Snapper off the rocks
Submitted by Brody on Sat, 2012-06-09 20:44

Shit photo, but I managed to get my first landbased snapper in Melbourne yesterday. It went 74cm and had me snagged in the rocks a few times. Then when I finally had it washed into the rocks, the hook trace popped, forcing me to jump onto the lower level and tail-grab the bastard. Very happy. It seems as though no-one targets the snapper off the shore (or in the boat) over winter here, more a summer thing. Quite contrary to Perth.
Posts: 4293
Date Joined: 04/04/08
Nice fish there Brody. Sounds
Nice fish there Brody. Sounds good no-one targetting them now, as you can have the spots all to yourself.
streaker boy
Posts: 527
Date Joined: 23/05/09
nice fish there mate was
nice fish there mate was that bait or plastic
There's still alot of snapper in bay ATM towards mornington 4 to 6 kg fish
I had a fish today out of sorrento for a gummy 1st time out from there with no luck but hooked something nearly spooled me on 1st run till it bite me off
Posts: 1025
Date Joined: 06/02/07
Cheers Aaron, it was on a
Cheers Aaron, it was on a whole whiting mate. Definitely seems to be some nice fish being caught down that way. That sounds interesting haha, let me know if you'd like some company!
streaker boy
Posts: 527
Date Joined: 23/05/09
Im goin tues morning what
Im goin tues morning what time can u get here lol