World’s longest goldfish caught in perth

davewillo's picture

Posts: 2488

Date Joined: 08/09/16

 Just looks like a carp to me

Tue, 2024-02-06 16:01

 Just looks like a carp to me Clint but it's big regardless!


 PGFC member and lure tragic

Coastrunner's picture

Posts: 458

Date Joined: 25/10/14

Its got nothing on that Koi

Tue, 2024-02-06 17:12

 The fella pulled out of Welly Dam recently

sunshine's picture

Posts: 2630

Date Joined: 03/03/09

Clearly a carp goldfish hybrid

Tue, 2024-02-06 17:45

 And since when was it reeled from...they were electro fishing 

Yet another activity that should be permitted for kids but made illegal by most councils  

pelagicyachts's picture

Posts: 1322

Date Joined: 23/02/11

"electro fishing" how does

Wed, 2024-02-07 09:53

"electro fishing" how does that not kill native species at the same time? (or are they all decimated by the carp?!)

Faulkner Family's picture

Posts: 18091

Date Joined: 11/03/08

That style of fishing is used

Wed, 2024-02-07 12:37

That style of fishing is used for research and breeding mainly. It only stuns the fish for a couple of minuits which gives enough time to collect specimens . I have seen it on TV a few times over the years.


RUSS and SANDY. A family that fishes together stays together

pelagicyachts's picture

Posts: 1322

Date Joined: 23/02/11

ahh nice one

Wed, 2024-02-07 14:34

ahh nice one

sea-kem's picture

Posts: 15048

Date Joined: 30/11/09

 I actually did mods to eltro

Wed, 2024-02-07 15:48

 I actually did mods to eltro fishing dinghy once Clint, they were using it up north somewhere. Was a very interesting bit of kit. 


Love the West!

marble's picture

Posts: 778

Date Joined: 03/09/09

 Goldfish are Carp .

Wed, 2024-02-07 08:52

 Goldfish are Carp . Selective bred for colours. Let them breed in the wild and they will all revert to looking like the shit they are :-)


PMY 25 Centre Console DF300 Suzuki

Posts: 297

Date Joined: 04/08/22

 Yep shit alright,spent alot

Wed, 2024-02-07 11:13

 Yep shit alright,spent alot of time in an around south west rivers.We call them carp,they sift through the mud undercutting the river banks and eventually the banks collapse into the river  resulting in shallow water full of silt and mud

carnarvonite's picture

Posts: 8673

Date Joined: 24/07/07


Wed, 2024-02-07 16:51

 Used to catch them in the swamp / pond behind the Old Picton Church  here in Bunbury over 50 years back and would think that  they are still there