice by the looks of it. Just exit out once you get to the donation page.
I'll donate some dough to them if it all goes well. It seems like a pretty good service. We have 20 signatures now
Mindarie Districts Sea Sports Club
Posts: 242
Date Joined: 18/01/07
yeah the cancel option on
yeah the cancel option on the paypal page doesnt tell you if you are cancelling the donation or the vote.
Jabba Jabba
Posts: 35
Date Joined: 02/07/09
scotbec davy_g once you click on the link you'll see a signature tab up the top.
next to petition text and email friends. you can click there and it will show you the signatures so far and the comments people have left.
don't worry about the donations page once you get there your vote is cast and you can just close the window and ignore the donation bit.
Mindarie Districts Sea Sports Club
Posts: 2515
Date Joined: 03/08/08
as PaulG said
a week from now the grumbling will have subsided and we'll all pony up the cash. I know for one that I dont care and I'll pay if thats what I have to do. Your petition is a nice idea Jabba, but I dont think it will amount to sweet FA no matter how many signatures you get. You vote them out and you get another party with a different game plan to achieve the same objective.
Liberal, Labour, Nationals or god forbid the Greeens will all enforce some kind of user pays system with tighter restrictions - its the nature of the beast given that people have had a free run for so long and fishing stocks are being depleted quicker than they are regenerating. The party was gonna come to end sometime soon, it just happens to be now I guess.
The Terrorist - coming to a fishing spot near you.........
Posts: 64
Date Joined: 08/09/07
the Barnett gov are liars
the Barnett gov are liars and ever body who voted and believed the bullsh*t have themselves to blame. I ask you who is the arrogant and out of touch pollie now! no football stadium ! that right we need a hospital or was that a water front development. the last gov was told this was a waste of the public's money your out off touch the lib sold us out to get voted in ! now we all we pay for the royal for Regen's and the big question is what or where has that money gone and the national party people fish as well so they give them the money then take it back this stupid idea need to be stopped and a cross the board licence used that does not cost to much or discriminate against the not so weathy amture fishamen who boat fish with there kids or friends it a new tax tax tax
Posts: 1081
Date Joined: 30/03/08
the Barnett gov are liars
the Barnett gov are liars and ever body who voted and believed the bullsh*t have themselves to blame.
The alternative was Labour married to the Greens. Dont fool yourself. It would have been uglier.
Angling tourism is worth $10 billion to the Australian economy - 90000 jobs; more than any sport; spread the word
Posts: 87
Date Joined: 09/02/09's fishing!'s fishing! whatever happened to being able to chill out and wet a line for your own enjoyment? and enjoy your catch? Without having to fork out money! so steep! Especially for poor uni students like me
Posts: 12
Date Joined: 21/06/09
Will It Work
Plenty of reaction to the new fees, from many different angles - financial, political etc. But will simply imposing hefty fees on the average bloke that gets out occasionally to enjoy that which is almost considered a constitutional rite in Australia actually preserve fish stocks for the future? Simple me not think so. The first and most significant step in preserving fish stocks will be improving the controls on commercial fishing, as some of the good folk of fishwrecked have touched upon. Whilst you and I talk up the big dhuie we caught a few years ago, drop into a pub in Ledge, Cervantes, Jurien etc etc and see how many deckie stories you hear about pulling half a tonne of dhuie off a single spot - just for fun coz the crays weren't in season!
Agree with all the principles of fishing for the future and practise these like so many of the recreational fisherman that enjoy their time on the water. These aren't the people that need to be monitored, regulated, penalised etc yet the new fee structure appears to do just that. Simply saying that the money will be appropriately spent does not equate to $ put back into the recreational fishing industry. Where is the plan from the govt. as to exactly how the funds will be used?
I honestly don't believe it's the right way to go. More than happy to contribute to and assist with anything that helps preserve the incredible recreational fishing that WA has, but all this seems like poorly thought out policy to raise money that will no doubt be inappropriately spent.
Blank Cheque
Posts: 221
Date Joined: 28/03/09
What a load
What a load of bullshit.How do you like the age limit of 16 for a child? I have two boys that enjoy a fish from time to time. My 17y/o is now unemployed due to the downturn in his industry. He went down to apply for unemployment benefits’ only to be told he is ineligible. This is due to him being under 21 the new ruling is that all children are under parents’ umbrella until 21. But here they are saying 16 is the cut off for a child. I know I am talking about two difrent subjects but they chage the ruleing to suit. They have messed up so much, how much longer before we vote again?????
Its a little late to head home early
Posts: 2773
Date Joined: 08/07/08
Actually blank cheque
just thinking when the eldest grandson comes fishing with us, its going to be hard telling Fisheries he is only 13yr (this year) as he is 6' 3" and looks 16-17yrs, I can see a few arguments coming and any other family that have quite tall kids under 16yrs
Ginger Tablets Rock
Posts: 2029
Date Joined: 07/06/08
inevitable and only a matter of time
dont mind paying fees on the provision the money is appropraitely aportioned. ever since moving here everyone has always said WA stands for "wait awhile"....... but this is not diplomatic!! shock tatics is a catalyst for guerilla warfare!!
the last few fisheries minister all seem to be just stabbing in the dark as there is no hard scienticific proof apart from the universal "depletion is occuring" in there arguement. but now you have a process to expediate the much needed funding blackhole, so employ personal cause it will help in this downturn, and believe me people want the jobs.
but stating "we are pricing people out of fishing" is just well..... an insult to our intelligence. most if asked, would like to help the fish stocks situation because at the end of the day its in our best interests to conserve fish as anglers.
the fee should apply statewide and be fair and justifiable (which I am really struggling to pertain such an idea). we ALL fish so we ALL should pay fairly. Not just those in the bioregion area.
not a fan of user pays. we already pay fees/taxes which to date have not come back into "the system". look at national park etc, the user pays does not work and I have worked in many here and over seas......
sure I'll pay but I'll be tearing their data apart when the jellyfish pollies finally present to get service for the price we pay and hold the decsion makers accountable.
time to read Ed Abbeys "The Monkey Wrench Gang" people!!
Posts: 16
Date Joined: 08/03/08
The system there trying to
The system there trying to introduce wont work, as a earler member mentioned, melbourns the way to go $20 for land or sea everyones happy
Jabba Jabba
Posts: 35
Date Joined: 02/07/09
Seems to be alot of apathy here, of course it's easy to just say "at the end of the day I'll pay" but thats what gets us into this shit to start with.
This is just a tax, an excuse to collect. Those with the apathetic attitude (I'll just pay) shouldn't complain the next time this happens and the time after that... I hope you all stay employed and don't have to many kids and can always afford this tax.
This isn't going to help the fundamental issue, people will still fish either illegally or just pay the government, how does that help stocks????
Sure, pay a license but across the board for all types of fishing, collect the money for research and enforcement.
There are other ways to help the fish stock without trying to tax the poor or the families out of thier lifestyle.
Personally I believe rotating exlusion zones or something similar would be a better way to go, surely there are better ways to tackle the issue than just a huge tax, c'mon people grow some balls and DON'T lie down and take it up the clacker anymore!
Mindarie Districts Sea Sports Club
Posts: 12
Date Joined: 21/06/09
Jabba, think u r on the money
Agree with many of the points you make but the most important is the the point that there are other (and better) ways to help the fish stocks without simply sticking it to people who see fishing as a family lifestyle option.
Posts: 35
Date Joined: 24/09/08
The only way to prevent the
The only way to prevent the decline of fish stocks is bag Limits, charging fees for licences is not going to help the fish stocks in any shape or form.
Have another enquiry on fish stocks,Lot of good that does.
How do you restock fish that no one can breed away from its natural enviornment.
Who is the new manager they will appoint to look after the licence fees, it will probably only be $100,000.00 a year job, so not many takers for that.
Posts: 660
Date Joined: 08/12/07
Fishing licences I agree
Fishing licences I agree with but the way this one is proposed is ridiculous. Make it an affordable cost and a one off licence for all types of fishing be it land based, boating, freshwater, crustaceans etc.
David (AKA Grumps)
Location: Heathridge. Toys: 120 Series Prado ... 5.3 Stacer Seamaster/Merc 90HP.
Faulkner Family
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Date Joined: 11/03/08
affordable is the key word
as our slogan says "a family that fishes together stays together", that wont be the case as much anymore as we cant afford $720 every year just to go fishing on top of all the other costs you have when you go fishing in the boat. a licence ? yes but this way ? NO
RUSS and SANDY. A family that fishes together stays together
Jabba Jabba
Posts: 35
Date Joined: 02/07/09
Please sign onto this partition
Mindarie Districts Sea Sports Club
Paul G
Posts: 5215
Date Joined: 12/12/07
Lets say for instance you
Lets say for instance you have six people in you family,all like fishing ,how often do you all fish and bring in your bag limits,not often you could licence two people which gives you plenty of fish , even if six were on board ,four came for the ride and took some photos,problem solved for the big family.
Madmick said about the pro fishers are responsible for the stokes being the way they are ,jesus amatures in one weekend would kill more dhuies than the pros but that is tighter bag limits are a way of slowing thing down and a closed season ,and even then i say the wrighting is on the wall for some species of fish ,and the beloved Dhuie is at the top of the list...
I do agree the licence fee is a little steep i think $50 would be a good all round price for fishing, and make it right across the board..
Active Gyp-Rok solutions ,Residential and commercial ceilings and walls
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Date Joined: 01/12/07
Inevitable, buy VERY poorly thought out
When you look at the 20% that get 80% of the catch it certainly favours them (though still at a cost) but really stitches up the 80% who struggle to go fishing as often or as successfully. I took my boat out a grand total of 5 times last year. (plenty more this year but still maybe only once a fortnight if I'm lucky) Intention and end result are two very different things when it comes to getting the boat out.
Very interesting angle Andy - and I agree.
Like many, I don't have a problem with a (salt) water recreational fishing licence, but as Recfishwest's Frank Procop said, make it a lower cost ubiquitous licence for ALL fishers and across all bioregions - not just the WCB. Otherwise we are penalising the 80% as Andy mentioned and ignoring the other bioregions.
As I said elsewhere:
Hmmm, I'll be interested to see how the supporting legislation will be written and gazetted. How will the actually define activity of a person 'fishing for demersal' (scale) fish?
Anyone that is not trolling? - I've known people to catch snapper and even duifish on a trolled lure.
Anyone using a sinker? (You don't need to use a paternoster rig/snapper sinker to target bottom dwellers).
Does having snapper sinkers on board define you as 'fishing for demersals'?
Will the checks be at the ramps? If that's the case that's 'CATCHING demersals' not fishing for them.
Where's the Fisheries budget sudden influx of officers, vehicles and boats coming from? Only a minority scale enforcement/check occurs at the moment.
I'm all for sustainment of fish stocks, but I'm currently hard pressed to see how this can and will be effectively enforced and I can see a lot of people not paying the $s.
EDIT (sp only) I can see a lot of people travelling out of the WCB into other bioregions to lower the cost - especially those around Kalbarri and Augusta (the northern and southern extremities of the the WCB).
Like I said - glad I'm in the South Coast Bioregion.
...and WILL the money ACTUALLY be put into a (MUCH) more effective DOF and better research, or shanghied by some opportunistic emoticon? I won't hold my breath!
Soon to be de "dreamweaver" ed!
Posts: 4688
Date Joined: 01/12/07
Any Mac - Deckies - a solution!
Re your post:
I'll be checking licenses with deckies if this comes in. No license = no fishing. Lack of deckies with licenses will be an impact on fishing time too if you need an extra hand to put the boat in and out.
From the DOF 'New Recreational Fishing Arrangements' - Fequently asked questions ( ):
Do all passengers on board a boat on a fishing trip require a Recreational Boat Fishing Licence? No. Only those who are actively engaged in fishing need a licence.
Just take deckies that 'don't fish'
Soon to be de "dreamweaver" ed!
Posts: 1621
Date Joined: 28/08/07
how would this
affect me if i was to hire a boat for a weekend would i have to pay the boat license or just the personal license?
Posts: 4688
Date Joined: 01/12/07
Reading the DOF FAQs (per the link in my previous post), I would take a punt and say you would:
What licence do I require to fish for demersal fish scalefish FROM A BOAT in the West Coast Bioregion. You require both a Recreational Boat Fishing Licence and a West Coast Demersal Scalefish Licence if fishing from a boat.
It would appear that it's the activity/not ownership to consider - same as if you are a fishing deckie on someone else's boat or a charter boat.
Soon to be de "dreamweaver" ed!
Posts: 1081
Date Joined: 30/03/08
You mob are all hot air. All
You mob are all hot air. All whinging and no action. Ya like a bunch of geese.
Meanwhile over at the Greens WWF Jessica Meeuwig camp all the women are about to lock you out of half the countries best fishing.
Fishermen are rabbits in the headlights of life. Start writing to the minister about reducing the fee. Fax, email, snail mail.
Not one letter, but lots, preferably signed by yourself. If its not signed then it doesnt count. You need to bog em down in paper demanding a reply.
Petitions arent worth poo.
And when youve finished writing about the reduced demersal fee. Write more letters asking for more fisheries officers. Then when youve finished writing letters about that write some more; signed.
Angling tourism is worth $10 billion to the Australian economy - 90000 jobs; more than any sport; spread the word
Posts: 2029
Date Joined: 07/06/08
I don't mind paying a for a fishing licence provided it is aportioned to the fisheries to provide best practice mangement and ultimatley provide better future fishing options for all people.That does not make me apathetic, optermistic maybe, but not apathetic. Apathy comes when fishermen take the total bag limit from the "cause I can" syndrome.
Fact is we need to conserve our fish stock. This is really not news to everybody........resources are finite my friend!!
The system as proposed is inconsistent, unfair and poorly thought out. But I will still pay in the hope that the money will be used for fisheries management. News Flash life aint just.......Every angler IS RESPONSIBLE for fisheries management not just a few in a certain region. It's not the governments role to regulate fishing holistically, we as individuals are responsible and we must start the process ourselves, if we dont then we dont have fish in the future. Last time I went to exi it was the same blokes cleaning at the same table cleaning the same fish. I was there for 2 weeks. the 4 old buggers in a big boat were on holidays from down south for three the maths and tell me when the 20kg limit was surpased.......
petitions make people feel warm and fuzzy, but hold no real substance. As saltatrix said, write a letter to the Minister and sign it because by law every signed and addressed letter to the minister HAS TO BE ANSWERED personally. bog the bastards down!! I do however admire your stance and passion for this issue but at the end of the day we should be working as a group united!!
if you really feel so strong start an association and use the membership money to lobbie the government. one of the most powerful associations in the states is the NRA, cause they have loads of money to sway the vote.
I would pay a contribution this way as opposed to a petition myself.
the "not in my backyard" syndrom doesn't really achieve much. Hit the minister with good intelligent proposals.......
Jabba Jabba
Posts: 35
Date Joined: 02/07/09
damo6230 I've pasted in a definition of apathy for you
apathetic adjective
lacking interest or energy; unwilling to take action especially over a matter of importance:
Young people today are so apathetic about politics.
Don't be so apathetic - how are you going to get a job if you don't even write a letter?
I emailed the minister and the premier within hours of the media release and I've been encouraging people to do the same.
I'm taking your advice and have just put my letter in an envelope to post in today. I just faxed it as well.
As for the petition, it may not have an impact but at least it's worth a shot and I can't see that 10 seconds clilcking the mouse button is much effort for something that may or may not help.
your comment - I would pay a contribution this way as opposed to a petition myself.- I don't quite get. The petition is completely free.
Mindarie Districts Sea Sports Club
Posts: 1549
Date Joined: 10/05/08
Posts: 4688
Date Joined: 01/12/07
Good Grief
I'm sure there will be (and should be) plenty of people writing in Saltatrix in addition to entitirely appropriate dicussion on a very hot topic - no need for baseless insults.
However, I do tend to agree that LOTS and LOTS of letters will (should) carry more weight (hopefully!) than an online petition - without taking anything away from my comendation for those that organised and participated in it.
..and yes, I too agree (as I inferred earlier) that such funds need to be better targetted.
Soon to be de "dreamweaver" ed!
Colin Hay
Posts: 10407
Date Joined: 23/10/07
The ABC is asking angry anglers to contact them this
morning. The morning talkback host is Geoff Hutchinson the contact details are:
Tel: 1300 222 720, SMS on 199 22 720 or email Geoff at
Moderator. Proud member of the Fishwrecked "Old Farts". Make sure your subscribed to Fishwrecked Reeltime
tailor marc
Posts: 2979
Date Joined: 27/09/06
Haha just got emailed
Haha just got emailed this....
My photography pictures...
Posts: 4688
Date Joined: 01/12/07
LOL Marc!
Soon to be de "dreamweaver" ed!
Posts: 4688
Date Joined: 01/12/07
Good one #1 - Norman Moore - Edited/Updated Details
Good input #1 - will be interesting.
For those wanting to write to the Minister here is the contact details --->
EDIT UPDATE - More precise contact details:
Hon. Norman Frederick Moore MLC BA Dip Ed
Minister For Mines and Petroleum; Fisheries; Electoral Affairs
Electorate Office:
Level 1
8 Parliament Place
West Perth WA 6005
Ph: (08) 9226 3550
Fax: (08) 9226 2976
Ministerial Office:
4th Floor, London House
216 St Georges Terrace
Ph: (08) 9422 3000
Fax: (08) 9422 3001
Soon to be de "dreamweaver" ed!
Posts: 314
Date Joined: 24/01/08
Col, first 2 emails bounce
Col, first 2 emails bounce back.
Posts: 116
Date Joined: 23/05/09
Catch & Release??
What if you only go out to fish for these species... take a couple of snap shots and put em back??? Will i get prosecuted if caught in the act?? or do i still have to pay for the license to fish for them???
Going Offroad In Search Of The Elusive One.....
Posts: 747
Date Joined: 17/03/09
Email to ministers
Copy of my email to 15 ministers so far. I am going through the list and sending it to each of them. Hopefully they will get the message.
To the ministers of the liberal party
I find it outrageous that you have introduced such high fees for a recreational pastime. For each person who fishes from my boat to have to pay $180 per year is highway robbery particularly with the recent increases in boat and trailer registeration fees. My 18 yr old daughter comes out with me a few times a year but not enough to warrant an annual fee but will still have to pay $50 each time. I also invite other people out when my regulars are not available. This help cover the cost of fuel and bait. Last night on 6PR you stated it costs $11m to run fisheries etc and only $2.5m is rec’d direct from fishing plus the additional $4m you will raise with these new fees. What about the tax we pay when we put fuel in the boat and by tackle and bait and don’t forget the cost just to launch you boat or pay mooring fees. I am happy to pay a fee but make it for each boat and tier it to cover the number of people on the boat. For example only 3 people fish from my boat so I would be happy to pay a one of annual fee of say $150 to cover all of them. That equates to $50 per person, so why not have a fee at $50 per person and the licence can state max number per boat that can fish or it covers the max limit of fish that can be caught per boat. As stated by many people on 6PR we already look after stock by only taking what we want for a feed and the rest go back. I have voted Liberal for many years but will have to think twice at the next election. Why should the general public have to pay increased costs just to cover your governments high spending. A very angry Angler. Mark
Smartline Personal Mortgage Advisers - Level 1, 11 Hobsons Gate Currambine
Posts: 314
Date Joined: 24/01/08
I FISH, I VOTE! Might be
Might be time to bring that back into consideration.
Posts: 1081
Date Joined: 30/03/08
Maybe someone can set up an
Maybe someone can set up an online FAX with the numbers provided then "signed" "constructive" letters of concern can be faxed?
Angling tourism is worth $10 billion to the Australian economy - 90000 jobs; more than any sport; spread the word
Posts: 113
Date Joined: 09/11/07
Dictaton strong at work again
Good to see the free country we all love is getting better at democracy where we all get a say in the decisions at that will affect us. have to agree with you there jabba jabba.
What the $^&* does this Norman Moore ^&(*& like to do for a fun lets put foward a proposal to legislate that to the point of it being completely inpractical.
the government have got good timeing to amidst a recesion they bring in a more economically detromantal process to hard working people of this great place.
Hate to be the people trying to enforce this at such short notice. the responce will not be of the politest nature as you would believe your self to be entitalled to.(get old numb nuts to do it himself he can face the back lash).
hope numb nuts relises what happen to the last political dictator we had (carpenter on day light saving) BYE BYE!!!!
the process makes sence but the prices are over the top and if this sticks then we need to have every dollar that is payed justified to the extent that any unjustified spending, results in ones immediate dismisal and removal from the system and all moneies recooperated and put back into where it was intended.
Posts: 1081
Date Joined: 30/03/08
Good to see the free country
Good to see the free country we all love is getting better at democracy where we all get a say in the decisions at that will affect us. have to agree with you there jabba jabba.
Unfortunately the conservation movement write more letters with more pressure. Thats more numbers in a democratic society. They have active lobbiests in government.
They are constructive letters signed with requests on what government is to do about their measures.
Angling tourism is worth $10 billion to the Australian economy - 90000 jobs; more than any sport; spread the word
Posts: 1235
Date Joined: 27/01/07
job creation
maybe they should spend it on keeping aussies in jobs,or keeping our coastline safe from boat people,coz we know not that much revenue ever gets spent on fishing
Nauti Buoy
Posts: 595
Date Joined: 20/04/09
Perhaps if the minister evened out the cost and charged a reasonable license fee for 'EVERYONE' in the state then the fee would be a more realistic price ie $50-$100 per year.
I cannot comprehend that he wants to charge one sector of the fishing community to be able to fish, but not others.
Will the recreational fishing money be used for any research that will be valuable for areas outside of the West Coast zone? If so 'Moore' should open his eyes.
If he doesn't i might move up to EXXY- still free to fish up there
PS- Retired politicians get free airfares so they can fly to parts of the country where you don't have to pay to fish- HHHMMMMM!
tailor marc
Posts: 2979
Date Joined: 27/09/06
So going for snapper at
So going for snapper at northmole will come under these licences?
My photography pictures...
Posts: 207
Date Joined: 05/04/09
no it wont, it dosn't affect
no it wont, it dosn't affect shore based anglers
People who haven't caught a big fish just don't get it
Posts: 401
Date Joined: 29/07/08
just my 10 cents worth...
What a load of bullshit.
Higher fuel costs, new epirb regulations, higher boat rego fees.....and now this !!Sure we need to look at protecting fish stocks, but to make it a recreation (to target dermesals) only for those with a higher disposable income is crap.
I generally only take 1 or 2 people out with me when going fishing.
Sometimes the decision to go can be a last minute one or the night before.
What if the decky (doesn't have to be an adult - maybe my son's mate) doesn't have a license, how do they purchase one prior to the trip ? Sorry champ you're not coming with us because you aint got a license !
via a website and pay with credit card, vending machines installed at ALL boat ramps (hardly likely)
I know if it comes in, sure you'll have no choice to pay the $$'s.
I'll spend my $180 and cough up $90 for my son... but anyone else who comes out for a fish will be classed as a "passenger only" on return to the ramp !
It's gonna be hard for the inspectors to proove otherwise !
Posts: 247
Date Joined: 09/03/08
Guys, From what I am
From what I am hearing there is still the opportunity to shift the changes from what was announced to low cost broad based licences, if we make enough noise.
I believe there was a push for that outcome within the Lib Party, but it wasn't seen as politically acceptable.
So email pollies, ring talkback and write to newspapers and we might still be able to salvage proper fisheries management from the wreckage.
It's not too late, hopefully.
Get busy...
Posts: 4688
Date Joined: 01/12/07
ring talkback....
Did that Scotty, (heard your comments too
)...wanted to say a lot more - but didn't want to be greedy with air time. My correspondence is being drafted - and I agree - the more noise the better. With a mid october launch, we all have plenty of opportunity to get off our butts.
Soon to be de "dreamweaver" ed!
Posts: 247
Date Joined: 09/03/08
Yeah, had a couple more
Yeah, had a couple more points Colin, but they kept it pretty short.
I honestly believe a low cost broad based licence, as in other states, is the best way forward.
And I think it might be achievable if we act quickly.
Posts: 4688
Date Joined: 01/12/07
Agreed Scott
My mates on the south coast (South Coast Bioregion) will kill me for saying this, but I'd be more than prepared to pay for a '(valuable scale fish species) Demersal Fee' if it meant broader research and properly funded resources and lower costs for WCB counterparts.
Same goes for boat fishing licences - if you MUST have a boat licence (as opposed to a better broader licence) - at least charge all boat owners.
Todays land based fisho could be tomorrows boat based fisho and they'd benefit from anything done today. Same principle applies to bioregion driven costs - people move around and the research and efforts needs to be across all habitats that identified demersal scale fish inhabit - not just the WCB.
Soon to be de "dreamweaver" ed!
On the Level
Posts: 35
Date Joined: 13/06/09
Where do you purchase a licence?
I can only assume that you purchase the licence from a Post Office, what happens if if you decide to go out on a Sunday(assuming you haven't got a yearly) and we all know the chaces of findind a PO open on Sundays.
The whole system is a JOKE
On the Level
Jabba Jabba
Posts: 35
Date Joined: 02/07/09
The petition is going well, there are 93 sigantures so far and most people are leaving comments which is great.
All the comments will be included when petition is given to the minister.
You might think it's a waste of time but at least it's something and all adds to the "noise" we can make.
Some people seem concerned the the petition is going to cost them. Don't worry it's completely free. After you cast your vote and leave your comment it directs you to a donation page but you don't have to do anything, just close the window, your vote will still be cast.
Mindarie Districts Sea Sports Club
flash as
Posts: 286
Date Joined: 07/04/09
Sorry kids
Seeing as the australian government have made it impossible for me to take you out on the water and teach you to help and co oporate with your sibblings...... you just keep playing video games. When they put a widows pension up to keep up with the other stuff that keeps going up ... well maybe then i can show you the freedom of the water and the peace that goes with it. Then i can teach you that girls can do any thing and how to respect yourselves and god's ocean and creatures. How to safely return things to the ocean to swim another day. Yeah i'm sorry, you just stay in front of the tv!!!
i'm all for a visit to the house on the hill and i have signed the above petition. I would dearly love the oportunity to teach my kids about preservation so they don't screw it up when its their turn. How else are they going to learn????
A1 quality plasterboard installed if needed shops offices housing u won't find better quality or value with my work! Ceiling master!
Matt T
Posts: 875
Date Joined: 19/11/07
Why don't they reduce the take of fish??
If the aim is to reduce the amount of fish taken - why not make a bag limit of 1 cat one per person per day. Putting an expensive license in place doesn't actually stop anyone from taking the same amount of fish as last year - just makes it more expensive. Kinda stupid reasoning really.
Posts: 478
Date Joined: 27/02/08
I am happy to pay a single
I am happy to pay a single licence, and I reckon that the existing bag limits are generous. However I get the feeling that I am being screwed because I fish from a boat and live in Perth.
Be a tough job getting a deckie in a couple of months
Copy of letter just sent to Moore
/* Style Definitions */
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Dear Mr Moore,
Let me start this letter on a positive note by saying that I welcome the introduction of a Recreational Fishing Licence, particularly when I read that your Government’s policy is that current funding levels for recreational fishing will remain and any income from the new licence will be quarantined for use to the betterment of recreational fishing in WA.
On the other hand I am VERY disappointed in the way that the new fees have been calculated.
I am a family man with two young children, on a modest income, that has worked and saved hard to buy myself a boat capable of travelling the distances required to target our local demersal species. I object to:
1. The fact that I, along with my wife and children, will have to pay a fee to fish, or crab, from our boat. $90 per year in total
2. The fact that we will need to pay an extra fee to target demersal fish of up to $150 each per year. Let us be honest here no boat owner will choose pay by the day given the flukiness of the west coast wind patterns
3. The fact that a wide circle of friends that fish with me on an occasional basis will be up for $50.00 for the first trip out and then $20 for each subsequent trip (if fishing for demersals)
4. Land based fishermen face no financial burden to carry out their style of fishing
As stated, I welcome the idea of a fishing licence and I also agree that lower bag limits are a legitimate tool in protecting our fish stocks. However I strongly disagree with the manner in which these new conditions have been implemented.
I have been a lifelong Liberal voter and, as one who believes in the ethos that I thought that your Government stood for, remain deeply disturbed by your actions. I fear that your government will feel a strong voter backlash on this subject that is close to many West Australian’s hearts.
Now that the new rules appear to be set in stone until the 12 month review, I expect to see some result for the financial burden that I, and others, will carry. I ask
1. What is your baseline evidence on the existing biomass of the listed demersal fishes within the West Coast Region?
2. Have you determined the actual take of demersal fish in the recreation sector within the West Coast Region? If so how does this compare to the professional take?
3. On what basis do you determine the success of the program put in place by yourself? Will the results be published?
4. How will the money raised from the licences be spent in a fashion that provides tangible benefit to recreational fishermen that will contribute the lion’s share to the fund (i.e. Boating fishermen)
I look forward to receiving a response to my letter
Yours Sincerely
Posts: 1081
Date Joined: 30/03/08
Thats a good letter but dont
Thats a good letter but dont just write to Moore, send it to shadow then federal Ministers both current and shadow. Send your same letter to all of them.
Then write another and do the same.
Angling tourism is worth $10 billion to the Australian economy - 90000 jobs; more than any sport; spread the word
Andy Mac
Posts: 4778
Date Joined: 03/02/06
Page 2 Link
Just added a "page 2" link at the top of the first page, which when you click it , it will take you to page 2 naturally.
Just be aware that the second page will also have the link at the header post so don't keep clicking it thinking you haven't moved. Just scroll down and you will find the latest posts.
Andy Mac (Fishwrecked Reeltime Editor & Forum Moderator)
Youngest member of the Fishwrecked Old Farts Club
flash as
Posts: 286
Date Joined: 07/04/09
not happy jan
If they want kids to sit at home and stare at the television then ... Way to go!!! As a widow i bet my pension wont go up with all these increases!! I guess they got the last laugh after all as i bought my boat and did it up with my last bonus from mr Rudd. Has any one else ever noticed that Evinrude and Kevin Rudd have only two letters difference? Take the K from Kevin and change the last 'D' to an E. Hmm i thought it was my sign to buy my beloved boat... wrong again.
And yes i signed the petition and am all for parking my boat at the house on the hill. Not quite sure how my kids will learn to look after our ocean and its inhabitats but i guess thats my problem and not mr Rudd's.
A1 quality plasterboard installed if needed shops offices housing u won't find better quality or value with my work! Ceiling master!
Jabba Jabba
Posts: 35
Date Joined: 02/07/09
We've just cracked 100 signatures
If anyones knows any other ways to get this link to more people please let me know.
Mindarie Districts Sea Sports Club
Posts: 29
Date Joined: 25/05/09
Get people to email it to
Get people to email it to their all staff emailing lists at work....
Then some of those who see red will forward it to private lists too...
When drafting a sampe make SURE to note to ignore the stupid gimmick donation thing... just close your browser after signing when the next window comes up... your petetion signature still counts
Jiggity, Jiggity ...
All that I know...Is that my gut says.....Maybe...
flash as
Posts: 286
Date Joined: 07/04/09
give a man a fish
and he eats for a day, teach a man to fish and he better have a bloody truck load of money !!!!
A1 quality plasterboard installed if needed shops offices housing u won't find better quality or value with my work! Ceiling master!
Posts: 1081
Date Joined: 30/03/08
I'm sure there will be (and
I'm sure there will be (and should be) plenty of people writing in Saltatrix in addition to entitirely appropriate dicussion on a very hot topic - no need for baseless insults.
Just trying to motivate people to actually write to the ministers Dreamweaver
Cursing and swearing at the internet does nothing. I figure if they get angry enough they may shift their comments to writing a constructive letter instead of totally wasting time with it on the internet.
Unless people write to the minsters both state and federal including the opposition or shadow ministers, nothing will change.
The governments are under pressure from groups to reduce demersal fishing by 50% by organisations like World Wildlife Fund etc.
If it is not achieved they will "write" and "lobby" to government until it does. Ok your licence may be reduced to an acceptable level but the anti-fishing brigade will write constructive letters to both state and federal asking for large no-take zones next because the fishing licence has not reduced fishing effort by 50%.
People have to write with solutions or WWF, Jessica Meeuwig will put advertising on TV persuading the rest of the country that you need big no take zones to reduce your effort by 50% because they see that there is too many fishing boats.
Unfortunately they do write good letters and they have convinced the public.
They dont spray their discontent on the internet. WWF members, the anti-fishing lobby and Meeuwig focus on communication to government for action. Theres a lot of them too.
Angling tourism is worth $10 billion to the Australian economy - 90000 jobs; more than any sport; spread the word
Posts: 4688
Date Joined: 01/12/07
I'm sure there will be (and should be) plenty of people writing in
Saltatrix in addition to entitirely appropriate dicussion on a very hot
topic - no need for baseless insults.
Just trying to motivate people to actually write to the ministers Dreamweaver
Yup, fair enough mate
, sometimes you have to hit a Bull over the head with a 4by2 to get it's attention
. I applaud your passion!
Soon to be de "dreamweaver" ed!
Posts: 1549
Date Joined: 10/05/08
Norm in the 1980's "Life
Norm in the 1980's "Life be in it "
Norm in 2009 "Stay home you miserable pieces of crap,unless you are wealthy
,,fishing is now a privelege not a right "
"And yes a kayak is actually a boat, didn't you know that ? Are you public completely void of any brains ? We laugh about you lot up here on the hill,,you will moan and whine but you will pay up,,hahahaha "
Barrd Up
Posts: 75
Date Joined: 25/10/08
What about equity. I don't
What about equity.
I don't want to offend the shore fishermen. But why does it cost a guy with a 12ft dingy who fishes 100 meters off the shore $30 to catch a feed of whitting and herring, while the guys on the beach catching the same fish pay nothing. Not equitable and not right.
Where is the science that states that paying a $150 demersal license will save the V5?
What is with the no take in Nov and Dec, I believed that Dhufish spawned in Jan if you are going to use science then apply it correctly. Protect fish in their spawning seasons.
Big Fella fishn
Posts: 115
Date Joined: 04/05/09
Black fella's exempt???
I am not a racist, but i spose all of the Indigenous / Torres straight islanders are exempt from the fishing regulations, as they are with all the other marine regulations.... Would be interseted to know... If so, gunna trace the family tree with a fine toothed comb... and hope great, great, great grand daddy or mummy boofed one... I could be 1/64 cast????
Posts: 1081
Date Joined: 30/03/08
Where is the science that
Where is the science that states that paying a $150 demersal license will save the V5? What is with the no take in Nov and Dec, I believed that Dhufish spawned in Jan if you are going to use science then apply it correctly. Protect fish in their spawning seasons.
These are the sort of constructive comments that should be pasted in word printed off, signed and mailed.
Gather your thoughts, use other comments you see. Keep in mind sustainability. Its pointless giving the anti-fishing brigade that you have collpased endangered species or there will be a complete ban for 5 years.
On top that email, fax as well the same letter to all the other appropriate ministers. Federal as well.
Request a reply.
Your a bitch Moore and Kiss my butt does nothing but some how make ones self feel better.
Angling tourism is worth $10 billion to the Australian economy - 90000 jobs; more than any sport; spread the word
Posts: 29
Date Joined: 25/05/09
Heres a thought..
Based on this excerpt from the official PDF publication release:
"Do I get a plastic licensing card if I take out
a one-day or fortnight West Coast Demersal
Scalefish Licence? No. Plastic cards will only
be issued for annual licences. --For one-day and
fortnight licences, the receipt issued online
through the website-- or by the Australia Post
outlet or a Department of Fisheries office will be
effective as proof of licence. "
Ive highlighted a particular part of the phrase:
"Through the website "
Now not that it gets around paying BUT...
With the advent of today's technology it is highly POSSIBLE that internet connections can be drawn from PDA phones and other devices at MANY places whilst on the water. (even close to the ramps at worst)
A sneaky solution for those planning one day licences:
If possible: Don't bother until you actually CATCH something... Pay online with a credit card via the website whilst at sea ...
That way you can minimise the impact of the demersal $30 cash grab, particularly if you have a bad day out and miss the lot.
As you are well entitled to fish for other species, the way I see it, you would be in compliance with the ruling, provided you pay up when you catch something demersal.
Also plenty of scope to also throw an extra demersal fish on another mates bag limit if he gets a dermesal -- as the rest of the fishermen on the boat could be fishing for non-demersal species.
And lastly, not that I agree with it necessarily, but I can see some of the die hards possibly using this to avoid paying until actually sighting a fisheries inspector.
Any which ways, in general, I have no problem paying something if I catch something... but the proposed value of $30 and having to pay it on a whim seems a bit rich. IF they make a decent blanket boat licence and be done with it... and avoid the subversiveness that is otherwise goign to ensue.
May sound a bit nerdish for a solution... But hey ... I work in I.T
Happy Hunting :D
All that I know...Is that my gut says.....Maybe...
Posts: 393
Date Joined: 12/06/08
Extra Security
I think some of the fees will have to be directed to personal security for minister moore,as going on the post regarding this new impost on fishing he will need it,i would not like to be in his shoes if down near the water jersey
Posts: 1392
Date Joined: 08/01/09
On the news,
the fisheries minister said the main objective was to stop people going fishing. Isnt that detrimental to his own department. I would pay even though it is expensive compared to other states like NSW ($30 a year unbrella license)What I want to know is what am I getting for my money. Sure they will research but none of us are going to see this research, therefore no good for me. Some suggestions from me would be:
#aquaculture and study on breeding demersal fish for restocking,
#education on releasing fish properly especially for incidental captures in the closed season
#education in general on acceptable fishing practices
#more fisheries officers
#habitat regeneration(artifical reefs, ect)
#study on breeding cycles of these fish they are trying to protect so they can shut areas down for a period to let them do there thing
Unless some of these issues are going to be addressed I cannot see the point of bringing in a license. Then it would be called revenue raising. As the old saying goes, 10% of the fisherman catch 90% of the fish. These 10% would have no qualms in paying the fees, so in my eyes how is this going to be a benefit to fish stocks.
Jabba Jabba
Posts: 35
Date Joined: 02/07/09
Sign the petition, leave a comment.
Write to the Minister
Email the Minister
Fax the Minister
Mindarie Districts Sea Sports Club
Posts: 417
Date Joined: 29/10/08
i know
i defiently know i'm won't be heading out on my mates boat any more.
too much money, not enough chance of getting decent fish.
happy fishing
Posts: 1549
Date Joined: 10/05/08
I hope Mr Moore is very
I hope Mr Moore is very proud of himself stopping the youth of today going fishing.
Posts: 242
Date Joined: 18/01/07
I reckon it would be good for all Recreational fishos (boat and land based) to have to go through some assesmet - like the Rec Skippers Ticket. It would solve issues like people taking more than the bag limits, taking under sized fish, inproper releasing of fish, etc.
People arent actually going to learn anything out of this current proposal.
If you have a Rec Fishers Ticket then you should know the rules, just like RST.
Posts: 1549
Date Joined: 10/05/08
I don't need the RST for my
I don't need the RST for my kayak because its not a boat.
Now i need a boat fishing licence because the kayak is now a boat,lol
Posts: 1853
Date Joined: 10/11/08
You dont require a rst
So tell me have you got your info from years on the water or hours on the internet?
Posts: 1549
Date Joined: 10/05/08
Thats my point ,,with Mr
Thats my point ,,with Mr Moorons anti fishing laws its now a boat even with no 8 hp on it.
Mind you its not myself i am to worried about its kids and familys,,it means in a few months kids will not be able to go fishing as the parents will not be able to afford an extra $700 or whatever.
Posts: 2724
Date Joined: 29/11/06
All for it.
Having read most of the posts on here I can only say that most of you have missed the big picture. Fish for the future. I want my kids and grandkids to be able to catch fish in 50 years time. Have confidence that the government will do the right thing with the revenue raised. If your aren't prepared to pay the price it costs to live in a 1st world country; move somewhere else. Ever tried to catch a decent fish off the coast of asia. Be honest with yourself, if you can afford a boat you can afford $200 to keep the fishery sustainable. Wake up and stop your pointless complaining. JMO.
The best reason for doing what's right today is tomorrow.
Posts: 35
Date Joined: 24/09/08
Its not a case of being able to afford a boat, a lot of folks save for years to get a boat,and unlike yourself who obviously likes to rape the ocean for whatever you can get,can only get out with their small boat and catch a few small fish if they are lucky, and would never catch huge fish in a life time.
They just want to enjoy a day out with the family in what used to be a family recreation.
Minister Moore wants to stop people fishing.Full Stop.
He claims this is the only way to do it ,price people out of the game.
He claims 18% of fishers contribute to the fishing costs in this state.
He claims 82% of taxpayers foot the bill for the rest, I might be mistaken but, I, like many others in this state am a taxpayer and i also fish,and also vote.
The only way to preserve fish stocks is to cut the bag limits to a sensible limit, stop the taking of undersize fish,and have closures in the breeding season,as it is in Cockburn Sound. Not when it will upset the caravan park operators, because it co-incides with a holidy period.
Ryan Thipthorp (not verified)
Posts: 16
Date Joined: 01/01/70
far from it!
Soupster releases quality fish and doesnt need to get his limit. As a
good mate & decky on my boat he could easly bagout but he cares
about the fish.......pitty rapers dont!