Easter monday gumboot

Easter monday gumboot

 Had a fish today for a gummy and landed this nice one bit over 15kgs 

also lost what think was a big school shark 

sandbar's picture

Posts: 704

Date Joined: 25/10/09


Mon, 2016-03-28 17:16

 Thats a damn good size gummy. They still good eating at that suze?

Posts: 5981

Date Joined: 17/06/10

One of the biggest

Mon, 2016-03-28 18:35

That's one of if not the biggest gummy I've every see. Great catch.

little johnny's picture

Posts: 5353

Date Joined: 04/12/11

Big gummy

Mon, 2016-03-28 21:47

 Must admit never seen on that big. Good feed

streaker boy's picture

Posts: 527

Date Joined: 23/05/09

 Doesnt matter on size they

Tue, 2016-03-29 12:15

 Doesnt matter on size they all taste same bloody good 

ive caught heaps around that size and 2 over 20kgs biggest 23kgs