What a tinnnny Lil cut can do and some fishy bacteria

What a tinnnny Lil cut can do and some fishy bacteria


dkonig82's picture

Posts: 2091

Date Joined: 06/07/10


Tue, 2013-09-10 06:47



When asked by a non-fisherman 'how many fishing rods do you really need?' the correct answer is either:

n+1 (where n is the number of fishing rods you currently own); or

n-1 (where n is the number of fishing rods which would cause your significant other to dump you. 

Posts: 695

Date Joined: 12/03/12

thats pucked up

Tue, 2013-09-10 10:00

thats pucked up

Ericl's picture

Posts: 476

Date Joined: 02/05/11

Be careful with that, There

Tue, 2013-09-10 10:45

Be careful with that, There is a real bad bacteria called atypical mycobacterium marinarum (I believe can be introduced by marine life - mostly I think aquariums)

These bacteria dont respond to normal antibiotics and can take very lengthy periods of serious anti biotics to get over.

I recently scratched my elbow in a car park and the resulting infection - also an atypical type - took 18 months of nasty antibiotics to fix. Might be prudent to have the pus checked out by a lab


Don't spend all your money on beer, boats, and fishing. Save some to spend foolishly

Deejayes's picture

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 They cut it all out was

Tue, 2013-09-10 12:40

 They cut it all out was pretty gross 

leighroy's picture

Posts: 90

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Tue, 2013-09-10 20:45

 That's some medieval shit right there

Posts: 1342

Date Joined: 05/05/06

Didnt look like it was

Tue, 2013-09-10 23:40

Didnt look like it was healing anytime soon.


What fish did it and what happened? keen to know so I can avoid it!  cheers


Bend over

Frank F's picture

Posts: 482

Date Joined: 17/03/09


Wed, 2013-09-11 05:25

Well this is what I ended up with on New Years day at the start of the year. I was making sinkers and burnt my elbow on the mold, I didn't treat the burn and kept banging it over a time of three weeks and ended up in hospital in ICU and in a Coma for a Few days.

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Skin Graff

So be careful and get cuts and burns etc treated.

carnarvonite's picture

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Wed, 2013-09-11 09:20

Jelonet, magic stuff, know it well as a result of major burns years back.

MattMiller's picture

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Wed, 2013-09-11 09:24


Troy Summers's picture

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Wed, 2013-09-18 16:18



Lastchance's picture

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Holy shit! All good now?

Wed, 2013-09-11 06:10

Holy shit! All good now?

Brucesta's picture

Posts: 1721

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i just felt my breakfast

Wed, 2013-09-11 08:11

i just felt my breakfast reappear.... that shit is NASTY!


Las Vegas - Rolling the dice and trying your luck. 1M+ Barra summer target. 100kg Black Marlin winter target

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Mon, 2013-09-16 22:02

That's horrific.  And I thought the finger was looking gross...

dkonig82's picture

Posts: 2091

Date Joined: 06/07/10

dude that is rough

Wed, 2013-09-18 11:27

dude that is rough


When asked by a non-fisherman 'how many fishing rods do you really need?' the correct answer is either:

n+1 (where n is the number of fishing rods you currently own); or

n-1 (where n is the number of fishing rods which would cause your significant other to dump you. 

Walfootrot's picture

Posts: 1385

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How fu#$ing big is the sinker

Wed, 2013-09-18 13:40

How fu#$ing big is the sinker mold????? looks like you dropped ya whole elbow in the lead........


More drum lines, kill the bloody sharks!

tot's picture

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Wed, 2013-09-18 13:47

Frank that is farked up. what the hell did it look like before they carved half your arm off?


Reverse cycle a/c supply and install - Ducted and wall splits

Frank F's picture

Posts: 482

Date Joined: 17/03/09

 Tot it looked a little

Fri, 2013-09-20 07:53

 Tot it looked a little swollen and hot. The burn was the size of a twenty cent piece.

Sand_whiting's picture

Posts: 90

Date Joined: 21/07/12

 Ouch. Hope it didn't get

Fri, 2013-10-25 19:51

 Ouch. Hope it didn't get much worse.


Early to bed ... early to rise ... fish all day... this is our lives.