double hook up on 2.5m+ sharks

double hook up on 2.5m+ sharks

 mate just sent me this, both of us hooked up of monster sharks, this was my second shark on day 1 and my mate is hooked up to the big one he lost after 3 hours of fighting.


always looking for a new challenge!!

Faulkner Family's picture

Posts: 18092

Date Joined: 11/03/08

 nice pic of the pain you

Fri, 2012-04-13 12:02

 nice pic of the pain you must have been feeling right then. looks like some nice deep water right in front of you


RUSS and SANDY. A family that fishes together stays together

Posts: 105

Date Joined: 03/06/09

and plenty of seagull shit

Fri, 2012-04-13 12:36

and plenty of seagull shit too lol

deepwater's picture

Posts: 1921

Date Joined: 09/05/07

 and who said we have a shark

Fri, 2012-04-13 21:14

 and who said we have a shark problem in western austraila


 your arm would be able to scratch you feet with out bendin over


 great work the Chris

sherbert's picture

Posts: 4717

Date Joined: 10/09/06

Is his overhead

Sat, 2012-04-14 16:59

 Up side down????? Looks like it


Assassin landbase fishing club

flangies's picture

Posts: 2550

Date Joined: 11/05/08

 alvey I think could be

Sat, 2012-04-14 18:03

 alvey I think could be wrong. 

Chris fish's picture

Posts: 847

Date Joined: 23/02/11

 Yeah alvey, he had all his

Sat, 2012-04-14 18:19

 Yeah alvey, he had all his gear stolen a few weeks back from his car ( they smashed a window and took everything) and this is all he had left in his shed.


always looking for a new challenge!!