Do you think the same Heroes in the West may have caught this?
Submitted by Willlo on Mon, 2012-10-22 14:34
Had this sent to me by a mate who was down at one of those jetties checking on what was being caught.Said it had been left there but was gone by that evening. I wont lose any sleep over it but its a bit of a waste,if you arent going to keep it let it go eh.
Call Sign - BZ785
Haynes Hunter Prowler CC
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Date Joined: 30/01/11
I agree. I love fishing and
I agree. I love fishing and eating fish but if you aint gonna eat it let the dam thing go!
Posts: 1322
Date Joined: 23/02/11
that looks like Broome -a few
that looks like Broome -a few thousand kilometres north -so i doubt it... either way still a waste
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Not Broome cobba,definately
Not Broome cobba,definately metro .
Call Sign - BZ785
Haynes Hunter Prowler CC
Handi 1
Posts: 151
Date Joined: 27/06/11
Bloody disgraceful , hate
Bloody disgraceful , hate seeing animals do shit like that . What if someone did that to a dog , or any animal in fact and just left it for all to see like they have . Very wrong .
Dhui on river to sea jig a few years back , 16 kg ! PB for me .
Posts: 1322
Date Joined: 23/02/11
yeah ok -looking in the
yeah ok -looking in the background
must confess dont spend much time on jetties in the metro.... assume thats somewhere in or near the sound?
Posts: 7006
Date Joined: 16/10/08
Bloody waste
Not an expert on this locality, but sure thats the Ammo jetty.
"I would like to die on Mars. Just not on impact!!" _ Elon Musk
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Thats what i was told,dont
Thats what i was told,dont live metro but was told it was the ammo jetty. Not sure what species it is thought it was a big bronzie,hard to tell with no head.
Call Sign - BZ785
Haynes Hunter Prowler CC
Posts: 1752
Date Joined: 07/12/08
they wanted to get the jaws, not a good look leaving shit like that lying around thats for sure.
Gooooone Fishin!
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Date Joined: 10/10/07
Agreed at least dipsose of it
Agreed at least dipsose of it comepletely we don't leave carcasses around for all the other fish we catch
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just what our sport needs
evidence like this, wont the tree huggers and greenies luv this, its all down from here I'm afraid.
all aggressive fish love bigjohnsjigs
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are you assuming this is the same people ? if so you are wrong ! i know who did this
and i know the person on the front of the paper antsey (anthony pecotic) very well and he caught 2 out of 3 of his sharks on my hook hahaha
i am not saying that i dont beleive this is wrong yet it is wrong for you to assume its my mate who is in the paper
fishy fingers
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no assumptions made
Willo only asked if it was possibly the same people
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cheers i just want to make it clear to people this is not the same person !!! i dont want people to think my mate may harm or kill sharks for no reason. WHY do i care because he is my mate and dont want people having ago at him like they have previously on the forum. i just saw the title as sarcastic thats all not really a question must be a misinterpretation.
Adam Gallash
Posts: 15655
Date Joined: 29/11/05
hmmm thread on notice.
Thread is on notice for where this one is heading, can see it already. Keep it civil and on topic or its locked. Cheers.
Site Admin - Just ask if you need assistance
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You may as well just delete it Gallash. We don't need this fuel for the greenys on any website, let alone one with as much traffic as FW
Wes F
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Old fishermen never die they just smell that way.
Handi 1
Posts: 151
Date Joined: 27/06/11
Whats the difference between
Whats the difference between cutting the head off a shark and leaving it like some bloody trophy in the sun ,and hacking fins off for a bloody soup ? Not much in my book , its another wasted beatiful shark that should have been cut off and set free . Fair enough no probs catching it , but to do that ? Look at the kids , laughing at it ,what are we teaching . Who ever does shit like that shouldn't even be called a fisherman , bloody butcher !
Dhui on river to sea jig a few years back , 16 kg ! PB for me .
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Nah Jack wasnt meaning to
Nah Jack wasnt meaning to point the finger title was worded wrong mate,dont worry i have caught plenty of sharks from the shore and its great fun even kept a few.I am not metro but from what i read and hear the Ammo jetty has a bit of a rep for anti social behaviour etc.When i saw this pic i wasnt impressed ,i am no fan of big sharks but hate to see anything killed for no reason.If you know who did it then maybe you could have a quiet word re the consequences of leaving a carcass on a jetty like that.As others have said it only takes a few to mess it up for everyone.i wouldnt want to see the authorities stop people fishing from the jetty just cause someone didnt think.You can lock the thread if you want but its a bit like sticking your head in the sand,it happened its fact and if everyone states that they arent happy with what happened maybe the greenies will realize that the majority of fisho's are responsible and the person who did it will realize its not on.
Call Sign - BZ785
Haynes Hunter Prowler CC
Posts: 134
Date Joined: 13/02/10
this shark was hooked a
this shark was hooked a night before this photo and was brought to the jetty and wrapped itself around a pylon and could not move causing it to die, i was down there the following day and the divers had managed to get it out and brought it onto the jetty so the jaws could be removed.
Handi 1
Posts: 151
Date Joined: 27/06/11
Fair enough , but something
Fair enough , but something should have been done with it , if you claim the jaws etc , at least bury the remains .
Dhui on river to sea jig a few years back , 16 kg ! PB for me .
Posts: 1490
Date Joined: 07/10/11
Fair enough, but you have to
Fair enough, but you have to admit leaving it on the jetty like that wasnt the smartest move.I did hear that it was only left for a day,tho long enough for this pic to be taken.Antsey what species of shark was it mate i thought large bronzie but a few mates have said different.By the way congrats on your epic sharking season keep up the good work some great captures.
Call Sign - BZ785
Haynes Hunter Prowler CC
Posts: 134
Date Joined: 13/02/10
bronze whaler was about 2m,
bronze whaler was about 2m, it was left on the jetty for about 30 minutes... then some guys came down and chucked it in the water..
Posts: 336
Date Joined: 31/08/09
Saw a picture of a very
Saw a picture of a very similar looking shark, on the jetty, on the exact same block, with a head, possibly the day before this photo as heardthe fish was released.
Dont know if it was the same shark as I was not there and I am no scientist.
Not a good sight when there are already hoards and media against fishing.
Fisher Kid
Posts: 358
Date Joined: 16/10/12
Maybe reason for no body
Maybe reason for no body taking it home to eat, is that large sharks contain huge amounts of heavy metals (lead, ammonia, mercury? ect, and are not exactly safe to eat. But it depends where they are from.
Fishing and catching are two different things. But i want to learn how to catch.
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obviously the head was kept for the jaws, poor form leaving the carcass there like that what a mess.
Posts: 447
Date Joined: 18/12/09
there is a size limit on
there is a size limit on whalers- 700mm between dorsal fin to tail ~ means sharks approx 1.8m & bigger are no keep
Posts: 457
Date Joined: 08/01/12
And do you know what happened
And do you know what happened to that carcass!, later that afternoon i was fishing a coogee jetty not woodies jetty which is approximately 1 km down the coast or so it had washed up on the beach headless with no fins.. The reason this shark died and i can verify that is because the fisherman that hooked it got it tangled underneath the jetty it busted off and he snapped half his rod so the poor shark was stuck under there with a rig around its body and half a rod hanging off. Next day few divers were down and found the carcass of the shark they had "lost" the previous day. They pulled it up took a photo took the head off and fins chucked it back in...
Good things come to those who bait
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sorry but
sorry man but it seems to me that you think the fisherman got it tangled on purpose as if they wanted to kill it"the fisherman that hooked it got it tangled underneath the jetty" which is not true these blokes love the ocean and respect it was just an externality of fishing mate not there fault he snapped his rod trying to not let it tangle itself.
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Same kind of thing happens
Same kind of thing happens when out in the boat,especially with Dhufish.You catch one it may be undersize so you let it go .It then pops up dead and floats away.Not much you can do about it you cant keep it by law.It is extremely frustrating and just one of thoes things.When i posted this pic i was pissed off as well but after the guys have explained what happened i fully understand.What i cant understand is why this pic is up in recent photos when i posted it on the 22nd and there have been heaps of pics posted since then?
Call Sign - BZ785
Haynes Hunter Prowler CC
Posts: 15048
Date Joined: 30/11/09
Dhuie won't pop up and float
Dhuie won't pop up and float away mate if you take the time as required by law to use a release weight. Never had one come back up from the depths. No excuse.
Love the West!
Clown Fish
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don't know about that
if you skulldrag it up as most do
, its got no hope, most fishos think they are lifting weights, espesially with braid
all aggressive fish love bigjohnsjigs
Clown Fish
Posts: 111
Date Joined: 03/02/10
No need to skull drag. By
No need to skull drag. By all means give it herbs to get out of the abrasive stuff but take it easy after that!
Posts: 1555
Date Joined: 28/08/07
I was of the impression the
I was of the impression the law only required you to carry a Release weight if targeting demersal, not that you are legally required to actually use it. Though one would think if you carry it you would use it.
Either way i carry one and i use it. But obviously you hear of alot of blokes on here releasing Dhuis on the surface and them swimming back down seemingly all good.
Posts: 52
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so much juice
so much juice
Posts: 457
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i didnt mean it in that way
i didnt mean it in that way jack
Good things come to those who bait
little johnny
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small dhues
if you know its small or you dont want it, stop at 7 to 5m for 3 to 5mins do deco a treat they swim back from top everytime....if it starts to float clip on sliding lead to keep it there ...have a beer or smoke,,
Posts: 1490
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Cheers John we do wind them
Cheers John we do wind them in slow when it feels like a Dhuie,like your idea re the float clip will give it a try.Just to clear up i said that we let them go,when we do its with a release weight.The few times its happened its been because the fish has had its neck pierced by the hook and has bled out.Very unlucky but that was the point i was trying to make about the shark.The guys explained it had been caught up in the pylons and drowned sometimes these things happen unlucky again.I wasnt impressed that it had been left on the jetty not a good look.NUf said.
Call Sign - BZ785
Haynes Hunter Prowler CC