The Pink Durango Patrol

The Pink Durango Patrol

Doug the BOSS hates anything PINK, so myself and Brenz decided the other day to use his Patrol as a display for all the Pink Durango's, lets just say when he saw it, he called us both a few choice words, lol, but was well worth it hehehe

Faulkner Family's picture

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Dont you guys work ha ha ha

Wed, 2008-09-03 18:21

Dis you sell Any ????????



"A family that fishes together stays together"


RUSS and SANDY. A family that fishes together stays together

mako magic's picture

Posts: 5785

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yeah we sell alotof those

Wed, 2008-09-03 18:23

yeah we sell alotof those pink durango's they are a good seller, i think doug has 5 alreadyTongue out

The Tackle shack, for all your fishing needs
huge range of stock to suit any fisherperson.
PH:9248 3800 unit 3/11 Alexander drive Malaga

NOHA's picture

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All loaded up with pink toy

Wed, 2008-09-03 18:48

All loaded up with pink toy rods.

Well, it is a PatrolTongue out 

No Orange Hats Allowed

V8 twin turbo diesel....Ohh what a feeling!


Twin turbo..V8 diesel..Ohh what a feeling!!

No Orange Hats Allowed

SamC's picture

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Good to see you guys work

Wed, 2008-09-03 18:49

Good to see you guys work hard... 





mako magic's picture

Posts: 5785

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always work hard sam, and

Wed, 2008-09-03 18:51

always work hard sam, and noha, not a nice comment mate lol

The Tackle shack, for all your fishing needs
huge range of stock to suit any fisherperson.
PH:9248 3800 unit 3/11 Alexander drive Malaga

NOHA's picture

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  . . No Orange Hats

Wed, 2008-09-03 21:54

Tongue outLaughingCool 

No Orange Hats Allowed

V8 twin turbo diesel....Ohh what a feeling!


Twin turbo..V8 diesel..Ohh what a feeling!!

No Orange Hats Allowed

Dreamweaver's picture

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Wed, 2008-09-03 21:21

Matt, it's always the same mate, the one's that most fervently decry something are the ones that are most indulgent! Tell Doug to 'come out' LOL

Colin Molloy

(Colin 2 - Co-founding member of the prestigious Colin Club)



Soon to be de "dreamweaver" ed!

mako magic's picture

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hes probably going to kill

Thu, 2008-09-04 06:58

hes probably going to kill us today when he see's it but its going to be worth it

The Tackle shack, for all your fishing needs
huge range of stock to suit any fisherperson.
PH:9248 3800 unit 3/11 Alexander drive Malaga

Dreamweaver's picture

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Absolutely Matt!

Thu, 2008-09-04 07:03

Good value LOL Laughing

Colin Molloy

(Colin 2 - Co-founding member of the prestigious Colin Club)



Soon to be de "dreamweaver" ed!

roberta's picture

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Pink sunglasses

Thu, 2008-09-04 07:08

 Pink hat, pink umbrella (for the beach), pink thongs/beach towel, there he's all set for the beachKiss




Ginger Tablets Rock


roberta's picture

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Fri, 2008-09-05 08:14

 Fellas, you haven't said what the boss has done to you yetEmbarassed or are you still worried????Yell




Ginger Tablets Rock


brenz's picture

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roberta the prob with the

Fri, 2008-09-05 08:36

roberta the prob with the boss is he gets his kicks outa sein us sweat and we are stil shi*&n our selves as to what he has install for us


The Tackle shack, for all your fishing needs huge range of stock to suit any fisherperson. PH:9248 3800

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Fri, 2008-09-05 13:19

 All I can say is BE PREPARED AND HAVE PLENTY OF TISSUES HANDY for the clean up he heCry




Ginger Tablets Rock


mako magic's picture

Posts: 5785

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its ok lewie, he would have

Fri, 2008-09-05 20:09

its ok lewie, he would have forgotten already lol, old age and alzheimers lol

The Tackle shack, for all your fishing needs
huge range of stock to suit any fisherperson.
PH:9248 3800 unit 3/11 Alexander drive Malaga


Dreamweaver's picture

Posts: 4688

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while your at it...

Thu, 2008-09-04 07:55

Hey go for broke and have his 4by sprayed PINK as well Tongue out

Colin Molloy

(Colin 2 - Co-founding member of the prestigious Colin Club)



Soon to be de "dreamweaver" ed!

Tackleshack's picture

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pink.and they will be bloody dead.

Fri, 2008-09-05 04:56

The Tackle shack, for all your fishing needs
huge range of stock to suit any fisherperson.
PH:9248 3800


The Tackle Shack Malaga

3/11 Exchange Road Malaga WA 6090

(08) 9248 3800

Dreamweaver's picture

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LMAO Doug !

Fri, 2008-09-05 06:31

I thought they were just about already. Couple of scally wags there for sure Laughing

Colin Molloy

(Colin 2 - Co-founding member of the prestigious Colin Club)



Soon to be de "dreamweaver" ed!

Colin Hay's picture

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Thu, 2008-09-04 08:23

Only trouble is you guys now have to wait for the payback.
(Colin 1 - Co-founding member of the prestigious Colin Club)


Moderator. Proud member of the Fishwrecked "Old Farts". Make sure your subscribed to Fishwrecked Reeltime

brenz's picture

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was sooo classic and yeah i

Thu, 2008-09-04 08:47

was sooo classic and yeah i sure he has a plan to get us back


The Tackle shack, for all your fishing needs huge range of stock to suit any fisherperson. PH:9248 3800

brenz's picture

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Thu, 2008-09-04 10:51



The Tackle shack, for all your fishing needs
huge range of stock to suit any fisherperson.
PH:9248 3800

Blake.T.'s picture

Posts: 680

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doug would have spat it, one

Thu, 2008-09-04 14:07

doug would have spat it, one time he made me carry a pink tackle box out of his car because he was too scared to touch it lol.

The look on his face would have been priceless HAHAHA.


The Tackle shack, for all your fishing needs
huge range of stock to suit any fisherperson.
PH:9248 3800

mako magic's picture

Posts: 5785

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oh it was burke all in

Thu, 2008-09-04 14:44

oh it was burkeTongue out all in fun

The Tackle shack, for all your fishing needs
huge range of stock to suit any fisherperson.
PH:9248 3800 unit 3/11 Alexander drive Malaga


Blake.T.'s picture

Posts: 680

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Whats bouke?, cross between

Thu, 2008-09-04 14:26

Whats bouke?, cross between burks backyard and blake?? i thought you forgot about


The Tackle shack, for all your fishing needs
huge range of stock to suit any fisherperson.
PH:9248 3800

Dreamweaver's picture

Posts: 4688

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Don't worry Blakey

Thu, 2008-09-04 14:33

Matt's just obsessed about my chicken chasing and can't get bouke, bouke, bouke out of his mind. LOL 

Colin Molloy

(Colin 2 - Co-founding member of the prestigious Colin Club)



Soon to be de "dreamweaver" ed!

brenz's picture

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blake burke

Thu, 2008-09-04 14:44

easy there burke plenty more plants to be planted we will need your green thumb tonight


The Tackle shack, for all your fishing needs huge range of stock to suit any fisherperson. PH:9248 3800

Blake.T.'s picture

Posts: 680

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green thumb? my thumb's

Thu, 2008-09-04 14:52

green thumb? my thumb's lookin pretty albino white to me! lol.


The Tackle shack, for all your fishing needs
huge range of stock to suit any fisherperson.
PH:9248 3800

brenz's picture

Posts: 2182

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albino white until ya get

Thu, 2008-09-04 14:54

albino white until ya get home and ya thumb turns " poo brown"


The Tackle shack, for all your fishing needs huge range of stock to suit any fisherperson. PH:9248 3800

Blake.T.'s picture

Posts: 680

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WTF!!! are the bream still

Thu, 2008-09-04 14:57


are the bream still alive??


The Tackle shack, for all your fishing needs
huge range of stock to suit any fisherperson.
PH:9248 3800

brenz's picture

Posts: 2182

Date Joined: 15/06/06

the 1s ya dad caught????

Thu, 2008-09-04 14:58

the 1s ya dad caught???? sure are burke


The Tackle shack, for all your fishing needs huge range of stock to suit any fisherperson. PH:9248 3800

Blake.T.'s picture

Posts: 680

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No, i am talking about the

Thu, 2008-09-04 15:02

No, i am talking about the ones that I NETTED (for dad)

have you managed to lure one yet?


The Tackle shack, for all your fishing needs
huge range of stock to suit any fisherperson.
PH:9248 3800

brenz's picture

Posts: 2182

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had several bust off and

Thu, 2008-09-04 15:06

had several bust off and broke matts international combo


The Tackle shack, for all your fishing needs huge range of stock to suit any fisherperson. PH:9248 3800

Blake.T.'s picture

Posts: 680

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bullshizen, i don't believe

Thu, 2008-09-04 15:08

bullshizen, i don't believe ya


The Tackle shack, for all your fishing needs
huge range of stock to suit any fisherperson.
PH:9248 3800

brenz's picture

Posts: 2182

Date Joined: 15/06/06

true story burke no joke ull

Thu, 2008-09-04 15:10

true story burke no joke ull see


The Tackle shack, for all your fishing needs huge range of stock to suit any fisherperson. PH:9248 3800

Blake.T.'s picture

Posts: 680

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was it on the snacky s or

Thu, 2008-09-04 15:12

was it on the snacky s or bait(gulp)


The Tackle shack, for all your fishing needs
huge range of stock to suit any fisherperson.
PH:9248 3800

brenz's picture

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mullie ----------------------

Thu, 2008-09-04 15:15



The Tackle shack, for all your fishing needs
huge range of stock to suit any fisherperson.
PH:9248 3800

Blake.T.'s picture

Posts: 680

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cheater *********************

Thu, 2008-09-04 15:18



The Tackle shack, for all your fishing needs
huge range of stock to suit any fisherperson.
PH:9248 3800

brenz's picture

Posts: 2182

Date Joined: 15/06/06

i know burke still caught

Thu, 2008-09-04 15:20

i know burke still caught more fish than u though and i only got an aquarium . actually chasing some1 to help catch some more bream for it burke ??? is ya dad free ?


The Tackle shack, for all your fishing needs huge range of stock to suit any fisherperson. PH:9248 3800

Blake.T.'s picture

Posts: 680

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this saturday i might be

Thu, 2008-09-04 15:25

this saturday i might be able to put a 40+cm fish in there if you ask nicley and the weathers good, or you could put up with the small fish that dad catches.

Now i got my sol back and we got some decent leader i have no excuse to not catch a fish


The Tackle shack, for all your fishing needs
huge range of stock to suit any fisherperson.
PH:9248 3800

brenz's picture

Posts: 2182

Date Joined: 15/06/06

you never had an excuse

Thu, 2008-09-04 15:28

you never had an excuse burke as i lent ya my certate hyper with linesystems braid and leader and also gave ya the new td zero rod to use.


The Tackle shack, for all your fishing needs
huge range of stock to suit any fisherperson.
PH:9248 3800

Blake.T.'s picture

Posts: 680

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whats that your going to

Thu, 2008-09-04 15:34

whats that your going to give me your certate and zero to use, this saturday, oh thats nice of you isn't it. Next time you go skippy and undersize pinkie fishing i'll have to let you use my durango spooled up with the real expensive cajun mono.


The Tackle shack, for all your fishing needs
huge range of stock to suit any fisherperson.
PH:9248 3800

Blake.T.'s picture

Posts: 680

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Thu, 2008-09-04 15:49


brenz's picture

Posts: 2182

Date Joined: 15/06/06

tis if its size

Thu, 2008-09-04 15:40

tis if its size


The Tackle shack, for all your fishing needs
huge range of stock to suit any fisherperson.
PH:9248 3800

Blake.T.'s picture

Posts: 680

Date Joined: 12/12/07

something brendan won't be

Thu, 2008-09-04 15:43

something brendan won't be able to do, catch a size fish


The Tackle shack, for all your fishing needs
huge range of stock to suit any fisherperson.
PH:9248 3800

brenz's picture

Posts: 2182

Date Joined: 15/06/06

now blake there is no need

Thu, 2008-09-04 15:51

now blake there is no need for that now is there got some good jobs for you to do today


The Tackle shack, for all your fishing needs huge range of stock to suit any fisherperson. PH:9248 3800

Blake.T.'s picture

Posts: 680

Date Joined: 12/12/07

you say that every time i

Thu, 2008-09-04 15:53

you say that every time i work, what have you got for me this time.

Is dougie back???


The Tackle shack, for all your fishing needs
huge range of stock to suit any fisherperson.
PH:9248 3800

brenz's picture

Posts: 2182

Date Joined: 15/06/06

yer same as a bird /

Thu, 2008-09-04 15:47

yer same as a bird / goldfish or barra i guess but pple still do it


The Tackle shack, for all your fishing needs huge range of stock to suit any fisherperson. PH:9248 3800

7739ian's picture

Posts: 948

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Better an aquarium

Thu, 2008-09-04 16:25

Than a frypan - i suppose it is a positive in regard to educating people as to which fish is which, legal limits etc - no better place than a tackle shop or keen fishos.

Posts: 50

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Sun, 2008-10-19 19:32

good one mate

Tim's picture

Posts: 2497

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Tue, 2008-11-25 19:14

Your first post was wrong Matt. Doug LOVES PINK.

** Rockingham Offshore Fishing Club **

mako magic's picture

Posts: 5785

Date Joined: 03/08/05

Funny thing is most of those

Tue, 2008-11-25 19:17

Funny thing is most of those rods now have a place inside of that patrol, in the back of the car too heheheheTongue out

The Tackle shack, for all your fishing needs
huge range of stock to suit any fisherperson.
PH:9248 3800 unit 3/11 Alexander drive Malaga

Tim's picture

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Tue, 2008-11-25 20:51

Saw a nice pink swag he can get for his weekends away.

** Rockingham Offshore Fishing Club **

mako magic's picture

Posts: 5785

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will pass the details on for

Wed, 2008-11-26 06:58

will pass the details on for that swag tooWink

The Tackle shack, for all your fishing needs
huge range of stock to suit any fisherperson.
PH:9248 3800 unit 3/11 Alexander drive Malaga

brenz's picture

Posts: 2182

Date Joined: 15/06/06

1 massive

Wed, 2008-11-26 09:49

1 massive bump


"BIT SQUIT LAH" commin to a ramp near you

The Tackle shack, for

Tim's picture

Posts: 2497

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Ha Ha

Wed, 2008-11-26 10:28