any crabs about rocko or mandurah yet?

Wondering if there are any crabs about the rocko or Mandurah area yet?

crasny1's picture

Posts: 7006

Date Joined: 16/10/08

Mandurah - Yes

Fri, 2013-11-15 10:16

But small mostly. Its a struggle to get the lehal ones. Will report after this weekend. NEED to get the boat out after the bathroom reno.


"I would like to die on Mars. Just not on impact!!" _ Elon Musk

grantarctic1's picture

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From fisheries

Fri, 2013-11-15 11:52




Cockburn Sound crab closure

The seasonal closure of the Peel-Harvey Estuary to crabbing ended on 31 October. However, remember that the crabs in Cockburn Sound are still protected from fishing until 14 December (inclusive).

They should be turning up in the river soon .

Tradewind's picture

Posts: 754

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A few weeks back I was

Fri, 2013-11-15 12:10

A few weeks back I was cruising through the sound in the 2m weed/sand areas

The wind was down and you could see multitudes of big blues who'd actually look up at the boat and put their claws up


It'll go off for crabs this year in the sound once the ban lifts

steve100's picture

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 Hopefully put the boat in

Fri, 2013-11-15 12:21

 Hopefully put the boat in this Sunday in the southern part of the eustury will report what I see in the shallows 

crasny1's picture

Posts: 7006

Date Joined: 16/10/08

Same plan Steve

Fri, 2013-11-15 12:37

Launch from Bouvard jetty and see what's about. Mostly going to the flats for some whiting poppering just opposite Bouvard (Parkridge)


"I would like to die on Mars. Just not on impact!!" _ Elon Musk

gdupagne's picture

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cheers got a few weeks left

Fri, 2013-11-15 12:30

cheers got a few weeks left up north then ill be keen to go for a dive and see whats around


MandurahMatt's picture

Posts: 613

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went yesterday in Mandurah

Fri, 2013-11-15 12:50

went yesterday in Mandurah one keeper out of 30 + crabs in drop nets.


 Bewdey Fellaz

Mike17's picture

Posts: 323

Date Joined: 30/06/13

west side of causway

Fri, 2013-11-15 13:56

I'm thinking of having a look on the western side of the Garden island causeway there must be some come under the bridge.

Was out with the kids looking for whiting on the southern flats and pulled up 3 nice blues. 


 Use The Force

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Mandurah crabs

Fri, 2013-11-15 15:46

You will do a lot better on the crabs down here after Christmas both in size and numbers

Mike17's picture

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Fri, 2013-11-15 16:17

We got 4 size ones in Warnbro Sound a few weeks ago. 


 Use The Force

Posts: 2946

Date Joined: 03/03/10

i think it is quite

Fri, 2013-11-15 17:29

I think crab wise it must be quiet around rockingham , I haven't seen the pro crab boat "Timezone" at bent street for ages (I go down there a couple of times a day) , but he may be launching at another ramp as it is a nightmare getting out from bent st at the moment

crasny1's picture

Posts: 7006

Date Joined: 16/10/08


Mon, 2013-11-18 15:59

went on Saturday as the wind looked better than Sunday

Managed 2 strings but because it was boring changed tact and went fishing in the cut.

We had 2 size berried Jenny's, and about 20 very little ones to show for the effort.

Probably best to wait.


"I would like to die on Mars. Just not on impact!!" _ Elon Musk