i bought a jetski - here is what i have learnt

hope this triggers a laugh in someone :-)

kids have been banging on about getting one for ages - so i finally caved and bought a 10 year old SeaDoo with 140 hours, previous owner (a mate of mine) had just spent 8k rebuilding everything (with seadoo receipts) and then decided he needed a new one....

what i have learnt...
-they idle at 1800 rpm - WTF?
-260hp on a 3 metre craft is more than enough.....
-260hp does not get you there faster if the sea is choppy
-wearing your cap backwards gets you labelled a certain name which i cant repeat here
-wearing your cap forwards means you lose your cap
-you get dirty looks from people, whether you are riding it or not, its death by association
-if you think maintaining a boat is expensive, pound for pound a jetski is frightening
-Just because it has had 8k spent on it doesnt mean it wont need more spending on it for random stuff that should last longer than 140 hours
-The "brake" reverse lever is on the portside handle bars, the (very sensitive) throttle is on the starboard side handle bars - dont mix these up when docking...

Despite it being a lot of fun, my idea of having something we could cruise around the swan on and drag to rotto for weekends is not quite "instant regret" but lets just say the relationship is not off to a good start!

Livewire's picture

Posts: 294

Date Joined: 25/11/16

 Classic. Not to mention the

Fri, 2024-09-20 16:17

 Classic. Not to mention the aches and pain's the next day. Enjoy

Faulkner Family's picture

Posts: 17984

Date Joined: 11/03/08

Good luck with it. At least

Fri, 2024-09-20 17:03

Good luck with it. At least it gets the kids off your back , until they get bored with it and then it will just take up room in the driveway.


RUSS and SANDY. A family that fishes together stays together