Colin on a all nighter

Colin on a all nighter

A great night fishing togeather


Assassin landbase fishing club

mako magic's picture

Posts: 5785

Date Joined: 03/08/05

these old pics sherbs?  

Thu, 2009-12-17 20:40

these old pics sherbs?


Colin Hay's picture

Posts: 10407

Date Joined: 23/10/07

Looks and sounds like I have been on an all night

Thu, 2009-12-17 20:57

bender. What a rough head.
Yes Matt, that pic was taken a few weeks ago.


Moderator. Proud member of the Fishwrecked "Old Farts". Make sure your subscribed to Fishwrecked Reeltime

sherbert's picture

Posts: 4717

Date Joined: 10/09/06

Only got my phone

Thu, 2009-12-17 21:03

Downloader on to the hard drive tonight


Assassin landbase fishing club

Adam Gallash's picture

Posts: 15656

Date Joined: 29/11/05

hitting it hard

Fri, 2009-12-18 10:20

You guys have been hitting it hard lately, looks like your getting results as well.


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Colin Hay's picture

Posts: 10407

Date Joined: 23/10/07

Bloody Sherbs can't sleep Adam

Fri, 2009-12-18 22:46

And he knows I am a sucker for a fishing adventure.


Moderator. Proud member of the Fishwrecked "Old Farts". Make sure your subscribed to Fishwrecked Reeltime

Faulkner Family's picture

Posts: 18100

Date Joined: 11/03/08

nice little banjo. i heard

Fri, 2009-12-18 23:14

nice little banjo. i heard your going to do another allnighter .gotta be keen. or just mad


RUSS and SANDY. A family that fishes together stays together

Posts: 1676

Date Joined: 12/07/09

thats a shovle nose shark

Sun, 2009-12-27 21:48

thats a shovle nose shark mate.

cheers danno

Colin Hay's picture

Posts: 10407

Date Joined: 23/10/07

Mad is definately a good description Russ and Sandy

Sat, 2009-12-19 10:24

Seriously though, it is always good fun with good company and you just never know what is going to grab that next bait you throw out.


Moderator. Proud member of the Fishwrecked "Old Farts". Make sure your subscribed to Fishwrecked Reeltime

Dreamweaver's picture

Posts: 4688

Date Joined: 01/12/07

Nice going #1

Sat, 2009-12-19 18:00

As Adam says, you guys have been nocturnally busy fishing wise. Pitty you didn't catch anything better, but hey, that's fishing and good friends company and expectations is what it's all about ay mate? Laughing


Soon to be de "dreamweaver" ed!

Colin Hay's picture

Posts: 10407

Date Joined: 23/10/07

Thanks Colin

Sun, 2009-12-20 18:16

The all nighters are fun as long is there is enough action to keep waking you up when you are starting to nod off.


Moderator. Proud member of the Fishwrecked "Old Farts". Make sure your subscribed to Fishwrecked Reeltime