long time between 40's
Submitted by SandGroper84 on Sun, 2012-02-05 12:02

gday fishwrecked members,
just though id post a picture of the latest 40cm bream I caught (to the fork), been quite a while since the last 40cm fish, photo doesn't do the fish justice though, but was a solid fish. Location was under canning bridge, tackle is Stella 1000, shimano t-curve tournament with 4lb berkley crystal line, with 4lb black magic flurocarbon leader, snapback grub in motor oil with 0.5g squidgy jig head did the damage, method was flicking snapbacks at the pylons, plenty of big bream under there, getting them out into some what open water has proven to be tough this year, getting quite a few fish around the 35cm mark. Cheers!
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Swan River Fisher
Posts: 877
Date Joined: 03/05/11
nice fish matesometimes from
nice fish mate
sometimes from the top of the bridge you can look into the water and see massive bream, but only on a calm day when theres no wind disturbing the surface
Posts: 329
Date Joined: 06/02/10
yeh ive seen some horse fish
yeh ive seen some horse fish swimming around down there, just trying new things to temp a BIG mumma to bite!
Love this Country!
Posts: 725
Date Joined: 12/12/10
Well done! Catching bream in
Well done! Catching bream in this kind of terrain is tough, let alone using lure with 4lb leader!
Posts: 666
Date Joined: 31/12/09
nice buddy might have to give
nice buddy might have to give it a crack next week what time of day did u get him
Posts: 329
Date Joined: 06/02/10
cheers guys, was caught
cheers guys, was caught around change of tide, from out going to in coming, cast into current and flick placcy at same time as reeling, fine line between being too close to pylon and not close enough, and be persistant, most of the bream ive been getting have been hooked under the chin, like they are just smashing it to say F@#K off, Uluabuster you'd be suprised at the pressure you can put of 4lb leader :) I use around 1 and a half rod lengths and does the trick for me, dont give them an inch if you can help it. just hang on and hope for the best
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