SA Marine parks meeting


Had a meeting here in Adeliade last night regarding the marine parks (i.e. no take zones in particular) was a huge turnout which was good to see.  I reckon there was more than 1,000 the hall was full and many could not get inside.  Sadly the enviorment minister decided he nor anyone from his department would attend.


ANGRY anglers have threatened to blockade Port Rd with boats over the Government's "no-take" zones.

The threat was made during a public meeting, organised by Liberal Vickie Chapman, at Burnside Town Hall last night, where almost 1000 people gathered to voice their opposition to the plan.

Loud cheers echoed through the hall as a woman who gave her name as Jenny from Edithburgh called for the anglers to use their boats to block the entrance to Adelaide, which was followed by a commitment to a rally.

Many were outraged because they said the no take-zones appeared to be in the most productive recreational fishing areas.

Opposition Leader Isobel Redmond promised the crowd the Liberal Party would "scrap" no-take zones if elected.

SA Recreational Fishing Advisory Council executive officer Trevor Watts was among four speakers who took the stage before the crowd had a chance to air concerns.

"This is the largest gathering of anglers in this state I have ever seen," he said.

"You should be asking the Government 'show us where anglers cause harm to the environment' - I can't say that I've really seen any.

"Marine parks fine, but no-take zones really need to be justified and I haven't seen any justification for that."

Peter Bourke, of Port Victoria, said a no-take zone would have a negative and permanent effect on the local economy and lifestyle.

"Fishing is part of the reason we moved there," he said.

Environment Minister Paul Caica, whose absence sparked resounding boos from the large crowd, said he did not attend because it was a political rally.

"There's not going to be opportunity for me or my department to get a message across or even have a debate on the issue," Mr Caica said.

The Department of Environment and Conservation will hold a series of public information days.

The first is on Saturday, April 9, at the Holdfast Bay Community Centre."


Todays Advertiser also lists the for and against cases for the no take zones.  The "for" case is presented by Proffessor Hugh Possingham of the Ecology Centre of the Queensland University - Proffessor Possingham where do you get your funding from - wouldn't be PEW would it.............

Cheers all and thanks for all the support coming from across the border.





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Adam Gallash's picture

Posts: 15655

Date Joined: 29/11/05

national news

Wed, 2011-04-06 11:42

Just saw it on the national news, seems to have been given more airplay than the W.A one which is unfortunate for us, but still an excellent result for you guys.  Well done to all involved.


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snappermiles's picture

Posts: 2100

Date Joined: 05/11/10

but this is great for us too

Wed, 2011-04-06 12:24

they will start to see how many votes they are going to loose if they dont change there ways!!! and i would love too see them block port road with there boats!!



deezydee's picture

Posts: 109

Date Joined: 05/12/10

Sounds like an awesome

Wed, 2011-04-06 23:52

Sounds like an awesome turnout, gives us something to aim for at the next opportunity,  "UNITED WE STAND  " Rolling rallys in all states will certainly get the pollies anxious if they will keep there jobs.

Posts: 1081

Date Joined: 30/03/08

Proffessor Possingham where

Thu, 2011-04-07 07:00

Proffessor Possingham where do you get your funding from - wouldn't be PEW would it.............


He who pays the piper calls the tunes


Angling tourism is worth $10 billion to the Australian economy - 90000 jobs; more than any sport; spread the word

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Not hard to find..."The

Thu, 2011-04-07 15:53

Not hard to find...

"The report was commissioned by the Pew Charitable Trusts but was prepared independently by Professor Hugh Possingham..."