Fishwrecked Welcomes new Site Sponsor - Dirk Hartog Island
Hi All,
Please make welcome our new Site Sponsor - Dirk Hartog Island. Well worth thinking about for your next holiday destination!
First discovered in 1616 Dirk Hartog Island is a unique place that offers a multitude of travel experiences. From the luxury of the Eco Lodge to some of Australias finest camping locations, Dirk Hartog is unmatched for its getaway options.
Located in World Heritage listed Shark Bay, the island is over 80 kms long and has endless kilometers of secluded beaches and bays perfect for getting away from it all. The rugged west coast faces the vast expanses of the Indian Ocean with towering cliffs offering spectacular views to the horizon.
Having operated as a tourist destination since 1993, the island has seen numerous visitors who often return year after year for their slice of island life. The latest addition is Endeavour bar and café that looks over the beautiful aqua waters of Shark Bay. You can get to the island by boat, plane or by taking your own 4wd. Dirk Hartog offers some of the countries best 4wd driving experiences with the ability to load the car with camping and fishing gear and head over on the purpose built carrier vehicle barge to explore all of the islands hidden locations.
Of course being surrounded by water means there is unlimited opportunity for catching fish of all sizes. The island offers all types of fishing experiences either for hard core fishing groups chasing big pelagics, snapper and the islands famous gropers from cliftop locations to those that like the idea of relaxing on a beach casting a line for whiting or flathead. The diving is also world class with many isolated reefs teeming with fish and offering tasty painted crays. Whatever your chosen fishing activity is, you will not be disappointed. Just remember Dirk Hartog Island supports resposnsibile fishing activities and this is reinforced by Fisheries WA who ensure it is well monitored and effectively managed.
For more infromation please checkout the website
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Faulkner Family
Posts: 18106
Date Joined: 11/03/08
Welcome aboard . Never been
Welcome aboard . Never been there but heard many great stories of triumphs and failures
RUSS and SANDY. A family that fishes together stays together
Posts: 152
Date Joined: 03/04/13
Welcome and look forward to
Welcome and look forward to going back there one day soon to visit
Posts: 310
Date Joined: 25/11/16
Welcome. DHI is a landbased
Welcome. DHI is a landbased fishing mecca. Ive been lucky enough to visit a few times and each trip created life time memories. The hole island is excellent for all the 4x4 and camping . The scenery is awesome with beach and cliff fishing. Highly recommend putting this trip on the bucket list.
Posts: 89
Date Joined: 20/03/20
Defnitely on the list to see
Defnitely on the list to see
Anytime Brad
Posts: 237
Date Joined: 20/07/09
Great to have DHI on board
Great to have DHI on board here.
Has to be my all time favourite land based fishing destination.
There is something for all tastes ranging from ballooning and spinning for pelagics, demersals from the rocks to whiting and flathead on the flats.
I’ve done Hard core boy’s trips Fishing the cliffs which are unreal as well as a family camping trip visiting the historic sites as well as some safer Kid friendly fishing.
If you haven’t been It should be in your bucket list.
I would rather be fishing
Posts: 3930
Date Joined: 14/10/12
Certainly look forward to
Certainly look forward to heading across one day!
Posts: 22
Date Joined: 02/06/14
just got back from DHI
awesome spot
great 4wding especially down the cliffs south of mystery beach
stayed urchin point
hugh swell runniing so no fishing off rocks, plenty fish from boat at shelter bay and from homestead
recommended ++++