What snake?
Submitted by Adam Gallash on Sun, 2011-01-09 20:14
Saw this on the beach when down south, thought it was a tiger but not sure. Anyone confirm?
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Date Joined: 04/04/08
Dugite perhaps? They seem to
Dugite perhaps? They seem to be the most common near the beach.
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Date Joined: 03/05/06
dugite. tigers are usually shorter, fatter snakes than dugites.
Posts: 660
Date Joined: 08/12/07
I would say by the pic it is more than likely a dugite.... a tiger would have more prolific thin yellowish stripes and the darker bits would be blacker.
But could be the light of the pic.
Next time pick it up and have a look underneath as it would/should have brighter yellow under the belly.
KIDS... do not try my suggestion!!!!!
David (AKA Grumps)
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tailor marc
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Date Joined: 27/09/06
Yep Definitely a Dugite
Yep Definitely a Dugite (Pseudonaja affinis) by the looks of this one it is on the later stages of being a yearling they have the banding like that when they are young
The younger they are the darker the bands and when very young can have black bands and black head as they grow bands become lighter (and the remainder body becoming darker) and separate becoming speckled like the one in the picture and as it gets a little older again these bands can become absent altogether and the snake can become more speckled all over or go the other way and become more olive green in colour depending upon environment they live in.
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