Steep Point

Went to steep point over the weekend with me brother, had a great time, the road in is in excellent condition for anyone who might be on the way up, (or down?) Got onto some nice snappper along the cliff faces and nice blue bone too, which we didnt get any pics of, useless cameras heaps of small sambos in the shallows out in the bay which where great fun for catch and release, we also hooked into some big tailor about 65cm or so. The weather gods looked on us favorably as the wind was just about non existent, the swell was up a bit on the first day bait casting into the cliff faces (this is why the life jackets where on) to be honest i was sh!~t my self getting in close to the cliffs but it seems to work well.....Hope all these pics come through
Posts: 4688
Date Joined: 01/12/07
Nice snapper Colby
Anyone would be proud to bost a pic of a pinky of that size, but even better off the stones mate!
And don't feel embarrassed on the PFD mate - I reckon good onya for wearing one!
Colin Molloy
(Colin 2 - Co-founding member of the prestigious Colin Club)
Soon to be de "dreamweaver" ed!
Posts: 1285
Date Joined: 14/08/05
good stuff mark.sounds like
good stuff mark.sounds like a great trip... good call on the life jacket mate .no fish is worth drowning for
always in it just the depth that varies