Lowrance operation issues

Hi all I need some advice  I've recently purchased  lowrance HDS10 with the standard 3 in 1 transducer.

im having trouble with the sounder reading much at anything above slow trawling speed. I have tried adjusting the transducer to read slightly forward of horizontal but this has not helped.   this unit replaced my LCX37C and the transducer mounting position is the same as the old unit and the old unit read better at speed than the new unit so transducer placement may not be the issue. Anyone had similar issue or can suggest a solution, thanks

Posts: 219

Date Joined: 08/03/09

If you google

Tue, 2022-09-06 07:13

fishwrecked lowrance sounder or transducer you will get a number of hits, explaining this is a common problem.  A few people have it working well, others not well at all.  Try this link to start



Posts: 1086

Date Joined: 21/05/12

 mine(3in 1) sits deeper than

Tue, 2022-09-06 12:32

 mine(3in 1) sits deeper than my furuno, and deeper than i thought it should -reads well to 25kn

scubafish's picture

Posts: 964

Date Joined: 15/08/12

HDS 10

Sun, 2022-09-11 08:10

Skimmer tranys dont work well on transoms at speed.





Posts: 64

Date Joined: 14/06/13


Sun, 2022-09-11 16:48

Have similar problem with hds9 live , tried different transducer heights, angles did get a bit better, then turned transducer round ie flipped, cable comes out at rear, did make a difference, have to go into settings and hit the switch icon, otherwise side scan left is right etc

I don't think 3 in 1 transducer works well on deep v hulls, all the info that I can find relates to bass type boats with basically flat bottoms , still working on it, is good in lake/dam but bit different in sea, not too bad in following sea, going to try dropping down a bit next trip and see what happens 

all the best

Posts: 64

Date Joined: 14/06/13


Sun, 2022-09-11 16:49

Have similar problem with hds9 live , tried different transducer heights, angles did get a bit better, then turned transducer round ie flipped, cable comes out at rear, did make a difference, have to go into settings and hit the switch icon, otherwise side scan left is right etc

I don't think 3 in 1 transducer works well on deep v hulls, all the info that I can find relates to bass type boats with basically flat bottoms , still working on it, is good in lake/dam but bit different in sea, not too bad in following sea, going to try dropping down a bit next trip and see what happens 

all the best

Posts: 64

Date Joined: 14/06/13


Sat, 2022-10-15 09:31

Dropped transducer a couple of mm, was actually worse

next trip lifted transducer 4 mm was better, next step angle change