Walfootrot and myself ( squid)

Walfootrot and myself ( squid)

Had bash this morn . Pete just got back from Darwin gave duos a bash. Wind was crap.1.5 hours all over.30 to 35 feet this morn. I got some good bait peter got great feed. Thought I would go before it turns to mud. Plenty around ATM.

Faulkner Family's picture

Posts: 18094

Date Joined: 11/03/08

 great haul there guys. gotta

Tue, 2017-07-11 17:58

 great haul there guys. gotta be happy even if the conditions werent the best


RUSS and SANDY. A family that fishes together stays together

OOH YEH's picture

Posts: 400

Date Joined: 16/06/15

Well done

Tue, 2017-07-11 18:16

I'm stuck in Bali and won't be home till tomorrow ..... and now the missus wants me to drive to Albany  for a night ......  but as of Monday I'm hitting the sound ski or  boat ?????? 


Posts: 16

Date Joined: 01/01/70

 I'm green with envy... must

Tue, 2017-07-11 18:51

 I'm green with envy... must be a little warmer, you had shoes on in the last haul haha

little johnny's picture

Posts: 5362

Date Joined: 04/12/11

Ooh yeh I'm off

Tue, 2017-07-11 18:54

Monday . If weather okay I will take you and Moking out. Warmer :) let you guys get good feed. Be in touch pencil it in. Cheers

Moking's picture

Posts: 1252

Date Joined: 30/05/12

  Thanks heaps- Thats a very

Tue, 2017-07-11 21:00

  Thanks heaps- Thats a very nice offer- Cheers.

I was keen to take you out on the back of the Jetski- haven't heard a squeal for a long time- lol.


 My Dad taught me how to Fish-Thanks Dad.(RIP)

Posts: 755

Date Joined: 29/03/13

Nice haul

Tue, 2017-07-11 20:39

 Again. Wish I took the boat out as it looks like the windows closed now till Friday still got a heap of herring salmon trout land based for bait


Down the Line


Catch the Experience 

OOH YEH's picture

Posts: 400

Date Joined: 16/06/15

Thanks little Johnny

Wed, 2017-07-12 07:00

all penciled in looking forward to it !!!! 

Tom M's picture

Posts: 661

Date Joined: 22/09/15

 Seen you guys going out,

Wed, 2017-07-12 09:05

 Seen you guys going out, picked a good window and well rewarded with good haul, well done.



Tom M