RFAC and RRFAC changes
RFAC and RRFAC changes
RFAC Recreational Fishing Advisory Committee Expression of Interest for Committee Members
People with an interest in the management and conservation of recreational fisheries are invited to apply for committee positions on the Recreational Fishing Advisory Committee (RFAC).
The RFAC has 15 members and its role is to provide advice to the Minister for Fisheries on issues affecting recreational fishing throughout Western Australia. The term of appointment will be for a period of two years.
Applications are invited for the following five positions:
* Three people to represent regional recreational fishing interests;
* One person of Aboriginal descent and able to represent the interests of Aboriginal people; and
* One person to represent the interests of the tackle industry.
The committee meets in Perth approximately four times per year for two days. Applicants must be prepared to attend all meetings.
Travel and accommodation expenses of committee members are paid as per established Public Service Guidelines.
Applications Close: Friday 30 November 2007.
RRFAC Regional Recreational Fishing Advisory Committees Expression of Interest for Committee Members
People with an interest in the management and conservation of recreational fisheries are invited to apply for committee positions on the Regional Recreational Fishing Advisory Committees (RRFACs) listed below.
There are 12 RRFACs and they have approximately 12 members. Their role is to provide advice to the Minister for Fisheries on issues which affect recreational fishing throughout regional Western Australia.
Applications are invited for the following RRFACs:
* Carnarvon
* Denham
* East Kimberley
* Esperance/Goldfields
* Exmouth
* Great Southern
* Metropolitan
* Midwest
* Peel
* Pilbara
* South West
* West Kimberley
The committees meet in their relevant regions approximately four times per year.
Applications Close: Friday 14 December 2007.
Application forms are available from the Department of Fisheries. Please contact:
Ms Eileen Ferguson
Level 3, SGIO Atrium
168-170 St George's Terrace
Telephone: 9482 7332
http://www.fish.wa.gov.au/docs/macs/rfac/eoi.php?0001 and http://www.fish.wa.gov.au/docs/macs/rfac/eoi-rrfac.php?0001
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