my first marlin and a first for my boat

my first marlin and a first for my boat

a first for me and a top way to end the day

mitch's picture

Posts: 1285

Date Joined: 14/08/05

always in it just the depth

Mon, 2008-07-21 16:26

just spent the last 30 mins writing up a report on my coral bay trip only to see it vanish when trying to add pics to the report,. talk about frustrating

always in it just the depth that varies

mako magic's picture

Posts: 5785

Date Joined: 03/08/05

nice little black mitch,

Mon, 2008-07-21 16:33

nice little black mitch, always good to get a first, some long lasting memories there mate.


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Adam Gallash's picture

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Mon, 2008-07-21 16:36

Just post the report and I'll add the pics, swear you do it everytime!! lol. Bout bloody time mate. :)  Had a big nite with Jack on friday, he's a very insightful man on older women.... LOL


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mitch's picture

Posts: 1285

Date Joined: 14/08/05

 about a week later myself

Tue, 2008-07-22 11:42

 about a week later myself and all the crew[10 very close friends] went out on Mahi Mahi 2 .my beatiful wife pulled the ace giving her first up in the chair .and what do know a tagged black almost identical in size to the one i landed what a magical day





always in it just the depth that varies




Adam Gallash's picture

Posts: 15655

Date Joined: 29/11/05


Mon, 2008-07-21 16:49

How'd you go with the frames, I need an excuse to go down there for the night. ;) Great to hear Cara got into them too, sounds like you had a ball!


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Goatch's picture

Posts: 1011

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Congrats Mate

Mon, 2008-07-21 19:41

well done , you must be wrapped Cara got one as well .

Does a one legged duck swim in an eliptic circle


Just one more cast , honest !!!  

mitch's picture

Posts: 1285

Date Joined: 14/08/05

certainly am wrapped .yep

Tue, 2008-07-22 12:14

the better half hooked up solid on a beakie


">certainly am wrapped .yep ads theres red frames ,spangos and 3 mackies that i know of .dan and breno are there till the end of the week so ide say there will be a few more by friday always in it just the depth that varies

Adam Gallash's picture

Posts: 15655

Date Joined: 29/11/05


Tue, 2008-07-22 13:42

Not only has he cracked the billfish and getting the missus one too, but also cracked putting photos into a thread, talk about a July to remember! Laughing Cool


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PilbaraBrad's picture

Posts: 3628

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nice one mitch!

Tue, 2008-07-22 19:15

nice one mitch!

johno's picture

Posts: 468

Date Joined: 20/07/08

well done... !

Wed, 2008-07-23 14:27

You gotta be pleased with that one mate!! Laughing


Cockburn Power Boat Member (CPBA)


big john's picture

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Sun, 2008-07-27 22:54

Nice work Mitch.

Gotta ask though, what's with the crewies bright white shirt on a fishing boat? Just put it on for the pic or does someone else do his washing.:)


I head a little FURTHER NORTH each year,
Leave the cities behind, out of sight of mind,


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Jack's picture

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Tue, 2008-07-29 18:05

Yeh mate i may have gone home with the older one but the kast i heard on the way home was "Adsy.... C'mon Adsy... ya cant piss there Adsy" Hurry up Adsy.... Me and the Mrs were crackin up mate... Good to catch up for a few Wild Turkys anyway. Better weather next time im hoping!!
Esky's Loaded, Boat's Ready...... Lets Go!!!!!!

dan south's picture

Posts: 714

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Haha well done Cara,that was

Tue, 2008-07-29 20:26

Haha well done Cara,that was an awsome trip out on the mahi mahi 2 can't wait to do it again awsome time,like they say mitch it all happens at once,all those years on trying to get some billie's and it all happens in one trip,all i can say is it was the best year i had that's for sure.

Adam Gallash's picture

Posts: 15655

Date Joined: 29/11/05


Wed, 2008-07-30 09:45

Classic Jack, I can't remember that bit.  I shoulda gone the older one too, damn hindsight! From 32 to 45 is a bit of a difference though, talk about a cougar!!


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Mon, 2008-11-03 15:50

That was a good couple off days.. well done. Thanks for the experiance MateLaughing

i need to get myself one!

Paul G's picture

Posts: 5215

Date Joined: 12/12/07

Good one always good to

Mon, 2008-11-03 15:56

Good one always good to catch a first was mine june this year and im heading back next year for some more.


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