Thready on Softplastics

Thready on Softplastics

Caught this beaut in the surf at 80 Mile Beach on a Berkley Gulp Jerk Shad.

Faulkner Family's picture

Posts: 18092

Date Joined: 11/03/08

 good solid thready there.

Wed, 2011-02-09 19:37

 good solid thready there. gotta be happy with that one for sure and would have given you a great fight


RUSS and SANDY. A family that fishes together stays together

poddyfish's picture

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Wed, 2011-02-09 19:40

 seen some rippppppppppppers pulled from 80mile! top fish on the plakky too mate

must admit a soft spot for the big threadies!


Fear The Spear............! 

DRBROOME's picture

Posts: 29

Date Joined: 05/01/11

Yeah , i probably wouldn't

Wed, 2011-02-09 20:07

Yeah , i probably wouldn't keep another one that size again , it was my first thready and we had 8 mouths to feed that night :) 

It was great eating too and nothing went to waste.


carnarvonite's picture

Posts: 8673

Date Joined: 24/07/07

Top thready

Wed, 2011-02-09 19:40

Thats a real good thready but where is the surf??

DRBROOME's picture

Posts: 29

Date Joined: 05/01/11

HAHA, I should have said the

Wed, 2011-02-09 20:04

HAHA, I should have said the beach instead !

Was a perfect day , no wind at all.

Brynner's picture

Posts: 122

Date Joined: 08/11/10

Nice Threadie

Wed, 2011-02-09 23:07

My PB's have all come from 80 mile beach, it's good to set up with a chair and esky and wait to see what takes your line. Last year went up for a week in April and on one occasion buried a sack with Mullies, Burley and fish oil in the sand with some great success. Caught some big Mulloway and a heap of threadies. The oil slick from the buried sack also set up the guys fishing beside me, so there were alot of smiley faces that day. Once again good effort mate!!!


Fishing isn't a's an institution.

DRBROOME's picture

Posts: 29

Date Joined: 05/01/11

 Thats a great idea mate ,

Thu, 2011-02-10 19:25

 Thats a great idea mate , might have to try that one !

harro's picture

Posts: 1959

Date Joined: 07/02/08


Thu, 2011-02-10 00:07

mate thast a great fish from the beach, thready are they good on the tooth?,

well done bud


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