Ewan and winning red - Ex comp

Ewan and winning red - Ex comp

Here's the winning red from this years comp, but only by 1cm.  I will do more of a write up when my hangover wears off, youch.


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great red bro never caught one

Tue, 2010-05-18 13:49

where was it caught


wadetolley's picture

Posts: 2258

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Tue, 2010-05-18 13:53

looks tasty mate! Caught not far off the coast to, nice work.

Posts: 2321

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red emp

Tue, 2010-05-18 14:15

That's one beautiful looking fish.  Congrats Ewan.

STEVE231's picture

Posts: 1443

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Nice fish

Tue, 2010-05-18 15:56

Well done, some good eating there!!

soupster51's picture

Posts: 2724

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Tue, 2010-05-18 16:10

Great Red and cracka pic.


The best reason for doing what's right today is tomorrow.

uncle's picture

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Tue, 2010-05-18 16:32

nice red,don't you love that glimpse of red down deep


all aggressive fish love bigjohnsjigs

Faulkner Family's picture

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Congrates mate on your win

Tue, 2010-05-18 18:46

darn nice size red love the way they fight,  even better when you have to beat the sharks *LOL* top effort mate


RUSS and SANDY. A family that fishes together stays together

mullows's picture

Posts: 738

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Nice fish there mate!!!

Tue, 2010-05-18 19:19

Nice fish there mate!!! Great pic as well, love the red/orange against the blue of the sky and water.



The Older I get the better I was :-)

Ozzy's picture

Posts: 257

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Hey Ewen

Tue, 2010-05-18 19:53

Nice Red Mate,Have'nt heard what the conditions were like for the comp yet,were you out wide (near Peak on the SPOT) ???.

Congrats from OZZY and Rhonda 

Alan James's picture

Posts: 2243

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Is there any secret

Tue, 2010-05-18 19:57

in getting them up in one piece other than going as hard as you can on the winding (using rod and reel).  They certainly go hard which unfortunately keeps them in the bitie zone longer. 



dagree's picture

Posts: 660

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Tue, 2010-05-18 20:20

Nice looking red and a great photo to go with it.



David (AKA Grumps)

Location: Heathridge.  Toys:  120 Series Prado ... 5.3 Stacer Seamaster/Merc 90HP.

deepwater's picture

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great red mate,good to put a

Tue, 2010-05-18 20:33

great red mate,good to put a face to the name mate


Gully's picture

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Wed, 2010-05-19 07:38

Yeah was a good fish thats for sure and we were rather happy when that came to the surface. Good for Ewan to defend the biggest red from last year..

Caught south of Tantas Ozzy as we decided to change things up a bit.

As for keeping them out of the 'bite zone' well just go hard and hope
