My Rig

Hi Guys

no where near complete, but good enought to go fishing in.

Been out jigging yesterday and threw some plastics at some big fish this afternoon (well on the sounder anyway, and I saw a snapper swim under my Ski) , they werent interested. I berleyed up and got inundated with herring, threw the soft plastics arround the edges but the big boys weren't interested. Win some / lose some.


Anyway my rig

safety first

EPIRB, Flares, 1st aid box and tow rope,

then we have

anchors, and my spare life jacket goes in here as well



CO2 life jacket with my Tackle "sadlle bags" (holds all my jigs and soft plastics)


My eskie, going to make a new frame, this eskie will be converted into a live well. Currently holds five rods, gaff, net and light.

and finally the whole picture





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Posts: 348

Date Joined: 24/11/10

Nice rig

Tue, 2013-07-23 02:01

 Good set up there, how long have you been fishing on a ski?


Lifes a game but fishing is serious !!!

psion's picture

Posts: 424

Date Joined: 15/05/12

About a year now

Tue, 2013-07-23 10:31

Still a newbe, spend a lot of time travelling round and logging potential grounds,



beau's picture

Posts: 4109

Date Joined: 24/01/10

Nowhere near complete? What

Tue, 2013-07-23 13:07

Nowhere near complete?
What else could you want?


Super peg's picture

Posts: 760

Date Joined: 02/09/12

 curious of overall price?  i

Tue, 2013-07-23 14:02

 curious of overall price?  i really like the rod holder bar, sweet set up man! 

your post has just changed my mind from yak to jetski haha


The art of fishing consists of casting, winding, trolling and jigging

while freezing, sweating, swatting and swearing.

psion's picture

Posts: 424

Date Joined: 15/05/12

eskie setup

Tue, 2013-07-23 20:41

I'm going to change the eskie setup at the back, just finished the designs, got a little bit of tweeking to do, It'll have a space for the eskie/live well, one for the tackle box, one for the food and drinks eskie (small one), a space for the berley bucket and spare 10 litre jerry can. 

The rod holder bar is simply some galvanised pipe from Bunnings. wanted to test the setup. the rod holders are chrome and screw off (to be placed on the new frame), the black frame is mild steel painted with ruberised paint, could probably be galvanised, but has lasted a year so far and was intended to be a temp solution.  You could proably do the whole frame for about 300. The saddle bag is an extra large shoulder pack that fits over the seat and the straps clip together under the seat, so it's secure.


The orange pipe is for my light (extendable to 1.5 metre height.

I have just aquired my hald held VHF radio and it'll be lessons next.



garrick's picture

Posts: 5

Date Joined: 29/09/10

what kind of fish finder and

Tue, 2013-07-30 06:41

what kind of fish finder and mount did you use?

i'm looking into setting my ski up now for fishing and thought a fish finder would be a good place to start

any info would be appreciated.



Jetski fisher, Gracetown

psion's picture

Posts: 424

Date Joined: 15/05/12

fish finder

Tue, 2013-07-30 14:52

I've got the Lowrance elite 5, its the sounder and chart one, I have mounted mine on the front RHS (you can see it in the Pic above, I have a second battery for it. you can wire it up through the one bung hole if you dont want to drill a hole in the hull.




garrick's picture

Posts: 5

Date Joined: 29/09/10

 ok nice, what about the

Tue, 2013-07-30 16:05

 ok nice, what about the transducer i use my ski alot for surfing so was hoping to mount it in the hull to avoid damaging it. Any thoughts on that?



Jetski fisher, Gracetown

psion's picture

Posts: 424

Date Joined: 15/05/12

hull mount

Tue, 2013-07-30 21:09

the hull may be a better option, just make sure the whole transducer is "buried' in silicon and there are no bubbles in the silicon, then it should work.