Metro Salmon 5/4/10

Metro Salmon 5/4/10

Metro Salmon taken on a Lucanus jigging on a lump for demersals, got hammered bringing the jig back up about 10m from the top. Was a nice surprise capture and measured up at 85cm, she was a fat bugger!

mako magic's picture

Posts: 5785

Date Joined: 03/08/05

great catch mate, was this

Mon, 2010-04-05 21:38

great catch mate, was this on the new outfit?


good to see a few more metro salmon around

big john's picture

Posts: 8768

Date Joined: 20/07/06


Mon, 2010-04-05 21:38

Did the school hang around or did they shoot through?


WA based manufacturer and supplier of premium leadhead jigs, fligs, bucktail jigs, 'bulletproof' soft plastic jig heads and XOS bullet jig heads.

Jigs available online in my web store!

Lamby's picture

Posts: 3145

Date Joined: 04/08/09

Yeah it was Matt, loving the

Mon, 2010-04-05 21:43

Yeah it was Matt, loving the new outfit! It pulled some string and put on a sweet aerial display with a locked drag. Also managed a huge SBT on a SP by chance cruising past a school but lost boatside. Bloody demersals were not on fire today except a nice baldie from Tiimmbo.

John I don't think there was a school, fairly deep down to tell for sure but the sounder only showed mild mid water activity 

wadetolley's picture

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Mon, 2010-04-05 21:56

Big fish mate! What was the new out fit mate?

Lamby's picture

Posts: 3145

Date Joined: 04/08/09

The eupro twin craft tackle

Mon, 2010-04-05 22:08

The eupro twin craft tackle shack had on sale matched to a saragosa 5000 loaded with 33lb Daiwa braid. Bought it for demersal jigging but she pinged a soft plastic a fair way with ease.  

codysam9's picture

Posts: 35

Date Joined: 05/03/10

nice salmon

Mon, 2010-04-05 22:34

where were you, if you dont mind me asking


Go Hard Or Go Home

fishofello's picture

Posts: 11

Date Joined: 30/03/10

was the salmon or shark 85

Mon, 2010-04-05 22:35

was the salmon or shark 85 cm ???

honsu chin's picture

Posts: 2086

Date Joined: 20/09/05

shark?? didnt see he

Mon, 2010-04-05 23:04

shark?? didnt see he mentioned shark....




Lamby's picture

Posts: 3145

Date Joined: 04/08/09

Inside Direction Bank Ocean

Mon, 2010-04-05 23:06

Inside Direction Bank Ocean Reefish shark dude