Xtreme Cooler Lovin It

Xtreme Cooler Lovin It

Goodz Entry for Xtreme Cooler Comp.


Recantly bought one of the 80Ltr Fibreglass Xtreme Coolers from Dave and have been putting it to great use. Keeps my ice frozen for way longer than my old esky and holds some decant fish too. Loving it!




Lastchance's picture

Posts: 1273

Date Joined: 02/02/09

Awesome eskies, and even

Sun, 2011-07-17 16:39

Awesome eskies, and even better photo!

Lamby's picture

Posts: 3145

Date Joined: 04/08/09

Sweet pic Ben

Sun, 2011-07-17 17:02

Sweet pic Ben

Paul_86's picture

Posts: 1449

Date Joined: 27/03/09

Awsome pic there goodz!

Sun, 2011-07-17 19:20

Awsome pic there goodz! Really puts u in the spot and a smile on ur face.

wazzbat's picture

Posts: 977

Date Joined: 19/01/10

Very nice.  Think you'd

Sun, 2011-07-17 20:03

Very nice.  Think you'd better give Dave a call though and get yourself a bigger cooler?


I fish for the future - Cause I can't bloody catch anything!

fisho-ron's picture

Posts: 2539

Date Joined: 26/09/09

cool pic ben, but by the

Sun, 2011-07-17 20:40

cool pic ben, but by the looks you need a bigger esky??

Goodz's picture

Posts: 2332

Date Joined: 20/07/09

 haha... was waiting for that

Sun, 2011-07-17 21:04

 haha... was waiting for that comment. The tails were sticking out for "effect" and to show we had fish in the esky. They actually did fit inside just! 




Lamby's picture

Posts: 3145

Date Joined: 04/08/09

What fish are in there mate?

Sun, 2011-07-17 21:06

What fish are in there mate?

Goodz's picture

Posts: 2332

Date Joined: 20/07/09

 Marco's Amberjack and

Sun, 2011-07-17 21:09

 Marco's Amberjack and Skippy.




beau's picture

Posts: 4109

Date Joined: 24/01/10

 probably a couple

Sun, 2011-07-17 21:10

 probably a couple ridiculously huge skippy and some ambers.. just a guess! ;)


Lamby's picture

Posts: 3145

Date Joined: 04/08/09

Stop winking at me Beau your

Sun, 2011-07-17 21:18

Stop winking at me Beau your not my type mate  

If my brain was switched on I would be half dangerous, of course it was the Skip & AJ

Xtreme Coolers's picture

Posts: 725

Date Joined: 02/01/10

Nice work Ben

Sun, 2011-07-17 21:28

Got back in late last night. We had an unreal time catching everything. I have some brilliant pics of fish with the 100litre Mack box we took up. To my surprise, it fitted a lot more than i expected. One pic i will post soon is of a Spanish Mack that weighed 25kg. It's head and tail hung over either side of the 1400mm cooler.

Nice pic and good to see you have got an entry in.

I will post the pics and report soon.


