Fishing minister on 6PR !!

From another site - John Ford is apparently on 6PR this morning. So those that are affected by WCB changes, or otherwise have an interest may want to listen. If you want to email the presenter before hand or during the program, it's or you can phone on 08 9221 1882 or sms to 19 999 677.

I'll be listening! You can listen live at - just click on the listen live button for streamed audio content.


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OK! About to start!!

Thu, 2008-07-03 09:32

Colin Molloy

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Thu, 2008-07-03 09:57

1) Neither the minister or interviewer didn't convince me they knew anything about fishing - bottom bouncing for eg.

2) Will be looking at any changes required. Considering large deep water spawning closures, but will beed data before this can be 'sold'

3) Electric reels were (mostly) banned to encourage people not to fish deeper than 30m, where baratrauma is a greater problem. Hmmm, most of fish in much deeper water without electric reels.

4) It's a five year plan, with annual reviews and formal reviews every two years.

5) Predictably, most of the reaction from the recreational fishing sector was about the closure period.

6) Wally advocated compulsory log books - good on you Wall!!! The minister agreed but was convinced but didn't want to compell people. If they don't get what they need - then compulsory log books will be introduced. 

7) Matthew from naval base raised the issue of commercial snapper fishing in cockburn sound - no one is, of course allowed during the spawning period and have bought the last professional licence. Was unaware that other permissions existed and their permissions are being taken away.

8) Sold the 200K professional exlusion

9) Tim raised the issue of business impact. The minister explained, in answer that closures where phased in. The minister assurred that impact assessments would be made and closure periods may be adjusted.

10) 19 new compliance officers.





Colin Molloy

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very wishy washy

Thu, 2008-07-03 09:59

 very wishy washy.

I totally agree with compulksory log books and thanks to Wall for bringing it up. But wanted people to take ownership? Sorry, that didn't wash with me. If people were taking ownership, we wouldn't have these changes.  

Colin Molloy

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Only heard the last bit, but

Thu, 2008-07-03 10:02

Only heard the last bit, but would have liked someone to ask Mr Ford how often he goes out fishing on his boat. I wouldnt be that surprised if he didnt fish or even own a boat (not that I have researched it). Would have been an interesting question none the less.


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Yeah, good point hlokk!

Thu, 2008-07-03 10:08


Colin Molloy

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Thu, 2008-07-03 10:04

I heard from Wally onwards.

Would have been good if someone asked the minister if they would start stocking dams as an alternative. I think it would:

a) move fisho's into different types of fishing

b) provide a safe environment for kids to learn fishing

c) the fees could be used from the dam fishing to stock and improve more dams with different species.

d) could alleviate some concern/business for tackle store owners

e) you could also look at species which are fast breeding and good for the table.


Hlokk, it has nothing to do with the minister fishing or not. 



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I think youd be missing the

Thu, 2008-07-03 10:10

I think youd be missing the point of the question. 


Dam stocking would be a great idea. Might be a prob with water levels perhaps, but if they were non-drinking dams, i'm not sure how much it would affect it. 


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Thu, 2008-07-03 10:12

I tend to agree with Hlokk. I think putting the minister out on a boat and bottom bouncing WITH A SINKER NOT A HOOK - would give him some invaluable incites.

Like to ideas you put forward. At least (we hope) the door is not closed and alternatives (hopefully) will be considered and taken onboard during subsequent reviews! 

Colin Molloy

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Thu, 2008-07-03 10:17

He'd practiced the V5 species well, but stumbled over terminology etc... 

Colin Molloy

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I think most people are for

Thu, 2008-07-03 10:21

I think most people are for the aims, and he did mention it in one of his replies, but its just the closures that people are against. I think it would go a long way to make that particular issue adjustable. Same outcome but different method. Unfortunately many peoples minds can be shut tighter than a bear trap (welded shut I might add) when they've made up their mind.

Asking whether he fished would hopefully open the doors to people asking "well, do you know how this affects people personally). The most important person to ask this question is the minister himself. Can you really understand a problem without experiencing it? You can make a decision, yes. However, when dealing with something like fishing where people do it for fun, and not say for their job, different feelings can arise. A balance needs to be made between the hard decisions and the fitting in with peoples attitudes and feelings. One cannot dominate the other. How can you get this balance if you are only looking at one side of the scale? There are lots of options to reduces catches, these can all be identical in terms of physical fish stock number output, but vastly different to the people who are actually fishing. 



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if you are only looking at one side of the scale?

Thu, 2008-07-03 10:34

Hmmm bad unintentional pun there Hlokk LOL!

Yes, there are many different perspectives. Personally, I think the 'industry' (tackle, leisure and tourism) and rec fishers would be alligned - it's a synergistic releationship. Granted, there will be differing views, sepcially between 'green' fishos and 'red' fishos, if I can use those terms. Then of course, theres the professional lobby.

Colin Molloy

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It is not unusual for a minister, Federal or State

Thu, 2008-07-03 10:50

Not to know his subject as closely as he should. That is why thay have a big pack of minders behind them. I can tellk you from personal experience that few Ministers write their own speeches when asked to make a presentation on their portfilio. It sounds like Mr Ford wasn;t well briefed this morning.
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Agreed #1

Thu, 2008-07-03 10:53

Yes, worked as a parliamentary liasson officer at the water corp - used to write ministerial replies so know what you are talkin about. I agree he seamed to stumble over termonology like bottom bouncing and release weights etc.

Still, give him credit for facing the public - albeit for less than 30 minutes. 

Colin Molloy

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Hlokk's point about Mr

Thu, 2008-07-03 21:47

Hlokk's point about Mr Ford possibly not being a fisherman raises an interesting point. How many of these "ministers" actually know anything about the things they are "ministering"? I seem to recall Alannah getting done for drink driving when she was minister for road safety. Of course, now she's minister for boat safety (speaking of which, does anybody else find it a bit ironic that these fishing closures were originally announced just after RST's became mandatory?).


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Fri, 2008-07-04 07:58

Well expertise and knowledge is not a prerequisite for a ministerial position unfortunately. Were I the fishing minister, one of the FIRST things I would have done is get out there on a few boats and charters. There would have been no shortage of volunteers, though I think he would have been paying lots of visits to ENTS (Ear, Nose and Throat specialists) - to replace his ears LOL. OR - might have been the first floater casualty LOL.

On the RST? Fish sustainability and good (well reasonable anyway) seameanship are two unrelatred issues. But you are right on the Irony. It could be observed/commentated that, whilst they are prepared to take a 'big stick' to boat licences to (hopefully) save HUMAN lives and injuries, they are not prepared to do that (compulsory log books) to save FISH lives and injuries.


Colin Molloy

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After catching up with some

Fri, 2008-07-04 08:07

After catching up with some Research friends to have a look at the way they check how the juvi snapper are going in Cockburn Sound I was surprized to find out that they have been doing a lot of this work with out pay!!

No overtime or any pay after their base hours, these guys do long hours with no reward and I think thats pretty shameful in a world of increasing costs.

How we treat people who are doing their best to find out more information to help with future fish stocks astounds me.

I know that alot of fisho's have had it with helping out due to the backward effect it has had due to a deaf so called minister I myself have also questioned what may have been used against my past time but I think in the end we need to push to get more funding from this rich government as $4 -5 mill over 4 years is no where near enough to support research in an area that effects us all.

Come on Minister pull your head out of your arse and use your ears and your fat wallet!!!

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Fri, 2008-07-04 08:15

Interesting that you raise that issue. I was sitting next to the Director General of the Department for Planning and Infastructure at a black tie dinner last night and we were talking about exactly that! I know from working at Federal, State and Local Government level, that there are a HUGE number of people that are so passionate about what they do, they will do it for free in their own time due to the constraints of funding and other resources. I worked about 800 hours OT unpaid in my first year of local government - because they wouldn't pay me but I was passionate about acheiving some milestones. I'm sure there are many situations where a lot of things wouldn't get done and acheived if people didn't do that. Of course it's totally wrong, but not doing it doesn't seem to solve anything!!

ANY government will always take a shallow perpective on proper resources - and always have. In many cases, it's obsequious middle and upper departmental management that is to blame!  

Colin Molloy

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Colin maybe we should drop

Fri, 2008-07-04 08:39

Colin maybe we should drop Ford and vote 1 Dreamweaver...

sounds like your already doing the ground work!!  LOL

I'd vote anyone in that would do that amount of OT with out pay as surely it would drop my tax bill!! LOL

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Fri, 2008-07-04 08:48

Thanks mate LOL, but I have a conscience so I'd make a lousy minister LOL - AND I know a bit about fishing - for instance bottom bouncing involves a SINKER LOL!

One thing I WILL be doing is applying for one of the 19 DoF positions! Wink

The following year I worked 13 hours a day and both Saturdays and Sundays for 4 months solid! Burnt me out in the end and had to leave. But yes, I'm incredibly passionate and driven. Laughing (Oh, and I got paid for the second year, so sorry about your tax bill LOL).


Colin Molloy

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Some of the recording

Fri, 2008-07-04 14:10 

Colin Molloy

(Colin 2 - Co-founding member of the prestigious Colin Club)



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