Gee , we went for a quick tailor fish to two rocks along the beach , and to say that wind was challenging is like saying
the libs may have over spent a tad when in power .
There were some tailor about , but when your leaning into a 28 knot ssw with gusts to 33kts ( thats 61 kph mates, verifyed on seabreeze.) your earning every fish.
Then was the weed to contend with as well , so well done hutch , I think we beach fishers are the iron men of anglers , and some of you boaties need to remove your
comfortable shoes and get some sand between the toes ha.
Pretty much grew up eating them. Old man used to catch them off the beach at pelican point in Carnarvon while us kids had the afternoon swim. Don’t remember them being too bad but it would of definately been eat or starve.
Nothng wrong with eating a big shovelly, like wobbies the bigger they are the better eating they are. Small ones are tough but improve greatly with age.
Some of the ones we caught when pro fishing were up around 14 foot , they were cut up and filletted and sent home not off to market
Wes F
Posts: 1067
Date Joined: 07/01/12
Good sized shovel.
Old fishermen never die they just smell that way.
Posts: 1146
Date Joined: 28/09/10
Was that my hair piece that just flew by?
Gee , we went for a quick tailor fish to two rocks along the beach , and to say that wind was challenging is like saying
the libs may have over spent a tad when in power .
There were some tailor about , but when your leaning into a 28 knot ssw with gusts to 33kts ( thats 61 kph mates, verifyed on seabreeze.) your earning every fish.
Then was the weed to contend with as well , so well done hutch , I think we beach fishers are the iron men of anglers , and some of you boaties need to remove your
comfortable shoes and get some sand between the toes ha.
Posts: 1534
Date Joined: 06/02/13
That is a solid shovel! Well
That is a solid shovel! Well done.
Hi my name is rob............. and I'm a........... fishaholic
Da pirate
Posts: 1577
Date Joined: 03/05/15
Shovel ....
another quality shovel hutchman!!
killa bro !! Only matter of time that we pick up
one or something of similar weight at
the local !!
Posts: 1015
Date Joined: 24/06/12
Bloody overgrown stingray
Bloody overgrown stingray what a waste of a live skip
Qualified carpet layer available for jobs big and small
Posts: 1015
Date Joined: 24/06/12
And by the way the look on Ya
And by the way the look on Ya face is like you just seen ur first set of tits
Qualified carpet layer available for jobs big and small
Posts: 2221
Date Joined: 21/04/13
Should've seen your face
Should've seen your face when you landed that piss tiny salmon... Was like you were seeing a green can for the first time
Posts: 1015
Date Joined: 24/06/12
My first green can bloody
My first green can bloody hell got a leak in me eye what a great day that was
Salmon was a bit underguned with 80lb finesse at its finest son
Qualified carpet layer available for jobs big and small
Da pirate
Posts: 1577
Date Joined: 03/05/15
you s too farkin crack me up !! Sorry hutchman
but cals right !! But hey maybe who was holding
the camera Taking the pic could have had there
tits out ! So we will never know cal ??
Posts: 5981
Date Joined: 17/06/10
What did you do with it
That's a very big shovely well done, what did you do with it after the pic, I have never heard of anyone being hungry enough to eat one.
Posts: 4586
Date Joined: 01/02/10
Pretty much grew up eating
Pretty much grew up eating them. Old man used to catch them off the beach at pelican point in Carnarvon while us kids had the afternoon swim. Don’t remember them being too bad but it would of definately been eat or starve.
Does anyone know where the love of god goes, when the waves turn the minutes to hours?
Posts: 8673
Date Joined: 24/07/07
Nothng wrong with eating a big shovelly, like wobbies the bigger they are the better eating they are. Small ones are tough but improve greatly with age.
Some of the ones we caught when pro fishing were up around 14 foot , they were cut up and filletted and sent home not off to market
Posts: 2221
Date Joined: 21/04/13
Cheers lads. Wicked fighters
Cheers lads. Wicked fighters and my favourite fish so at that size they go back to be caught again
little johnny
Posts: 5362
Date Joined: 04/12/11
Solid fish
Posts: 1147
Date Joined: 07/12/06
Nice one bud.
Nice one bud.
Posts: 230
Date Joined: 04/02/17
Once again awesome fish
Once again awesome fish mate
Was awesome to witness the pure power firsthand
Was a good night fishing