Exmouth meetings - fishing rules and Marine Parks
Submitted by TerryF on Sat, 2009-05-23 09:23
For background, see also Ningaloo Marine Park Fishing Rules http://www.westernangler.com.au/forum/fb.asp?m=210583
Marine Bioregional Planning in the North-west http://www.environment.gov.au/coasts/mbp/north-west/index.html

Beavering away in the background.......
Exmouth meetings - fishing rules and Marine Parks
Sorry about the short notice, this was hand delivered to Recfishwest mid week, and I haven't found this anywhere else.
Director of National Parks
Commonwealth Department of the Environment, Water, Heritage and the Arts
Ningaloo Marine Park (Commonwealth Waters)
Public Notice Invitation to Stakeholder Meeting
All interested people are invited to attend a forum regarding Ningaloo Marine Park's Commonwealth waters.
The forum will cover the following:
. Ongoing management of Ningaloo Marine Park (Commonwealth Waters) following expiry of the current Management Plan (expiry date is 2 July 2009).
. Recreational fishing in the Park's Commonwealth waters.
. Marine bioregional planning in Australia's North-west region.
Two sessions will be held:
Date: Monday 25 May 2009
Time: 6-8pm
Venue: Exmouth TAFE College
Date: Thursday 28 May 2009
Time: 6-8pm
Venue: Exmouth TAFE College
For further information please contact the Ningaloo Marine Park (Commonwealth Waters) Manager on (02) 6274 1111 or email
WA Department of Fisheries logo WA Department of Environment and Conservation logo
For background, see also Ningaloo Marine Park Fishing Rules http://www.westernangler.com.au/forum/fb.asp?m=210583
Marine Bioregional Planning in the North-west http://www.environment.gov.au/coasts/mbp/north-west/index.html

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You need Recfishwest to look after your recreational fishing future.
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Nauti Buoy
Posts: 595
Date Joined: 20/04/09
I heard a whisper from a Charter operator/crayfisherman that the Abrolhos will be a no-take area within 2 years. Have you had any correspondance on this issue
Posts: 489
Date Joined: 11/08/05
There's been some alarmist
There's been some alarmist misinformation in the media recently (mainly the West Australian) about South West Marine Bioregion Planning, which includes the Abrolhos area.

It's early days in that process. A lot of info has been posted starting at http://www.westernangler.com.au/forum/fb.asp?m=220799
Those posts cover 5 areas in WA:- RECHERCHE Area for Further Assessment, SOUTH-WEST CORNER Area for Further Assessment, PERTH CANYON Area for Further Assessment, JURIEN Area for Further Assessment, and ABROLHOS Area for Further Assessment.
Beavering away in the background.......
You need Recfishwest to look after your recreational fishing future.
Who else has the time, knowledge, professional approach, realistic alternatives, willingness and contacts?
Support Recfishwest http://www.recfishwest.org.au
Albee Mangles
Posts: 985
Date Joined: 20/05/08
Yardie Creek
One of the rangers mentioned that Yardie Creek will also be totally closed to fishing very soon?
Posts: 2773
Date Joined: 08/07/08
In my unprofessional eye I really can't see how these
so called experts can judge a area in less than a week, I know thats why they have meetings for the locals to disguss issues, but do they really listen to us the amatuer, do they really listen, from reading some of the reports I don;t think so. I know its not the topic on this page, but Bob used to swim around the area of where the Cockburn Cement pumping station is know (Owen Anchorage,) I'm talking 45yrs ago, free dive for blue manna crabs, beautiful beds of sea grass everywhere, crabs everywhere, occie and heaps and heaps of fish even crayfish, now just a cloud of sediment (you can see from aerial shots) from when the barges come in and dump the shell grit to be pumped up. Dead sea grass, but nobody listened to the amatuer, Cockburn Cement planted patches of sea grass and as far as I know they died, like all the natural grasses etc. Owen Anchorage will never be the same, maybe when Cockburn Cement leaves and nature will take it back.
Ginger Tablets Rock
Posts: 47
Date Joined: 11/10/09
Another reason no Government
Another reason no Government Department should be in charge of our fishing areas. Money sure is more important than this lovely country we live in.