No action in the upper Swan
This year leading into summer has seen a serious lack of activity in the upper swan. I know the weather has been out of whack but it really hasn’t explained, in full the difference from previous years.
I’m starting to believe that this might be the reason.
Apparently taking 320m of the river and reducing it to 60m is ok and will not affect the system.
I know this is only temporary, but how long until they remove it?
After a few Emails I was answered with 12 months . But we all know these jobs usually go into overtime and can’t see it being removed for some time yet.
We took the boat up there on Sat, and the water was backing up on the causeway side making it hard to navigate let alone allowing us to fish.
The smell in the area was putrid, and working for many years within chemical destuction I can tell you, it brought back many memories of old days without laws.
What are your thoughts ? Am I being paranoid ? Or is this work affecting our river system ?
Posts: 15048
Date Joined: 30/11/09
I reckon what you are saying
I reckon what you are saying and suggesting is a no brainer Grant. As usual the goverment involved in another enviromental fuck up, and will come up with some arrogant response like wanker Nahan with the children's hospital calling it a construction site and somehow that's supposed to make us all feel better. Yet it's contaminated with asbestos in the ceilings and lead in the water supply no one can find the source of. It's like something out of a MAD comic. If questioned Colin will probbaly get angry as he usually does because someone has a valid point. The Swan is an esturine system and needs constant flushing but all I see here is a dam wall stopping that.
Love the West!
Posts: 1247
Date Joined: 31/05/07
Couldn't agree more
I am also sceptical of weather a giant air tank with a constant slow leak (near Guildford bridge) is of benefit or actually does more harm than good. The Swan river has been doing ok on its own for many decades prior of boat traffic, and kids / pensioner fishing pressure (even with heaps of stinking 2 strokes). Sometimes I think we over complicate these things in order to just keep gov departments employed.
Posts: 101
Date Joined: 07/01/15
Ticked all the boxes
The health of the Swan to be fair has slightly improved the last few years due to a few factors;
domestic restrictions on the use of fertilisers. This didnt extend to the commercial world be it horticulture viticulture etc
Government put in some oxygenation plants to combat the algae blooms a mate of mine calls it the Farmer's Gift. Unfortunately and consistent with government approches they didnt go far enough. As per fertiliser use.
Recognition that the health is or was declining and actually beginning to act than planning to act.
I do agree with you regarding the causeway and the effect it will have not only now but some time after. I would assume though that they wouldve got all the paperwork signed off rather than done it carte blanche. Irrespective of whether the red tape is legitimately going to regulate the issues properly or not.
Posts: 376
Date Joined: 21/11/14
I was seeing this from the train and cant believe they have blocked the swan at such a vunerable place.I hope it is temporary
just do it.
Posts: 2546
Date Joined: 03/03/11
Supposed to be
Supposed to be in place for 12 months then will be removed.
But it has been there for 8 or so months already. I cant see it being on time tho
Posts: 790
Date Joined: 25/05/12
I bet that bottleneck is why
I bet that bottleneck is why the river has been banking up higher than usual around the flats at the back of Ashfield... ive never seen the water so high