Greenhead boat smashed up

Greenhead boat smashed up

Ooops, Greanhead accident the other day...pic by C.M

Hutch's picture

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Thu, 2014-11-06 18:12


Posts: 619

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Thu, 2014-11-06 18:19

She spent some time scouring the reef (submerged) looking for crays

big john's picture

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Thu, 2014-11-06 18:25

Expensive error there.

On a side track, did you ever do that jet ski trip from Darwin to Broome?


WA based manufacturer and supplier of premium leadhead jigs, fligs, bucktail jigs, 'bulletproof' soft plastic jig heads and XOS bullet jig heads.

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Not yet

Thu, 2014-11-06 18:33

Been sidetracked by other projects and nobody else i know wants to attempt it, not going solo

Bruce's picture

Posts: 527

Date Joined: 11/04/12

 Do you think its repairable?

Thu, 2014-11-06 18:36

 Do you think its repairable?

carnarvonite's picture

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Thu, 2014-11-06 18:45

They heard a rumour that you could turn a 50 footer in to a hatchback but someone lost the plans half way through the job

Bruce's picture

Posts: 527

Date Joined: 11/04/12

Haha! Make it a new reef

Thu, 2014-11-06 20:34

Haha! Make it a new reef where we can all fish for herring

Paul_86's picture

Posts: 1449

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 Ouch! Any info on what

Thu, 2014-11-06 18:40

 Ouch! Any info on what happened?

Posts: 619

Date Joined: 18/04/08

Grape vine

Thu, 2014-11-06 18:51

They had a fuel problem and she ran up on a reef and got holed she then went down stern first and snapped in half after getting wedged on a bombie, skipper and deckie escaped in a life raft and were picked up by amatuer fishing boat unharmed. Jurien sea rescue and police were involved in the rescue

outdoinit's picture

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Ouch that has to hurt

Thu, 2014-11-06 19:23

wheres the Boat Bog when you need it..  


 I've spent half my life fishing.. The other half I have wasted.. 

Posts: 176

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 Good to hear the crew got

Thu, 2014-11-06 21:28

 Good to hear the crew got out unharmed.  On a lesser note, Send it back and turn it into a home for crays.

Posts: 6454

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 I have a pot of epoxy.....  

Thu, 2014-11-06 22:35

 I have a pot of epoxy.....    I reckon it's repairable 


Fish! HARD!

roberta's picture

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Heared also

Fri, 2014-11-07 07:28

they had just rebuilt the cray boat and were taking it out for a trial when the fuel blockage happend and were near a reef, you can guess what happened next.


Moonlight Bay is usally in Leeman from memory.


Ginger Tablets Rock


Posts: 619

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Fri, 2014-11-07 20:45

The boat is from Leeman, not sure exactly what reef they hit, I heard it was off Greenhead somewhere?

pelagicyachts's picture

Posts: 1322

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glad to hear no one was hurt

Fri, 2014-11-07 08:25

glad to hear no one was hurt - as for the boat - would make a good centre console.......

Matt_Hansen's picture

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It'll buff out!!

Fri, 2014-11-07 10:28

It'll buff out!!

crasny1's picture

Posts: 7006

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Just a scratch. Sure it will

Fri, 2014-11-07 10:43

Just a scratch. Sure it will polish out!!!!

Im pretty good at boat projects, and after some intense prep has finished the winter job -- Placing the new Rego sticker on the boat.

Thus Im sure I can assist.


"I would like to die on Mars. Just not on impact!!" _ Elon Musk

NOHA's picture

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Wheres the greenies now

Fri, 2014-11-07 12:16

Theres a large diesel full of oil on the bottom not to mention hundreds if not thousands of litres of diesel spilled.

Wheres all the pictures of seabirds/seals all covered in oil.

Try to sink a boat like that deliberately as a fish/dive wreck and watch them squeal. Not to mention all the government red tape.

Always makes me laugh when you consider all the ships sunk in war. Now they are glorious wrecks covered in corals a haven for fish of all types. No sign of the "enviromental disaster" that must of occurred at the time. 



Twin turbo..V8 diesel..Ohh what a feeling!!

No Orange Hats Allowed

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 Nah...  The fuel is all

Fri, 2014-11-07 12:21

 Nah...  The fuel is all safely 'blocked' in the tank.... Hence why the boat hit the reef 


Fish! HARD!

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Date Joined: 17/06/10

Is that right, no sign of impending disaster hmmmm

Fri, 2014-11-07 16:16

Posts: 5826

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Diesel fuel and petrol is

Sat, 2014-11-08 12:20

Diesel fuel and petrol is really not that big a problem-it evaporates in 24-48 hrs according to Woodside

Its the heavy fuel oils and crudes that are the problem.

Those wartime wrecks, Id expect the majority of them burnt and/or dispersed their oil in the sinking.


 Give a man a mask, and he'll show you his true face...



The older you get the more you realize that no one has a f++king clue what they're doing.

Everyone's just winging it.


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Engine has been salvaged

Fri, 2014-11-07 20:17

Being sent to Perth for strip down and re-build, I've seen the photos of it, not sure about fuel spill but was an accident...shit happens

sea-kem's picture

Posts: 15053

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 That would have made a good

Fri, 2014-11-07 16:19

 That would have made a good artificial :P 


Love the West!

Posts: 348

Date Joined: 24/11/10

Good read Meglodon

Sat, 2014-11-08 06:45

 That puts it all into perspective, the cost of recovery is huge, but like they say the cost of clean up if far greater.


Lifes a game but fishing is serious !!!