New Combo! All Tacklejunkies please report!
Ok since reading this magazine today, ive been droolling over the
Shimano Torso 20.... *drools*
so i went to campbells online and went looking to see if I could find a good all round BOAT and ROCK rod...
Came up with the Nitro 7' Overhead *droools*
So its gonna prolly cost me about $1000 to get this combo, possibly without braid... *mutter*...
Unless of course, you folks can think of another good combination?
Something close to the Torso (might not be anything out there..., i was thinking saltist for smoothness however, doesnt have lever drag) must have lever drag! I will be using it for all my main boat fishing and aswell as soaking a nice fat bait out in a gutter off a rock wall or jetty
Which is why I was thinking the Nitro 7' overhead which is about 12-15kg... im thinking about running 25-30pound braid (if I go 30 id obviously get the torso 30)
So all you tacklejunkies out there, know of a better way to satisfy this itch? Better Rod? or Similar reel?
Posts: 2013
Date Joined: 30/08/06
u mean...
Posts: 995
Date Joined: 03/06/07
oh yeah torsa, sorry, used
oh yeah torsa, sorry, used to typing tors-o
stupid touch typing... thanks for picking that up
<--- idiot...
anyway... anyone had experience with the Tyrnos? Was considering using the Tyrnos 20 instead...
Posts: 2013
Date Joined: 30/08/06
tyrnos 30
ive gotta tyrnos 30...use it for trolling, ballooning, and bottom bouncing up to 60m. only problem is i think the gear ratio is too high on deep water the 5.1:1 i think it is, with heavy snapper leads sukkks.
really tough reels though!
shimano have bought out tyrnos 16's n 12's now aswell! yet to hit shelves
Posts: 995
Date Joined: 03/06/07
mmmm just looking at the
mmmm just looking at the tyrnos 16... man, that is a nice bloody reel, I thinking its a good replacement... hey, whats the freespool like on these reels? They cast well?
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Date Joined: 18/08/05
At around 800 grams it's not
At around 800 grams it's not an overhead I would want to cast very much. Why not get a spin reel if you want to cast rickets?
Jay Burgess
Posts: 122
Date Joined: 02/12/06
Pro Gear Oceanus OC30 reel, capacity 300m PE8
Hey Rickets,
Have a look and feel of the above reel at Bluewater, see what you think about them. as with the shimano Trinidad, Tyrnos & Torium, they all have the plastic lever for the free spool which looks very cheap they are scratched compare with the Saltist, which look like a better construction reel, so too is the above reel. But you made a good choice with the Nitro rod.
Find out about the maxium drag pressure on the reels.
Posts: 3356
Date Joined: 29/12/06
Id go the toruim or saltist
Id go the toruim or saltist 30T. I wouldnt recomend leverdrag for overhead casting, no reason other than star drag is what id buy. Just my opinon. Nice rod choice though. Whats it rated at? Because a 7" rod is ok for boat fishing but with a torsa youd want at least a 10 to 15kg rod minimum because of the torsas drag pressure. Then that choice wouldnt be that great for casting off the rocks at 7". Need more like 8 to 9" but see how you go. I use a tcurve torament 7" 6 to 10kg off the rocks with a calcutta 400 which is good but also doubles as a great drift baiting rod as well.
Keep it tight, reeeeeeel tight!
dan south
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Date Joined: 02/05/06
trinadad's are good.
trinadad's are good.
Posts: 122
Date Joined: 02/12/06
Lever drag
Oops...forgot the Pro Gear was a lever drag..
Avet or penn torque reels is another choice.
Posts: 564
Date Joined: 05/08/06
yeah i rate the trinidads
yeah i rate the trinidads
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yeah well if I wanted a star
yeah well if I wanted a star drag system, id get a Saltist but wantd the lever drag so that I could take it trolling if I wanted to....
Basically, I mostly landbase fish but will be doing more offshore in the future so im looking to get a good overhead lever drag reel that I can use off the boat, but at the same time, have it versatile enough to use to soak a bait off rocks or a jetty or something... in this magazine, this dude was using a Torsa 20 on a fairly agile boat/rock rod (yeah the nitro godzilla 7' looks good) to catch big mulloway and I thought "man thats an awesome idea, having a versatile reel to use"
I already got an abu C3 7000 Tribute which I use to soak baits now and thats star drag but I really dunno how good they are to use off a boat for jigging/trolling as I always throught they were middle of the range.. plus the 7000 size reel is quite large, I wanted something sleeker for the casting side.....
My mate uses his saltist 30 for casting and the freespool is awesomeon on them for casting, and I know the torsa's freespool is awesome too so yeah...
really im looking for lever drag overhead with a good freespool
Im thinking tyrnos 16 to fit the bill,
Posts: 375
Date Joined: 11/09/05
have a look at AVET
Hi Rickets
I have a avet mxl which you can get in a dual speed if you want,it has lever drag and is awsome for casting(take a little pratice to stop the birdsnesting)it has 19pounds of drag and all aluminuim.
I also use it to bottem bounce and very easy to maintain as well.I have had mine for 3 years now and is still my favorite reel.
There are two types of people ,do'ers and watchers
Right now the do'ers are the doing it
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id go with and avet to
id go with and avet to american built so in my eyes great quality and they are soo tufff and hold soo much line for the size of there body. i beleive they were prodominently built for jigging they had to be built tough but let me tell ya the free spool on them is also great so casting is a breeze. took 1 out the othe day fom the shop to have a crack and held up well really impressed for the price!!! cheers brenz
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Mick B
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Date Joined: 20/08/06
Saltist origins???
I heard from a Diawa distributor last year that the SALTIST overheads were made in Korea, but the SALTIGA overheads were made in japan.
If they are anything like the non Japanese made TLD's I know what my bucks would be on.