

fishermanpat's picture

Posts: 34

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Tue, 2007-11-20 06:14

May the gods of fishing smile upon you, and your lines be tight.Three of us hit a golden patch in 15 minutes week had these on board before ten in the morning -ten miles out from mandurah

Salmo's picture

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Good to see you left some there for your next trip

Tue, 2007-11-20 09:18

Every heard of farming your spots mate....
Yep you are within your rights to take 6 dhuies.....but once you strip a lump of fish, it takes a long long time for fish to repopulate that area....

Adam Gallash's picture

Posts: 15641

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Good catch

Tue, 2007-11-20 09:40

Great catch there Pat! Thats what I would call a hotbite!!! Was there any thing noticable on the sounder like they were schooling or anything? Did you get any smaller ones amongst them as well?


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Kasey L.'s picture

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Dalmatinac, what you have

Tue, 2007-11-20 13:30

Dalmatinac, what you have just described rather well (unknowingly perhaps) is the Tragedy of the Commons.

I'm sure as Adam would know, its THE issue for fisheries management. If everyone thinks like that, (i.e. hey if I don't bring em all in now, someone else will, so I'll grab as many as I can while I can); as a sum with each and every fisherman acting that way, in total we'll all be f....
well not very well off. Hence the drastic measures being slammed NOW.

Nothing to do with the catch here, well done to that. just saying such a mentality is flawed. very similar to a commercial boat coming across a school of snapper in the sound right before the closure and going, hey if i dont do it, the recs will, or soon I won't be able to, so lets cleaning them out while we can

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Tue, 2007-11-20 14:00

don,t eat them alone waite me to sher you your gaudy

Brian's picture

Posts: 67

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Sorry but you got my vote Salmo

Tue, 2007-11-20 14:52

              Enough said!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Posts: 48

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Great catch

Tue, 2007-11-20 15:29

Bloody brilliant catch Pat!!
In my opinion, I'd rather take 6 of that size than take two 15 or 20 kilo fish.
Thats just my opinion

Posts: 241

Date Joined: 30/10/05

1 dhuie

Tue, 2007-11-20 15:44

1 dhuie per person is more than enough imo of that size. i to hae been known to take 2 but nw i keep one release the rest. personal preference really.

Salmo's picture

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Tue, 2007-11-20 15:58

Lets not start having a go at poor Pat....he was just sharing his great day.

And as we know....people wont post if they get hammered for doing so....

I was just suggesting that farming your spots is more productive and sustainable over the long term.

Dalmatinac > I agree that dhuies move around mate....some will argue that they dont....

But as KC suggested, smashing them now in case they arent there next week is a little short sighted.

But its a free world.....

Salmo's picture

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On the Scarb Pinks

Tue, 2007-11-20 16:00

Seems the big ones are there all year round are the dhuies.

mako magic's picture

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nothing done wrong, each to

Tue, 2007-11-20 16:01

nothing done wrong, each to their own some keep some release, all within reason, no point knocking the ones who keep some, gee he might not catch another one for 10 trips, and besides there was 3 people so they only caught the allowable catch

Dean's picture

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great catch mate! no problem

Tue, 2007-11-20 16:34

great catch mate!

no problem with keeping those fish IMO, all are going to be eaten so I think it's fair.

Kasey L.'s picture

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6 out of 60, then 6 out of

Tue, 2007-11-20 17:39

6 out of 60, then 6 out of 54, then 6 out of 48... its the STOCK on a slightly wider perspective. not an argument whether they move or not.

Like I said, no rules broken, nothing wrong with the actual catch itself. Just putting up the 'total' perspective. not knocking the angler, but the way of thinking. again the angler didnt mention his, so im not knocking him, but really what was proposed subsequently. i really dont have an 'issue' with the catch, its really rare and the planets do align for something like that to happen, well done. but what if this happened more often, and this mentality of grab it all while you can didn't change. i hope we are arguing in the same context, because i think its important to be on the same page.

P.s. ouch, tender spot. that 24kg bloody fish would not go down. anyone who would volunteer to dive down with the barrel and make sure it swims off, OK, take the bloody thing. anyone got a 5kg release weight on board, go ahead. I didnt INTEND to keep the bloody thing, let alone catch one that big. MY MENTALITY was big breeder, ok how the hell do we let it go. FIRST THING WHEN IT CAME UP WAS I'M NOT KEEPING IT. havent been out since jigging for dhus, maybe because I know if I pull up another one like that, it'd be the same situation again and won't bloody release.

Might just stick to sambos and gamefish from now on. at least pinkies swim off ok. Talk about a dilemma; would you rather not fish than catch and not be able to successfully release. is there a difference hitting 1, then pulling another (maybe then another), then going 'ok thats it', vs. caryying on? I don't see how that relates to dropping once, bringing 1 old and dumb fish up, scrambling around thinking how many sinkers need to be tied together to rig somethign heavy enough for release, then realising its already carked it, and then taking it easy for the rest of the day?

OK overreacting. sorry. just hit a soft spot. end of argument from me.

chezza's picture

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Great catch

Tue, 2007-11-20 17:51

Good catch there fishermanpat

cheers Troy

Italiano's picture

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great catch there mate, I

Tue, 2007-11-20 18:07

great catch there mate, I think it's ok if you took them home, each to there own, I personally would of realesed them but he is not breaking any rules so let the poor bugger have a break and enjoy his feed, other wise people won't put photos up cause they will get hasselled about not releasing there fish, isn't this site to share and enjoy everones catches and fishing storys!!!!  

Andy Mac's picture

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Top catch Pat

Tue, 2007-11-20 19:29

My view on this is that a 15 minute bite probably had two triple hook ups and then they moved on. Tough call to inferr Pat and his crew had flogged a patch of ground all day to get their bag. As he said 15 minutes and it was all over and headed home for the day. To me that inferrs they have a good moral code and left them biting. By the size of them it also inferrs that they didn't consider an upgrade. So all in all I think the did well and probably do farm their spots. Just as was stated they hit a "golden patch".

I agree Rob that the Dhuies definately move around and will be at one lump one day and another "nearby" the next (however to be truthfull I have never fished the same lumps on consecitive days). Flat ground is where a lot can school up at certain times, though it was the comment that Mandurah is a flat baron featureless area that was the only suggestion that the fish were caught on flat sand or coral. Only Pat and his crew know the full facts.

Most of my fish come from small lumps but spread over 10 - 20 plus lumps in a season due to the "spot farming" strategy I settled on a few years back. We have kept 4 dhuies in a day between two of us only once in the past (from three separate lumps), but of late I have been releasing most and keeping the odd one while I have been targetting the by-catch. 

I guess its important for us as a group of fisherfolk to be reminded by posts like these that it is an unavoidable moral dilemma that we all face when confronted with "out of the blue...unexpected catches", whether it be a hot bite in 15 minutes or a freak monster fish that you know won't go back (and live) no matter how much you would like it to do so.

In Kasey's defence I can certainly vouch for the dillema a 24kg Dhufish  presents from a release perspective. Not an easy decision but the right one imo is to keep it if it is stuffed.
Remember, we all love this site because everyone self moderates and rarely plays the man. Lets keep it that way guys. 

To repeat myself...."Well done Pat & crew, a great catch."


Andy Mac



Andy Mac (Fishwrecked Reeltime Editor & Forum Moderator)

Youngest member of the Fishwrecked Old Farts Club

Tim's picture

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Nice Catch

Tue, 2007-11-20 19:30

Well Done Pat. Some nice fish there.

Always a touchy subject and we seem to be having this discussion every time someone posts a pic of more than one fish. The rules are there and if followed the catch should not be questioned. Jumping to conclusions as to peoples mentality and a "Get em Now or Someone else will" attitude is probably a stretch in this case based on the little that Pat actually said.

YES - farming your spots is the prefered option for sustainable fishing but as said these could have come off the flats. Making judgements on one photo is never good. Yes 6 fish were taken but do these represent a high or low % of these 3 anglers yearly catch of Dhu fish. Dont know.

We have a Political and Environmental Issues or Fishing Discussion forum for debating the ethics of keeping your bag limit etc which would be a more appropriate place for this discussion rather than under a Photo of someones legal catch from what looks like a good day out on the water.

** Recfishwest Member - 0416 ** Rockingham Offshore Fishing Club **

Jamie Chester's picture

Posts: 66

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If every boat was licensed

Tue, 2007-11-20 19:59

If every boat was licensed and had a yearly quota it wouldnt matter if you caught the fish over one trip or ten.  Just a thought on future management options.

Posts: 30

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Can any body explain me what

Tue, 2007-11-20 20:01

Can any body explain me what is the problem, please with simple English word

Thanks a lot

Kasey L.'s picture

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no worries

Tue, 2007-11-20 20:16

Ok, I think I am being misunderstood, so (not for arguments sake) I only wish to clarify.

I am not drawing assumed conclusions from the picture of pat, as stated. I am actually only offering my perspective on Rob's reply.... which is an inference by itself. so actually i should have nothing to say at all. :P

I think I have dug myself into a hole in this one. As happens, sometimes the fingers get ahead of the head. I am not one to usually say anything on other's catches, my belief is that we all respect each other enough that if there is nothing good to say, either dont say anything or take it to PMs. 

I think in some way on a wider sense some of what I have said (i hope) has some constructive value, otherwise I would retract everything. I guess my 'gripe' has to do with the mentality thing, which I dont know if pat subscribes to, etc, and don't presume so, but just that when someone proposed it, I took the bait and said I strongly do not believe that is the way forward. Ok, hope I covered my ass here, haven't shot any missiles at anyone personally, so to all parties...

happy fishing!

fishermanpat's picture

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pats reply

Wed, 2007-11-21 02:16

May the gods of fishing smile upon you, and your lines be tight.   Well here goes-first part if we went out every day and got our legal quotta well i could under stand some of the comments on us over fishing-Two off the guys that fished this trip had never caught a dhuie before and most probley wont again.If on a fair estamation the school size was around fourty odd fish spread over half a km it would be fair to say we did well and as for release we did on the last drop two fish were returned for the future.The school size i have not seen in mandurah since 1992 so im quiet confident that we did not kill out a whole area off fish.. six years since ive fished this spot.Ive fished this water off mandurah for a lot off years now and am able to say that we do fish for the future and every now and then  somebody up there smiles down apon us.I do farm fish and look after my patches-sorry i cant prove it to you but im not giving out my patches -ha ha -but theres a lot off fish still there guys .I know as for schoolling dhuies these fish do travel but do congegate at certain  times off the year .On the day i had three snap offs of fish i estimate over the twentykg mark  this to me was great as they are  the big breeders and are not uncommon in this area i fish.Well enough said by me guys im still smilling and so are the guys i took out.Merry xmas to all-tight lines-fishermanpat

Neander's picture

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This says it all really. ++

Wed, 2007-11-21 03:48

This says it all really.

++ Two off the guys that fished this trip had never caught a dhuie before and most probley wont again. ++

You have to remember, not everyone has been fishing areas constantly for the last 10 yrs.
A few people that get one big haul will never match those that go out constatly to there favourite spot and pick up 2 fish every time.

My 2 cents.

mitch's picture

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fair bump .play on!!!.cool

Wed, 2007-11-21 05:27

fair bump .play on!!!.cool reply pat
oh yeah forgot to mentuon .nice cleaning table mate is that in your back yard
always in it just the depth that varies

fishermanpat's picture

Posts: 34

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the yard

Mon, 2007-11-26 19:03

May the gods of fishing smile upon you, and your lines be tight.Yes mitch -on half an acre here in mandurah- with lots of trees and leaves-to much gardening and not enough fishing -ha ha -pat

Adam Gallash's picture

Posts: 15641

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Nice reply Pat

Wed, 2007-11-21 08:25

Like your style Pat, cleared that up nicely. Its great to see the results of someones great day on the water, even better for the two blokes who had never caught them before.


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Salmo's picture

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Yep - Cheers Pat

Wed, 2007-11-21 09:02

Sorry if the tackle seemed a little head high

Its great that people on this site are conscious of the issues surrounding our fish resources.


When do Dhuies spawn???? We have all heard about dhufish aggregating (fisheries boffins don’t agree) so Pat’s observations are really interesting. Him sharing his experiences educate all of us. That’s what these forums are for.


We all cherish our fishing, hence why we probably waste some much time reading the posts when we should be working….


Apologies for sounding like a self proclaimed green avenger – or an angler who has never killed a fish….

Its blokes like me who go fishing heaps that are probably responsible for more fish deaths than 20 punters who go fishing 4 times a year and bag out.


Good on you Pat for getting some blokes onto their first dhu’s….their families would have enjoyed the fresh fish.


Look forward to future posts mate

fishy fingers's picture

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Wed, 2007-11-21 09:12

PM sent

To all the virgins..............Thanks for nothing!

Bill's picture

Posts: 437

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I have to say I'm done with

Wed, 2007-11-21 11:23

I have to say I'm done with this site well and trurly I thought it was a

place to share some pics ,stories and have a laugh but over the last couple

of months this is hardley the case.Why would anybody put a pic up on here

only to be scrutinised for it.Yes some of you are catch and release

fishernam good on yu I'm not, Fishermanpats not and nor are quiet a few on

here.Do you here us winge and bitch and carry on about your practises or try

and inforce how we fish on you NO WE DON'T.

Every time someone puts a pic up of a good respectable catch a lot of you

people put them under the scope and it makes my skin curl. If you don't like

the catch pic don't look at it and don't ruin someone's glory by making them

feel guilty about there catch it's pathetic to say the least.

I have posted a pick up on here and someone has actually gone to the trouble

of saving it and blowing it up and then comment on the size of the hand

lines in the cab of my boat seriously get a life.

See yu

Jamie Chester's picture

Posts: 66

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I personally thought that

Wed, 2007-11-21 12:14

I personally thought that all the comments so far have been constructive - no personal attacks really - we should all think about how our catches impact things - don't think anyone is really being too overcritical - I think most thinking anglers are just a little concerned with how things are going at the moment with stocks - and thats a good thing.

If you are a hypersensitive person forums are probably not a good place to hang out.  If you take comments with a grain of salt and dont get too stressed you might get to have a think about how you personally approach things and you might change or perhaps strengthen your own convictions.  Which is a good thing.

I just read somewhere that there might be some action towards disallowing the metro ban on commercials (if I read it properly) - thats something we should all be concerned about - but instead some people are more interested in bickering between ourslelves - shame really.

Rodrat's picture

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My thoughts

Wed, 2007-11-21 11:49

The pic from fishermanpat is a good catch.
Six dhuies bwtween three people is fair and legal.
This site is for fisherman to share and celebrate our great hobby.
Like bill said if your not happy with a pick dont look at it.
I think maybe some of the negative comments towards peoples catches
is maybe a little jelousy????



Andy Mac's picture

Posts: 4778

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All Positive

Wed, 2007-11-21 14:22

Well by my count of the 35 comments so far I think the vast majority recognise the catch and the pic as a great effort. Only percieved negative comments relate to the state of our fisheries and as Tim said these should really be debated in the appropriate thread and not under a clearly legal catch pic. If I knew how to move posts to other threads I would have done so in this case.

There is far less abuse on this site than many others around so I think we are doing pretty well. The number of pics and vids on this site attest to that.

As the saying goes, "you can please some of the people all of the time and you can please all the people some of the time, but you can't please all of the people all of the time." 

Again.... Great catch Pat.


Andy Mac



Andy Mac (Fishwrecked Reeltime Editor & Forum Moderator)

Youngest member of the Fishwrecked Old Farts Club

dogsoldier's picture

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All I can say is everyone is

Wed, 2007-11-21 15:42

All I can say is everyone is entitled to their own opinion,some people fish light and some heavy this is meant to be a site where we all come together to share and ask advice,have a chat and a laugh,not have a go at people or sit in purple circles and say he said this /or did that all that causes is drama's and people will have less to say or will not post up their pictures.Like has been said some people are strictly catch and release and some people like to take a feed of fish for themselves and their family each of us like to do different things and should be the target for what we do

My 2 and a half cents

Live to fish

max199's picture

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Sun, 2007-11-25 19:04

memorable session Pat, well done and happy fishing in the future. What depth again?? :)..........Feel the force.........

fishermanpat's picture

Posts: 34

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max -depth

Mon, 2007-11-26 18:57

May the gods of fishing smile upon you, and your lines be tight. In on the 37-39mtr line and just inside it.

Posts: 1333

Date Joined: 05/05/06

Good catch, would have had

Sun, 2007-11-25 21:34

Good catch, would have had the hearts pumping!!!

Last cast....


Bend over

Posts: 48

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Great Set-up

Mon, 2007-11-26 15:47

I'm jealous not only with the fish Pat - the cleaning table is
fantastic!! did you make it yourself????

Great catch once again mate

fishermanpat's picture

Posts: 34

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cleaning table

Mon, 2007-11-26 19:00

May the gods of fishing smile upon you, and your lines be tight.Yeh higgo  base off the bench is made from a old trampoline frame and the top is the inside of an old freezer -does the job just fine -thanks for the comment- pat

tangles's picture

Posts: 1367

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on ya pat

Mon, 2007-11-26 19:23

onya pat nice quality sized dhuies there m8 the perfect eating size for a couple crew! hey you seen any crayboats out there on those lumps yet?

fishermanpat's picture

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no pots mate

Mon, 2007-11-26 19:28

May the gods of fishing smile upon you, and your lines be tight.Hey tangles no pots out that far yet - the pots are still on the five at the moment-this is flat ground-where getting our fish from just small trenches.

tangles's picture

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Mon, 2007-11-26 19:31

there must be whites out there then, up where we are at the mo guys are getting into the real lite coloured dhuis like those on the pic on edges into the sand bottom, and they are full of soft crays in their gobs, as some have thought they dont hunt crays they do the whites up this way and id say the same down there hey

fishermanpat's picture

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no whites yet

Mon, 2007-11-26 19:40

May the gods of fishing smile upon you, and your lines be tight.Ive got my pots out tangles and havent seen a white yet still reds- maybey after the moon they might move here-pat

tangles's picture

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early run

Mon, 2007-11-26 19:46

they might have done an early run down there or do you guys get the run in the first week of dec? i know last year the whites run in the first week of the season and all the boys missed them down that way, suppose very different to up here, we are just starting to see them go here, some big whites the last couple of days dont even need the gauge on them just strait in the bank! good luck bro and happy hunting!

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QuoteP.s. ouch, tender

Mon, 2007-11-26 22:18

P.s. ouch, tender spot. that 24kg bloody fish would not go down. anyone who would volunteer to dive down with the barrel and make sure it swims off, OK, take the bloody thing. anyone got a 5kg release weight on board, go ahead. I didnt INTEND to keep the bloody thing, let alone catch one that big. MY MENTALITY was big breeder, ok how the hell do we let it go. FIRST THING WHEN IT CAME UP WAS I'M NOT KEEPING IT. havent been out since jigging for dhus, maybe because I know if I pull up another one like that, it'd be the same situation again and won't bloody release.

I dont wanna take any credit away from your catch KC but seeing as it you brought the release thing up, did you really intend on releasing the fish?? judging by the photos i dont think it had any chance of swimming off. especially the pic on the cover of a recent mag.
I maybe wrong (and hope to be corrected), because you could have put the jig back in its mouth and taken the photos after you tried releasing it?

Last cast....


Bend over

Andy Mac's picture

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Hi Jim

Mon, 2007-11-26 22:35

The fish was taken onboard for 4 or 5 quick pics then placed over the side and swam while I tried to tie every sinker I had onboard onto the standard size release weight I carry.

While we were doing that it became apparent that the fish would not make it and then we took it aboard and took the next 65 pics. One of which graces the cover of Hotbite.


Andy Mac



Andy Mac (Fishwrecked Reeltime Editor & Forum Moderator)

Youngest member of the Fishwrecked Old Farts Club

Goatch's picture

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Great catch Pat

Tue, 2007-11-27 07:40

Haven't had a chance to sample Dhuie yet , next time were in Perth I reckon it;s on the agenda , Kasey , fish of a lifetime , can't tell me your chest was'nt busting with pride , top site , lively chats

Does a one legged duck swim in an eliptic circle


Just one more cast , honest !!!  

Posts: 1333

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No worries Andy, I didnt

Tue, 2007-11-27 11:02

No worries Andy, I didnt want to say anything but it was kinda bugging me,   Cheers for that mate.  Makes sense. :)    


Bend over

sherbert's picture

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873 hits

Tue, 2007-11-27 15:09

And still going, Some nice fish there
Born to fish forced to work


Assassin landbase fishing club

sherbert's picture

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Bottom right under photo

Tue, 2007-11-27 16:11

Born to fish forced to work


Assassin landbase fishing club

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Correct if im wrong but isnt

Tue, 2011-04-05 17:02

Correct if im wrong but isnt it two dhuies per boat per day ????.

Alan James's picture

Posts: 2222

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Perhaps you need

Tue, 2011-04-05 17:29

to look at the date.



Posts: 354

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ah haha roger that

Tue, 2011-04-05 21:25

ah haha roger that