wagoe golden trev
Submitted by tangles on Mon, 2013-11-11 14:31

With the stinkn hot weather and offshores decided to go down and have a camp at wagoe for the night with my bro. Very quiet night with only a cpl tailor being caught. Next morning while having the balloons out, was soaking a bait and over the rod goes, thinking it might have been a soapy croaker but as it came to the shore you could see the yellow lit up on the fish. definately a first for me down wagoe way getting into a golden trev. There have also been bone fish, thats right bone fish being caught up the north end of wagoe.
Bird action is starting to pick up and hopefully the macks wont be too far away from barri n wagoe.
Posts: 1015
Date Joined: 24/06/12
nice catch man the trevers
nice catch man the trevers go hard, bout 2 year back my mate got bogged on the way to gregry from lucky bay would of been bout jan while tryin to dig sees a bust up bout 50m off the beach fires a mullie out 1st cast golden trev similer size 2nd cast sambo bout 80 cm thats some stretch of coast, on ya mate be up there soon
Qualified carpet layer available for jobs big and small
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Date Joined: 17/12/06
good fun
yeah callum good fun. was very quiet along the whole stretch. not enough movement to stir the mullas up. bit of a kick late this arvo n tmw will get them going. going for a crack at local beach tonight late so should be good.
Posts: 1015
Date Joined: 24/06/12
your livin the dream mate
your livin the dream mate out of intrest what would your best lb catch be up there
Qualified carpet layer available for jobs big and small
Posts: 2925
Date Joined: 27/12/06
looks pretty calm there tangles, I take it Maxy didnt crack out the surfboard ;)
nice trev
Posts: 1367
Date Joined: 17/12/06
nah rig hed drown i think! was awsome conditions but today is as ugly as it gets up here. 30 to 35kt Southerlies! bit of swell. goin for a mulla hit tonight over the road!
not the dream callum just enjoying a beautiful part of WA. best lb catch oh crap! 20+ mulla, dhui,baldy,spangled, n 8kg snapsnap all from the cliffs but also stoiky snaps from the beach while fishing for mullas!
Posts: 2925
Date Joined: 27/12/06
ha ha
I thought fat floated (you can tell him I said that)
saw a pic of a big mulloway landed at lucky on the weekend weighed in at 25kg apparently, looked it too, big fat guts
meanwhile I was up in broome got a nice black Jew and a heap of blue nose salmon
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Date Joined: 17/12/06
haha! yeah i wont say that to him!
yeah there was a few old cockies down there on saturday getting mullet n fishing at the point! to few and far between down there unfort. ill stick to over the road mate! proven spot!
Posts: 812
Date Joined: 09/05/06
Your no fuckin oil painting ya self dip shit! AND atleast I catch fish cunt
Posts: 2925
Date Joined: 27/12/06
ha ha, been a while since I have seen that ugly mug on here, yeah I aint the lightest bloke getting around lol pot calling the kettle.
as for catching fish I havent seen any evidence, didn't you catch that trout about 10 years ago when your grandad took you to onslow?
Posts: 812
Date Joined: 09/05/06
Can't remember.....alzhimers! Im busy catching and taking pics.