Fishing Report
Sunday Times fishing news...
Beach action is spasmodic for bread and butter species such as herring, one of few highlights some decent tailor caught by shore anglers north of Yanchep. Woodman Point produced herring and the odd tailor. Evening high tides have been best for herring along Mangles Bay and Palm Beach, the Powerhouse also worth a try for these species. Squid towards Garden and Carnac Islands and in Mangles Bay have been plentiful.
Some excellent size king george were pulled from the area between Garden Island and the Five Fathom Bank, big pink snapper coming from behind the Five Fathom with the occasional jewie in that region. The Barges, well out the back of Rottnest in 100-110m of water continue to turn up numbers of pink snapper and skippy.
The Swan has surprised some with quality sand whiting taking soft plastics. Bream are still well upstream, some decent fish among schools, and black bream were also spotted in the Matilda Bay area but were reluctant biters. Schools of whiting are around Matilda Bay around full tide, with the boat ramp seeming to be the hot spot.
Lovers of blue swimmer crabs could do worse than head to Geographe Bay for a feed of these tasty creatures, and squid are also plentiful. Greg of Ocean to Outback reckons success on samson fish encountered towards the end of the jetty is due to the presence of the squid. Skippy to 1kg were a frequent catch from the Jetty and the Four Mile and king george whiting fishing was rewarding.
In better conditions jewfish were taken off the Eight Mile.
Tailor to 3kg made for fine fishing action along the Dunsborough coast and from the west coast, Moses Rock one hot spot.
Cheynes Beach and Bluff Creek make the better spots to try your luck for salmon, Normans, Little Beach and Two Peoples Bay other places to have a go. Salmon trout are prolific in the river systems and the Kalgan and King Rivers are working well for bream with the odd big mulloway about as well. Bream have picked up right along that coast, nearly all rivers from Walpole to Bremer performing well for both lure users and bait fishers.
Deep sea angling has been difficult although smaller craft working closer to protected waters at the likes of Gull Rock and local islands are finding some good king george, deeper spots best and best fish 42-45cm. Bag limit catches are not uncommon but you need to move around.
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