My first of the Season

My first of the Season

Here is my first one of the season, caught on Friday arvo diving at Rotto.  Sorry about the crap photo (I was thirsty).  Very slim pickings at the moment.  A decent swell made it hard work underwater.  Drinking with Ryan on Friday night/Sat morning made it even harder to dive the next morning...but the tough ones were in the water by 7am....hey Ryse

Cheers Pete

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Posts: 3356

Date Joined: 29/12/06

Glasses out on the boat????

Mon, 2007-11-19 07:23

Glasses out on the boat???? Shit you guys are in luxury hey?hahaha they nice cray Pete.

Keep it tight, reeeeeeel tight!


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Posts: 15656

Date Joined: 29/11/05

Rub it

Mon, 2007-11-19 07:57

Nice way to rub it in Pete. MMM, cold beer n crays, sweet.


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max199's picture

Posts: 812

Date Joined: 09/05/06

How deep

Mon, 2007-11-19 19:54

you diving? 15 - 20m or deeper?..........Feel the force.........

Posts: 16

Date Joined: 01/01/70

Yeh 10-20m Max! A great

Tue, 2007-11-20 19:02

Yeh 10-20m Max!

A great photo by Pete eh. Unfortunately it was slim pickings but Pete got a thumper JUMBO cray that would of gone estimated 4kg and i've seen some big ones before but this was friggen huge

Yes those late nights drinking on the deck killed me but the boys went strong alright, i love my gentlemans hours.....because i can

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Posts: 1681

Date Joined: 07/06/07

I'd trade a cray for a muddy

Wed, 2007-11-21 12:54

I'd trade a cray for a muddy anyday Adam.

Close Ryan - 3.75 kg.

Took the 3 smaller crays back to Rotto on Monday(ferry this time) and cooked the girls dinner.  Back to reality now

max199's picture

Posts: 812

Date Joined: 09/05/06


Thu, 2007-11-22 16:30

too, cray for a muddie.Nice colour there in the cray. Awsome colour in that beer too, Pale Ale?.........Feel the force.........

Pete D's picture

Posts: 1681

Date Joined: 07/06/07

Real Ale mate - home

Mon, 2007-11-26 07:47

Real Ale mate - home brew.....can't beat it.