My fishtank
Submitted by fishyink on Tue, 2007-01-16 11:41

Here is a picture of my fishtank my pride and joy well second best after me fishing rods, i have lotsa diff african chiclids in ther (fetherfin catfish, bumble bee catfish, salmontail catfish, goldspot pleco, bristlenose, 4 clownloaches, tangirnine zebra, red zebra, electric blue, lombardies, electric yellows, and some other fish still to identifie)i got the wood from the river and i took it to supa cheap carewash and presure cleaned it then soaked it.(wood is expensive in the petshops), and found the limestone.The tank is 3foot wide 2.8 ft high and 2ft deep. next project is a saltwater tank =)
Posts: 4648
Date Joined: 18/08/05
Hey I think I can see nemo!
Hey I think I can see nemo! lol jks, nice tank mate, definately something I wouldn't mind getting set up in the future.
Jay Burgess
Adam Gallash
Posts: 15655
Date Joined: 29/11/05
Nice tank fishy! I love clown loaches - they grow pretty quick and add energy to the tank. I have a featherfin sydonis (bought it at $25 but must be worth about $250 now) and a featherfin catfish, they just dominate the bottom of the tank and dont let any other fish down there. I had a heap of different gourami's but they died after getting pestered too much by my angel fish. Not cheap the little buggers.
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Date Joined: 29/11/06
i got 2 7inch clow loaches
i got 2 7inch clow loaches takes 6 years to get that big at 14 years to fully grow. yeah feathefins are awsome they grow reall fast got mine really tiny now 3 months later he just as big as me loaches. they can be aggressive but i got ming small and they all fit in, plenty of places to hide n stuff. plants survied 6mnths they they disipeared lol.
Posts: 249
Date Joined: 03/08/06
nice tank
i used to have a saratoga jardini,when i bought it was long as my finger when i sold it was about 400mm long,used to feed it goldfish would knock off ten in one hour ,also had 2 gibbysepts (spelling)very large sold all 3 fish when moved over from sydney.
cheers ray
Posts: 776
Date Joined: 15/10/06
Ive got Cichlids in mine
Ive got Cichlids in mine gotta love those electrics Looks great CHEERS SHAG
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Posts: 249
Date Joined: 03/08/06
water looks crystal clear fishyink,is that a mini reef filtration system your using ?,i think they call it trickle system over here.
cheers ray
Posts: 388
Date Joined: 29/11/06
yeah i went for a eaxternal
yeah i went for a eaxternal canister filter, an aqua one 1200lh next size up from the one they recomend for the 280ltr tank. also i put some carbon in the filter to clear the brown stuff that comes out of the wood and i do my water changes every second week and also i use cichlid salt to bring the colors out in the fish a little more.
Posts: 826
Date Joined: 26/05/07
Shag I think their called "Cichlids"
Yeah must of spelt it the way you said it shag. I got Frontosa's and Black Pacu's with Gold Spot Plecosimus and Amazon Catfish which grew 78cm before having to sell it for $680.00. But they are dad's fishes and I got a Saltwater set up with 2 Pacific Clown fish and 4 seahorses aswell a Manta shrimp which is now in the filter tank.
Posts: 1943
Date Joined: 23/02/07
Hey adam i bought some
Hey adam i bought some featherfin syndontis catfish once aswell, i got 8 for $50 and sold them for $100 ea, made a few $$$.
Jangles I also got a marine tank though more into keeping corals and inverts rather than fish, they are good fun but expensive.