Navy frigate VS Trailcraft

It wasn’t a nice day the ride was crap , we were 38 km out and only 4km to go when we noticed a navy frigate in the distance heading in our direction .we arrived on our mark first drop resulted in all 3 of us hooking up but only one dhuie boated by this time the frigate was only a couple of hundred meters away ,then over a loud speaker came the bad news they were going to commence live missile practice and we were to move within 20 km off shore with that and being a Sunday and all I saluted them with the trusty finger and and headed up for another drift soon as we hit the bottom double hook up two good dhuies and the frigate nearly on top of us giving us the 3 and final warning so a quick snap of a pic with frigate in the background With that news I headed up for another drift while they deployed a small boat .Next drift 1 more dhuie ,by this time I had a boat with 4 navy personal at the rear of my boat telling me if I did not leave now my boat will be boarded and myself and crew arrested .We had enough fish so gave a bit of lip as you do and headed in .You can see the pesky frigate in the background ,when I got home I called the navy ,they were very apologetic as this was a nsw frigate and no publication was made that there was to be testing that day after I explained Sunday is peoples day of recreation they have every day of the week to play there games >>
Sorry about the quality of the pics but should be better after reading some of the posts on taking photos
Posts: 3356
Date Joined: 29/12/06
I bet the navy havent got to
I bet the navy havent got to fish like that on board!lol.
Keep it tight, reeeeeeel tight!