Ningaloo Marine Park
The following description is from the "MPRA Framework for the Review of Ningaloo Marine Park" at
and shows the separation of responsibilities between CALM and MPRA.
MPRA. Major Functions are:
o To have vested in it marine reserves and relevant land;
o To have care, control and management of marine reserves and relevant land;
o To develop policies in regard to marine conservation;
o To advise the Minister for Environment and Heritage;
o To audit the implementation of marine reserve management plans by CALM
CALM. Major Marine Functions are:
o To manage marine reserves and relevant land;
o To be responsible for the conservation and protection of marine flora and fauna throughout the State;
o To assist the Marine Parks and Reserves Authority;
o To advise the Minister for Environment and Heritage;
o To implement management plans for the conservation and protection of marine flora and fauna.
Who is on the MPRA?
Wilson, Dr B (Barry) CHAIRPERSON From: 11-Aug-1997 To: 15-Dec-2005
Streitberg, Mr E (Eric) DEPUTY CHAIRPERSON From: 11-Aug-1999 To: 15-Dec-2006
Horwood, Mr A (Angus) MEMBER From: 11-Aug-1997 To: 15-Dec-2005
Beckley, Dr L (Lynnath) MEMBER From: 22-Dec-2003 To: 15-Dec-2005
Colero, Mr J MEMBER From: 16-Dec-2002 To: 15-Dec-2006
Stejskal, Dr I MEMBER From: 22-Dec-2003 To: 15-Dec-2006
Walker, Associate Professor D MEMBER From: 11-Aug-1997 To: 15-Dec-2005
What are the steps in planning a Marine Park?
1. Collate and assess all relevant ecological and social information.
2. Formulate the MPRA framework paper.
3. Seek views of the community, the Advisory Committee and key stakeholders.
4. Formulate draft management plan and indicative management plans for the extensions to the marine reserve system.
5. MPRA review of draft plans and advice to Minister For Environment and Heritage.
6. Minister For Environment and Heritage seeks approval of the Minister For State Development and the Minister for Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries to release the draft plans for public comment.
7. Minister For Environment and Heritage releases plans for public comment for three months.
8. Public submissions are reviewed by the MPRA.
9. Draft plans are modified (if appropriate) and finalised.
10. MPRA provides advice to Minister for Environment and Heritage.
11. Minister for Environment and Heritage seeks statutory approvals of the Minister for State Development and Minister for Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries for the Ningaloo Marine Park Management Plan and approvals to facilitate boundary amendments and/or new reserves recommended in the planning process.
12. Cabinet consideration of proposals and resources for management.
13. Management Plan approved and new boundaries/reserves gazetted.
MPRA has a big effect on recreational anglers' loss of access to fishing areas, all of which have been used sustainably for many years, through MPRA's policy of closures of big areas into "no take sanctuary zones" where all forms of fishing are banned, even catch and release.
Much thanks to Terry Fuller for the Information.
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