what a joke mundine / green

 always been a danny green fan but tonights result is a disgrace ,  tony mundine clearly won the fight  absolute joke the scoring was so stupid , i know danny well through my young blokes boxing , he wont he happy with that when he re watches the fight


Jackfrost80's picture

Posts: 8156

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For once I agree with you

Fri, 2017-02-03 21:30

For once I agree with you except it's boxing that is the joke and has been since the 80s


Officially off the Pies bandwagon

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Fri, 2017-02-03 21:34

 that didn't take long!!



ChrisG's picture

Posts: 558

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 Can't stand Mundine and all

Fri, 2017-02-03 21:37

 Can't stand Mundine and all the crap he carries on with, equally have always liked green, but.....Mundine won that fight no doubt in my mind. Better bloke won but not the better fighter on the night....

Posts: 212

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Fri, 2017-02-03 21:40

 Re watch the fight Green threw 2 may be 3  times as many punches 

sure many of them not scoring but some scored although not always clean

Dumdune very defensive  strategy for the first 6/7 rounds then realised what the green team knew all along 

Well done the green team had the strategy right from the first round that it was gonna be a points game

Im sure others will see it differently 




Posts: 27

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 yeah the fight was a joke

Fri, 2017-02-03 21:40

 yeah the fight was a joke after that coward king hit Green in the rnd1, surprised he carried on after being concussed Mundine should of been disqualified, i suppose this is why Green campaigns against king hits.

walloped's picture

Posts: 191

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 If a cheap shot in the first

Fri, 2017-02-03 21:41

 If a cheap shot in the first round that KOs the opponent is winning then Mundine won. However, it is a dog act and the scorers marked accordingly. Mundine needs to realize punches to the back of the head after being told to break dont score. Boxing was the loser tonight and the sport is in dire straits. Anyone could see that Mundine was the better fighter but that first round was a disgrace.

Posts: 2946

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sport is still ok

Fri, 2017-02-03 22:30

 boxing is still ok if you if you follow the amatuers in wa we have some quality kids going around 1  that trains with my young bloke  should be cherry ripe for the next olympics

uncle's picture

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On the money

Sat, 2017-02-04 05:33



all aggressive fish love bigjohnsjigs

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it was a cheap shot

Fri, 2017-02-03 22:04

 it was a cheap shot from mindine , bloke controling the fight needs to have a good hard look at himself , personaly i would have disqualified mundine , personaly dont think danny came back to his best after that cheap shot , but the fact remaines tony was more agresive , threw more punches and should have won the soring was crazy 

Oracle's picture

Posts: 355

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Green Won

Fri, 2017-02-03 23:05

Like it or not, a punch that makes contact is a score. If it's hard or soft, it's the same. Im a Green fan so maybe I saw it one eyed. He wasnt the tallest and seemed slow but he came out of each round and made contact. He dodged a lot of fists. He threw many more punchs and the volume won.


All in all, it went 10 rounds and he spoke well at the end. Good luck to both blokes. Ill take Danny for a fish any day any hope to I could contribute half he does to the local community.


Well done - WA proud!


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sorry mate

Fri, 2017-02-03 23:39

 if you punch on a refs seperation thats a cheap shot protect your self at all times but you cant punch when your being instructed by the ref , i actually thought the ref was lucky he didnt catch a punch , he was hopless contrlling the fight

Posts: 276

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Fri, 2017-02-03 23:35


sat 5 rows back and not sure what fight you watched but Greeny won first 5-6 clearly, in addition to deducted point in the first.

next 4 were debateable with mundane arguably taking a couple.

outclassed, outfought, outboxed


now shut the fck up bumdine.......




Swompa's picture

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 Never watched a fight in

Sat, 2017-02-04 05:57

 Never watched a fight in full and doubt I will again. Lots of hugging and ducking by the mungbean. I thought Danny was the aggressor in the first 6 or 7 rounds and Mungbean in the final couple. 


Now I wonder how many of the people that went Facebook live with their Foxtel feed will get pinged? Certainly a few hundred thousand watching via alternative means online.

tadpole's picture

Posts: 387

Date Joined: 28/01/13

 Yeah that's how I watched

Sat, 2017-02-04 06:25

 Yeah that's how I watched it. Nearly paid for it, then realised paying $60 for a sport I don't have much interest in was a bit silly. Especially on a service I'm already forking out $100+ a month for just so I can watch the footy and cricket in winter

Noxious's picture

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 Really strange night of

Sat, 2017-02-04 08:09

 Really strange night of boxing.


Started with Quade Cooper - this does nothing for Australian boxing, and should not be promoted or encouraged. A professional athlete getting in the ring and beating the crap out of a 22yo plasterer. I understand that (Quade) hand picks these guys, but it isn't boxing and has no place on any card. I'm sure his mates get stuck into him. This is boxing, not Soccer, the potential to sustain head trauna is a very real threat to someones health. I genuinely felt embarrassed that Michael Buffer was there to see this in Oz. 


The timing of the undercard was also very poor, hence the whack stoppage of the previous fight (prior to the main event). If anyone thinks that the undercard means anything they are mistaken, the main event fighters know what time they will be coming out down to the minute. This undercard and the stoppage was a prime example of it. Something that is never spoken about in boxing, but is very real. Do people thing Green and Mundine are going to warm up them wait around? This is one of the dirty sides of boxing that is not discussed, but like anything it is all about money and I get that.


Green V Mundine - Green copped a dirty shot that clearly rocked his socks, obviously concussed. But like a warrior told the ref he would fight on - no question he has a huge ticker. I then felt that Green then lost the fight, not overly convincingly but I was very surprised when he was announced the winner. The earlier cheap shot obviously came into the scoring for the judges, especially for one to score the fight 98-90.


I used to be a big time boxing fan. I mainly watch UFC these days and Muay Thai. Much less of the carry on that goes on in boxing. The recent Caged Muay Thai 9 that JWP promoted and got air on fox (which is really cool) was amazing, great sportmanship and every fight was just too warriors banging on in the ring. Which is what combat sports it about!


What a circus this card was and has left a sour taste in my mouth. Disgrace for Australian boxing and the wider boxing community. 







Posts: 1392

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yep you have a valid point

Sat, 2017-02-04 18:06

 I think the undercard was better than the main event. Some of the talent comming through is awesome. Andrew Maloney for one is a class boxer with tonnes of style and will definately go places. Enjoyed every minute of his fight. Will be great to see Tim Tzsu (dunno if spelt right) take on some other fighters in some longer fights. And well Jeff Horn is the next big fight against Paciau(again probably spelt wrong) and hope he gets it and will be waiting with baited breath until it happens. These fellas are far from a disgrace.

Personally think that Green won on points(not that Iam a judge or anything) but alot of Mundines punches didn't find the mark or score. Back of the head whilst weaving doesn't count, or punching the ref Mundine!!

Anyway that's my 2 cents worth and it is exciting times (of me anyway) with these class Aussie boxers coming thru.



Dale's picture

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Sat, 2017-02-04 18:09

 Both the Malony boys looked good.


"Just because you are a Character, Doesn't mean you have Character."

Mr Wolf



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sounds like you know what your talking about

Sun, 2017-02-05 22:54

 what is geting me is that no 1 is talking about tim tsyu  or the moloney twins bloody ripper boxers both and headed for world titels


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Sat, 2017-02-04 18:16

 i missed the first Maloney fight. Busy trying to book on Foxtel. Only took about 40 minutes. What is his brothers name again??



Dale's picture

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Sat, 2017-02-04 18:21

 I think it was Jason and Andrew??


"Just because you are a Character, Doesn't mean you have Character."

Mr Wolf



Dale's picture

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Sat, 2017-02-04 18:23

 It's now coming to light Green probably ended up with a concussion after that incident in the first.


"Just because you are a Character, Doesn't mean you have Character."

Mr Wolf



Jackfrost80's picture

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He looked in very bad shape

Sun, 2017-02-05 12:57

He looked in very bad shape and I actually thought the ref was going to call it off. If that was a standing 8 count rather than a cheap shot it would have been all over for sure.


Officially off the Pies bandwagon

roddo's picture

Posts: 486

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 At the end of the day it

Sat, 2017-02-04 20:26

 At the end of the day it didnt matter who won or lost it was a massive pay day for them both which will allow them to retire extremly comfortable. And dont forget foxtel was the other winner on the night 60 bucks to watch that is a bloody joke. 

Brock O's picture

Posts: 3264

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 Oz72 your bang on...close

Sat, 2017-02-04 20:51


Oz72 your bang on...close fight but a green win...more punches, yes some glancing but the aggressor early even after the cheap shot which took a big toll...judges will score boxing 9 fights out of 10 like this every time.


Noxious...sorry bud your way off with the undercards...the cooper fight look to be a fast but not an easy one to match up..they wanted him on the card for a reasons and thats the best / safest opponent the corner would agree too....Hamden turned his head against a young dangerous man with the referree making the right call early....nothing pre planned there!!

Yes they have an idea on timing but no way is it fixed...they would have delaid the start if they wernt ready....seen it plenty of times when things dont go to schedual. 

little johnny's picture

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Watched 2 times

Sun, 2017-02-05 23:01

 It was crap .50/50 no clear winner. I expected better . Rematch when there 50:).