Diving HMAS Swan
Submitted by Just1morecast on Thu, 2016-01-28 13:50
Hey everyone,
Going to surprise the lady with a trip down south, im thinking of doing the double dive the HMAS Swan and the busso jetty dive. Have any of you done the dives recently? Worth it or should we just do the jetty dive? As for shark shields, i haven't dove WA waters in more than 4years due to work/travel. Highly recommended or not really for the wreck dive? I also couldnt find how deep the wreck dive is. We both have open water licences.
Any info will be highly appreciated
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worth it
I've done the HMAS swan, and although my kind of diving nearly always involves killing shit, I did find it surprisingly enjoyable.
I did it in my own boat, anchored 100m away (outside the exclusion zone), and swam over to it before diving. I think the local dive charter operators have exclusive rights to it, or at least act like they do.
I think it sits in about 30+m (I went to the bottom, as I heard crays were on the underside of the hull.... they weren't), but most of your diving will be in around 20m.
good to do, but yeah, I wouldn't hurry to do it again.
I did hear of a hubby and wife getting bailed up by a GW there a few years ago. they praised their shark shields as saving their lives!
I reckon you'd be alright though. I can lend you my shark shield if you were concerned.
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Date Joined: 04/12/09
Thanks for the info mate, i
Thanks for the info mate, i may take you up on that offer....who to give it to, the misses or myself haha. Deepest ive currently dove to has been 28m so depth should be fine.
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Go do HMAS SWAN wreck
good fun when you get right into it and explore - take good torches theres critters here and there hiding in dark corners
Posts: 917
Date Joined: 04/12/09
If anyone would allow us to
If anyone would allow us to borrow their shark shield ill pay $50 each. If damaged will pay up. Dates needed would be Feb 10-12th
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Mid week?
Mate if you are diving Wednesday to Friday you can borrow mine - no need to pay, just need it myself for the Saturday and Sunday, I'm based in Bunbury.
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I live here mate, you can
I live here mate, you can borrow mine & no need to pay
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Your welcome to borrow mine
Your welcome to borrow mine mate
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Highly reccomend the HMAS
Highly reccomend the HMAS Swan Dive.
Your meant to pay a fee if you want to use the provided moorings above the wreck which have shotlines running down to the deck. Cape Dive used to look after the bookings but i think i heard that the Busso Dive store is now doing it.
Its 32m to the bottom but you dont need to go that deep. If your up for it enter the wreck and swim through the different levels (3 i think??) plenty of marine life around it. Definately take a torch and try get out there before the charter boats and you can get inside before they stir it up.
My last dive there i couldnt believe the amount of fishing line, rigs etc snagged up on the mooring lines and shot lines, as well as the wreck itself. Its meant to be a sanctuary zone but last time was way worse than any of my previous dives there.
As long as there's no big swells running the vis is usually insane!
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yes is a good dive
my cousin is part owner of cape diving go out with them and you can just drop down the shot lines it is a good dive probably 1 of the best in the sw
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Date Joined: 04/12/09
Thanks everyone for your
Thanks everyone for your comments and generosity. Will PM closer to the date, we really only need the shields for the thursday the 10th of February which is our dive day. Petermac, ive tried calling and emailing capedive and i havent got a reply or callback??
Forever learning with fishing
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Date Joined: 04/12/09
Thanks everyone for your
Thanks everyone for your comments and generosity. Will PM closer to the date, we really only need the shields for the thursday the 10th which is our dive day. Petermac, ive tried calling and emailing capedive and i havent got a reply or callback??
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Do I have to...YEP!
Pmacs cousin aint answering cause he got lost out wide 90k's with 10litres fuel and no compass while looking to tent box the prick who was laying charges against the friendly pitbull that licked a chunk off his arm for no reason officer.
Sorry couldnt help it.
Sounds like with all those shark shields you n missus will be fine. Probably scare em all up here
Posts: 917
Date Joined: 04/12/09
Ahh thats okay i rang and
Ahh thats okay i rang and booked with the dive shed. Cant wait!!
Forever learning with fishing