I need a new rod:
Submitted by rickets on Sun, 2007-07-29 09:48
Hey, as i wrote in my bream thread, I snapped the raider yesterday so im seeking to buy a new rod...
however, my question isnt related to brand but rather, size....
It will be rigged with my Procaster spinning reel running 4lb fireline and 6lb fluro leader.... mainly for river/estuary work with splastics and light bait.
SO was just wondering, what would be the absolute minimum size be that I should get to fit the outfit...
Is 5'6 graphite too short?
Posts: 826
Date Joined: 26/05/07
AHAHA what loser ={ ]
You broke your Raider? AHAHA while Bream fishing omg thats like the funny sh!t I've heard in a while. HAHAHA.
I find something longer than 6' is better as like my Black Diamond Reaper is 6'2 long and with a solid tip makes my lure run like a fish running.
If your having trouble finding rods go and pm Ryan as he is the man of fishing!
HAHAHA but I still can't believe you broke your rod while a relaxing way of fishing!!!
Cheers.. Jangles
big john
Posts: 8768
Date Joined: 20/07/06
Moral Support
Nice display of moral support there jangles.
I prefer a bit of length in the light rods rickets as it helps you steer fish around snags, clear the outboard leg, cast light weights etc.
WA based manufacturer and supplier of premium leadhead jigs, fligs, bucktail jigs, 'bulletproof' soft plastic jig heads and XOS bullet jig heads.
Jigs available online in my web store!
Posts: 826
Date Joined: 26/05/07
He needs it!!
Its just funny, well he said he hated me cause I caught a Black Bream on a softie before him, so I thought I might need to give him some support.
Cheers.. Jangles
Posts: 995
Date Joined: 03/06/07
read my last bream post...
read my last bream post... it snapped cos it hit a tree branch when the line pinged from a snag.
Posts: 564
Date Joined: 05/08/06
rickets is there sum sort of
rickets is there sum sort of warranty you can get on that?
Posts: 995
Date Joined: 03/06/07
doubt it.... doesnt matter,
doubt it.... doesnt matter, ill just use my tierra lol
Ryan Thipthorp (not verified)
Posts: 16
Date Joined: 01/01/70
6'ft min, but I use 6'6ft and 7'ft myself, more control as mentioned!
*Oceanside-Strudwick,Daiwa,Van Staal,Jigmaster Rods, Banax,Shimano,Penn,Furuno*
Owner/Operator Oceanside Tackle and Marine
364 South Street, O'Connor, Perth WA
Ph# 9337 5682 ** OPEN 7 DAYS *
Posts: 2013
Date Joined: 30/08/06
new rod
you can pick up good bream sticks pretty cheap these days:
Berkley Dropshot 6'6 1-3kg ~$100
Shimano Rack Raiders 6'8 1-3kg or 2-4kg ~$120
GL2 loomis range for a better quality rod $200-300
value for money i reckon the Starlo Stix Lite spin with siclones 7'3 1-3kg(i think) ~$160
theres a big range of good bream sticks
Posts: 995
Date Joined: 03/06/07
hmmm yeah problem is, wife
hmmm yeah problem is, wife says NAY to spending anymore money on major tackle (rods and reels)
So i think im stuck using my Daiwa Tierra but its 8-17lb with my procaster which is 4lb fireline
The tierra, although for medium heavy application is still quite flexible being IM7 graphite itself... and 7 foot in length
sound ok still or is that a big no no? Ryan any advice?
Posts: 995
Date Joined: 03/06/07
OK! hahahah you're gonna
hahahah you're gonna laugh harder at my antics....
Wife said NO to any more fishing gear cos ive been a bit of a tackle whore lately, buying everything I can get my hands on to the point that we're in a bit of financial beef lol
So, my dilemma still sat there and I just couldnt sit still thinking id have to use the 8-17lb tierra with a reel spooled with 4lb braid....
So I conned her into letting me have a cheap shit rod from ebay hahaha!
Its called the Kamikaze Sun Warrior which has a Carbon Graphite Core - the blank going all the way back through the handle with an e-glass outer... weights about 180 grams, 6' in length and is well finished on the grips and cork side of things.... looks pretty schmick.. has a 1 year warranty too! so ill check that out when it gets here, maybe itll cover SNAPPING IT ON TREES!
$30! hahaha
Id much prefer a Berkley Dropshot or one of them Black Diamond Customs but ah well, sometimes you just have to bite the bullet and make the lesser unnamed brands work for ya. Closest I could find to a proper name brand rod though. So I thought it was a good deal.
Posts: 995
Date Joined: 03/06/07
Hahah so this is it :P~
Hahah so this is it :P~