What is this fish??
Submitted by wadetolley on Sat, 2010-05-29 06:48
HI guys went out for another fish yesterday. Got onto a few trickie snapper, but that was about it. Full moon at the moment, so there is plenty of current and shitloads of sharks. Anyway old mate caught this fish today. Is it a small barracuda??? Cheers
Posts: 8
Date Joined: 12/03/10
me thinks it might be snook
or did it have a mouth full of needles? if so small barracudda
Posts: 89
Date Joined: 30/03/09
looks very much like a snook to me - good bait - and too bad smoked!
Posts: 2332
Date Joined: 20/07/09
do you get snook up there?
do you get snook up there? If not then def a small couta.
Posts: 2258
Date Joined: 27/06/08
Had needle teeth! We were not sure if it was a snook, apparently thery do get a few up here. My call was a cuda, but they were saying snook. Do snook have sharp teeth or not, never caught one?
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Date Joined: 24/08/07
yep sharp teeth
yep sharp teeth
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Date Joined: 16/10/08
Wade that looks like a axehandle
Ie a Barracuda. Little one. It has the thick body with stripes developing. I am possitive that is a cuta.
"I would like to die on Mars. Just not on impact!!" _ Elon Musk
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Date Joined: 24/07/07
Barracuda for sure.
Posts: 2258
Date Joined: 27/06/08
Cheers fellas, i will inform the boys..i was right!
Posts: 74
Date Joined: 25/04/10
me thinks a snook
That looks like a snook to me, there like a plague down Espy from the Jetty (home town seen and caught plenty) thick ones like that are common fodda down there, great smoked (hickory) thats bout it otherwise great bait.
Just get me back on the water