thats a huge gt . one to remember but i would rather see something like that still swimming. even still , congrats to the angler, it would have been one hell of a fight
that is one monster G-Bus.... Love to see and get some footage of one like that underwater! but im with you guys also , the gun wouldnt be discharged on that thing
and it went more than was shot and from what i was told the bloke who shot it is very experienced at stoppin big suckers like that........and apparently they eat em........
Im with all of you guys on this one... fish like that shouldnt be killed, they are the breeders, they are the fish that give people like us more to fish to catch in the future. Such a shame i think. Huge GT though..
my blood boiling sometimes. Correct me if i'm wrong but this was speared right? I can't for the life of me understand why spearfishers/ freedivers shoot fish like this. Be it a GT, Sambo, Sailfish, Marlin or any other very poor eating fish in the ocean. It may be different if it was given to a local village or something similar who can make a meal out of it. Don't get me wrong shooting something edible is very effective and possibly more efficient than fishing but this is just blatant trophy hunting.
If this fish was speared then the spearfisherman has selected to kill this fish (his choice and totally legal), give a thought to the amount of by-catch us line fishos kill i would say we do a lot more damage than the spearos. Who knows this fish may be too old to ever reproduce and nearing the end of his life. The small/undersize fish that don,t release from deep water would never have had a chance to breed for the first time. No i wouldn't have killed it but the rush of shooting that fish would be incredible!
he shot a fish. a very big specimen at that. big stuffin deal. according to the author, vander, it was going to be eaten. was it wasted wasted? no. is it a trophy? yes. was it illegal? no.
mattmiller, how many sambos do you catch a season, and of them, how many of your sambos have been mauled by sharks on their way up at the barges? how many dont survive after you've speared them back into the water? do you consider the bigger ones trophies? do you actually target the sambos during their breeding season, thus possibly threatening their actual breeding?
just because you satisfy your conscience by throwing them back alive, doesnt mean you havent already harmed or killed them.
yes, spearfishing is a selective way to fish, but because of that, there is rarely any "bycatch", or undersized fish shot. every single fish i shoot (with the exception of buff bream for burley), is taken home with me, and not wasted.
there is absolutely nothing wrong with this photo.
Sorry mate, but you are just wrong on this one. Tree huggers? Get a grip. We are just trying to maintain a healthy fishery so that our kids and grandkids can enjoy what we enjoy.
Yes a take a feed off fish, but always only enough for a meal. And yes some fish you catch wont survive the ordeal when released, but at least they have a chance.
Yes this happened in another country with possible different rules and beliefs, but overall it is just a waste of a fantastic fish, which should have the chance to tangle with some other lucky (or unlucky) fisher, and have it scare the pants off them. Can you imagine the pain kasey, Brad, Jay etc that persue these with passion would feel about this.
I dont think anyone on here would rate a GT as eating quality, so simply put. Why kill it. For sport you say, fair catch with a selective spear? Thats killing for killing sake with a big "how bigs my balls" attached to it.
crasny, if you cant handle seeing a dead fish, then man, your on the wrong website.
trying to maintain a healthy fishery??? faaaarrrrrkkkkk off. dont you dare instigate one dead fish will destroy an entire fishery.
"And yes some fish you catch wont survive the ordeal when released, but at least they have a chance." WTF kind of quotation is that!?!? you just confirmed my statement, that as long as your conscince is clear, you dont give a fuck what happens to the fish after you've physically and mentally tortured it, as long as you let it go.
it is a trophy fish, and one which will probably put his name in a record book of some sorts. not sure whether i would do the same, but i admire the guys that do. we are man, and we hunt. it is our nature.
crasny, go finish your alfalfa and sprout salad, then drink your carrot and pea shake.
Mate when you where in nappies sucking on a bottle we were out there fishing. I have seen the state of the fishery decline over the years. We use to waste fish and as you say it "hunt".
Just look at where it has got us. Getting a Dhue like in your avatar is now rare, and I do recall getting plenty around rottnest when i was a student. Scuba diving then showed heaps of fish, which now according to Paul is on the increase again, probably because responsible fishers and (even though I hate them) new rules.
Your ranting and raving is not what this site is about. We above, including me, have voiced OUR opinion that it is wrong to just kill such a magnificent fish, which I do target up here sometimes, and would love to tangle with. Its our opinion which may be right or wrong.
As for swear words keep them to yourself or PM them. As the doctor would say take a chill pill.
Just remember that If you truly want the best for the fish you will leave it the hell alone. Any time you catch a fish it is to the detriment to the fish in some way. It is never in that individual fishes interests for you to mess with it.
so just for arguments sake, if I speared a 20kg dhuie or a 1m long coral trout what sort of comments would that photo get? It'd be a different theme to how this thread is going I guarantee.
If I had a dollar for every u/s dhuie that gets "released" and floats off into the distance I'd be able to buy myself a new speargun. Both spear and line fisho's kill their share of fish, just because you don't see it die doesn't mean it lives a long and happy life.
And to make a few things clear, I am a line AND spear fisherman and I release a lot of fish but I also like to keep the odd one. As long as your catch is within the rules and nothing gets wasted then we are all entitled to take some fish from the sea. How or what you take is personal preference.
Personally I'd never shoot this GT myself and I hope it did get used. I have eaten bigish GT's and they are actually not too bad to eat
Well said Luck Tim, totaly agree about differentiating between fish size or species.
IMO no diff between this fish and a dhu or something else. One fish is one fish.
I never had GT, but if I had bunch of people with me and we where going to eat it and didnt have other fish, and I saw one of those, I will be honest and say that I would shoot it :). most of you on here would disagree with my choice, but i think if it was posted on a spearfishing forum the reaction would be different.
Tim I dont think people are trying drawing a line between line and spear .
And yes your right some line fish released dont survive . I think if you speared a big du or trout ,people on this sight are comfortable that its going to be put on the table .
I think by spearing a fish that is not highly regarded as eating quality ......people assume that its a thrill kill or trophy kill .......which is not really the done thing these days in Australia ,it may still be acceptable in other country's.
I hope that this fish was eaten and didn't get wasted . I have gladly released all trev's
as I dont rate them at all as an eating fish ,just great to catch.
I catch and eat my fair share of fish. I have also had a crack at spearing and found it challenging and fun. My main gripe is the choice of fish that has been speared. I struggle to se any reason for spearing a mega GT other than showing it off back at the dock. If this bloke and his mates or a local village got a feed out of it then good on em. But i doubt that was the case.
This certainly hasn't been an attack on spearing because like i said i've done it before (though only chasing Macks) and I think it is a very effective way of capturing fish. Also you can be more selective in the size of fish you target and therefore would have far less bycatch the line fishing.
Anyway, who knows if this was still a breading fish or if it was past it's used by date? Personally i'd rather see footage of the bloke swimming with it or Kasey or someone else looked in a battle trying to land it, JMO.
so what as long as that gt was not wasted ,its fine in my books but if it was a dhuie like some members have speared in the past our iconic demersal fish we are trying to preserve, i have never been impressed because the dhuies dont have a fighting chance,but thats my own opininion which i can tolerate,but thats life
this is a tough one i can see both sides to the story but for all those going on about this being "wrong" just have a think about how many bill fish are caught and kept for a taxidermy mounted head or the likes because it is a trophy just as this fish would be . im not saying i agree or dissagree but just trying to shed light on the other side of the story as its actually not so bad . if none went to waste then whats the problem? people probably think the same about us with some pix we post. this is an extroudinary feat to land this on the straight hook so congrats to the diver.
another can of worms opened by the looks... unfortunently
every one is going to have there own opinions - if this fish was killed for a "trophy" and left to rot then the spearo/fisher should hang there head in shame as its the end of a magnificent fish and a downright waste...
we dont have a great deal of wording to go with this pic as to whether or not it was used/consumed? possibly it was given to a village or something along the lines? who are we to make perceptions without the correct info?
im the same when i see photos of sails marlin ect strung up at a gantry or speared for records? again this is MY opinion because i think they are such a awesome fish species to catch and id love to see and get footage of one underwater! But for the people that do decide they want to kill one for consumption or what not then that is THERE choice. people shouldnt be judged by that.
if its going to waste or ppl are just doing it for fun then they shouldnt be aloud to wet a line or put a mask on again....
if i had the chance id shoot a 15kg dhu - am i going to get that chance probably not but if i do you can bet your bottom dollar every scrap of that fish is going to be used for my , my family and my familys friends consumption.... anyone going to have a crack at me about that????
I havnt caught a GT before... but from what iv heard they are pretty hardy fish and i would say a large percentage of the GT's caught on line would live after being released. Correct me if im wrong.. So catching a GT on a rod is a little different to spearing and killing it imo. I can see some of the guys points on the sambo's and dhuis though.
The other side of that argument Podman is that a marlin/sail only takes a few years to get to a large size (record fish take a fair while) but your average spangly, red, trout, bluebone (demersal) etc generally take double as long to get to their record size.
As to a right/wrong answer, who knows. If its legal then its all good, does that make it ethically/morally right, well, that depends on the individual and its only the invention of the internet and public discussion that makes it more of a sticking point.
As for my own opinion on the subject, I'm going fishing...
Well said Adam! These "trophy" fish grow alot faster than our demersals wich nobody has a drama of chucking in the ice box. Look outside the square fellow fishermen dont follow what every other dickhead has to say.
fantastic fish but if you guys agree with releasing such a alrge fish because its a breeder what about a large dhufish or pink snapper ?? guarentee they wouldnt be released just congratulated .
Good to see that people still have an opion,right or wrong stick to your guns ,love it.Saw 1 in a spearo mag (Aussie) that went just over the 60kg, big arse fish and I know alot of people that think that they are great to eat. Nothing wrong here , but thats me,
imagine the crap a spero would get back at the boat ramp if he/she speared a marlin. If you paraded a speared marlin around exmouth you wouldn't be in town for too long.....
small blacks are quite nice on the plate and i wouldn't have any hesitation in shafting one every season providing it is going to be eaten and not wasted as a trophy like some reckless people out there. Fish up to 40kg are only a couple of year old anyways.
then old mate down at mindarie gets a big thumbs up from everyone for catching a 22kg dhuie that is quite possibly high 2's or 3 or more decades old.
what's more sustainable?
it's in the eyes of the beholder and everyone will have a different opinion.
and was going to be eaten by the indigenous locals......apparantly they like em...... i think ill be a bit more selective as to what pictures i put up cause from reading through the comments not many of you like the idea of some1 geeting a feed for a village......yeah it fed half the village....... but obviously it offends people that if they caught one big mother or 20 small ones you still going to bag it........ i only put it up cause it was huge fish for the species and i have been told the story behind it,.... it wasnt wasted and it was speared (very well i might add) for the purpose of keeping 1/2 a village alive.......and yet i think so what if they did keep it......i know you can have your opinions....but heres a line i think you all know...let he who is without sin cast the 1st stone....... then think again about baggin some1 gettin a feed for the less fortunate!!!!!!!!
Vander , it is a public forum ,so everybody is entitled to have their opinion and say .
I think the lesson here is that if you new the story behind the capture then it would have been better to post that with the picture .Given the story I dont think there would have been any negitive comments.........
Not much point posting a photo that looks for the lack of information a trophy photo and then complaining about the comments .
i understand you can have an opinion.....unfortunately i didnt have the full story when i posted it.... i merely put it up cause i was amazed at how big they can get.....not to start a public debate on if its the wrong thing to do or not cause i dare say every1 here has caught an undersized fish and its died ( somehow) and yet they dont go tellin everyone they did it do they.... but they're the 1st to jump on the bandwagon and bag some1 ....and some1 they dont even know and not even in our waters........some1 said opened a can of worms.....they werent wrong!!!!!like i said...ill be selective with wat pics i put up in future in fear of some1 not liking it
Fair enough mate.. But i dont think anyone was having a go a you directly, we were all just airing out opinions on a public forum. Glad we have the full story now though. Maaaaaaasive fish!!
Well, I am not in favour of killing such a beast of an animal for a trophy, but as I say this, I think back not 2 days and the 3 amberjack I sacrificed to the men in grey coats.......I hang my own head in shame........hats off to Till and Grayzee who pulled the pin and went home when they got sharked. In retrospect, we should have gone to another wreck straight away.
I think if you fish (line or spear), you certainly kill fish, but I think what is important is that we all (I hope!) want fish stocks to improve in the future, not get worse, so despite killing some fish, our general aim is one of conservation and hence most of us actually have a bit of a green tinge. Maybe not your Scotto...(that was a joke mate....lighten up).
I have certainly got greener with age, and take it seriously when killing another animal (remember, that is all we are.....).
Anyhow, nice to see a healthy discussion, and I have hope for the future when all the young guys I have taken out on the boat are all really concerned about fish conservation.....great to see.
We all gotta fish for the future or there will be no more fish!
Hahaha, nice one Botti... but on a more serious note, I can see both sides of the argument. Personally I would never shoot a big GT like this but I do spearfish and it's generally only demersal fish that are good eating. Spearfishing is selective and there is no by catch, I can respect that.
You cannot compare this to C&R sambos or billfish though, GT's that are captured on line are rarely eaten by sharks (unlike Sambos), don't suffer from barotrauma if they're caught on poppers and fight time is generally minimal.
Faulkner Family
Posts: 18092
Date Joined: 11/03/08
thats a huge gt . one to
thats a huge gt . one to remember but i would rather see something like that still swimming. even still , congrats to the angler, it would have been one hell of a fight
RUSS and SANDY. A family that fishes together stays together
Posts: 307
Date Joined: 15/12/09
Great Fish !
Yes would have been great to catch !
But I'm with you Russ ..... just a whole lot of cat food !
Man Overboard
Posts: 957
Date Joined: 16/01/10
I see a mask and snorkle but
I see a mask and snorkle but no rods, Hmmm
Would of pulled like a train, either on spear or rod
Posts: 20
Date Joined: 28/08/10
that is huuuge!!
that is huuuge!!
Posts: 986
Date Joined: 01/05/07
that is one monster G-Bus.... Love to see and get some footage of one like that underwater! but im with you guys also , the gun wouldnt be discharged on that thing
Fear The Spear............!
Posts: 373
Date Joined: 27/10/10
I word to describe = OMG
Australian Representative for Roatan Lures, If you have any questions please pm me!
Posts: 1659
Date Joined: 27/01/09
id guess shot
The black low volume mask and standard snorkel give it up
Massive fish!! Im not that experienced with weights of GTs but thats gotta be close to 40 kg or even more!!
"Its a life style job"
Posts: 25
Date Joined: 26/10/10
Thats huge were did u catch
Thats huge were did u catch it
Posts: 433
Date Joined: 20/10/06
it was caught in Sth Africa
and it went more than was shot and from what i was told the bloke who shot it is very experienced at stoppin big suckers like that........and apparently they eat em........
Posts: 11
Date Joined: 02/11/10
A waste of a breeding fish
A waste of a breeding fish IMHO. Guys like that will be complaining when they cant catch them anymore. Beautiful fish tho
Posts: 7006
Date Joined: 16/10/08
Big G Train
But yuk on a few points. That fish would give you stick on any GT gear, would taste bad even for a GT.
And I agree it should be swimming and giving some other lucky bugger a go at capturing it without a spear stuck in it.
"I would like to die on Mars. Just not on impact!!" _ Elon Musk
Posts: 16
Date Joined: 25/06/07
Only way i'd keep a big
Only way i'd keep a big beautiful fish like that would be if I was starving with no possible food source on a desert island.
Posts: 1443
Date Joined: 05/01/10
Sensational fish, but much
Sensational fish, but much better released.
Posts: 1025
Date Joined: 15/08/10
Im with all of you guys on
Im with all of you guys on this one... fish like that shouldnt be killed, they are the breeders, they are the fish that give people like us more to fish to catch in the future. Such a shame i think. Huge GT though..
Posts: 4171
Date Joined: 15/06/09
This really gets
my blood boiling sometimes. Correct me if i'm wrong but this was speared right? I can't for the life of me understand why spearfishers/ freedivers shoot fish like this. Be it a GT, Sambo, Sailfish, Marlin or any other very poor eating fish in the ocean. It may be different if it was given to a local village or something similar who can make a meal out of it. Don't get me wrong shooting something edible is very effective and possibly more efficient than fishing but this is just blatant trophy hunting.
Posts: 1443
Date Joined: 05/01/10
I'm hearing you!! Let's face
I'm hearing you!! Let's face it, that big old bastard would taste like an old Blundstone at best!!! It would probably never even get eaten, shame!!
Posts: 3040
Date Joined: 10/05/10
meaning seeing that thing smash your popper
that would be crazy
i support two teams eagles and whoever is playing the dockers
Posts: 270
Date Joined: 02/07/09
If this fish was speared
If this fish was speared then the spearfisherman has selected to kill this fish (his choice and totally legal), give a thought to the amount of by-catch us line fishos kill i would say we do a lot more damage than the spearos. Who knows this fish may be too old to ever reproduce and nearing the end of his life. The small/undersize fish that don,t release from deep water would never have had a chance to breed for the first time. No i wouldn't have killed it but the rush of shooting that fish would be incredible!
I actually fish.
Posts: 2472
Date Joined: 21/04/08
what a bunch of tree huggin hippies.
go drink your vegetable smoothies ladies.
he shot a fish. a very big specimen at that. big stuffin deal. according to the author, vander, it was going to be eaten. was it wasted wasted? no. is it a trophy? yes. was it illegal? no.
mattmiller, how many sambos do you catch a season, and of them, how many of your sambos have been mauled by sharks on their way up at the barges? how many dont survive after you've speared them back into the water? do you consider the bigger ones trophies? do you actually target the sambos during their breeding season, thus possibly threatening their actual breeding?
just because you satisfy your conscience by throwing them back alive, doesnt mean you havent already harmed or killed them.
yes, spearfishing is a selective way to fish, but because of that, there is rarely any "bycatch", or undersized fish shot. every single fish i shoot (with the exception of buff bream for burley), is taken home with me, and not wasted.
there is absolutely nothing wrong with this photo.
Posts: 7006
Date Joined: 16/10/08
Sorry mate, but you are just wrong on this one. Tree huggers? Get a grip. We are just trying to maintain a healthy fishery so that our kids and grandkids can enjoy what we enjoy.
Yes a take a feed off fish, but always only enough for a meal. And yes some fish you catch wont survive the ordeal when released, but at least they have a chance.
Yes this happened in another country with possible different rules and beliefs, but overall it is just a waste of a fantastic fish, which should have the chance to tangle with some other lucky (or unlucky) fisher, and have it scare the pants off them. Can you imagine the pain kasey, Brad, Jay etc that persue these with passion would feel about this.
I dont think anyone on here would rate a GT as eating quality, so simply put. Why kill it. For sport you say, fair catch with a selective spear? Thats killing for killing sake with a big "how bigs my balls" attached to it.
"I would like to die on Mars. Just not on impact!!" _ Elon Musk
Craig Pearse
Posts: 452
Date Joined: 04/01/09
Neels I didnt know that Brad
Neels I didnt know that Brad and Jay where the GT GODS, stop pissing in there pockets DH
Posts: 1449
Date Joined: 27/03/09
I agree with most that it
I agree with most that it shouldnt of been shot, but i also think that scotto has got a good point about the sambos!
Posts: 2472
Date Joined: 21/04/08
awww, green tree peaceful love frog is upset.....
crasny, if you cant handle seeing a dead fish, then man, your on the wrong website.
trying to maintain a healthy fishery??? faaaarrrrrkkkkk off. dont you dare instigate one dead fish will destroy an entire fishery.
"And yes some fish you catch wont survive the ordeal when released, but at least they have a chance." WTF kind of quotation is that!?!? you just confirmed my statement, that as long as your conscince is clear, you dont give a fuck what happens to the fish after you've physically and mentally tortured it, as long as you let it go.
it is a trophy fish, and one which will probably put his name in a record book of some sorts. not sure whether i would do the same, but i admire the guys that do. we are man, and we hunt. it is our nature.
crasny, go finish your alfalfa and sprout salad, then drink your carrot and pea shake.
there is nothing wrong with this photo.
Posts: 7006
Date Joined: 16/10/08
Obviously some cant take criticism
Mate when you where in nappies sucking on a bottle we were out there fishing. I have seen the state of the fishery decline over the years. We use to waste fish and as you say it "hunt".
Just look at where it has got us. Getting a Dhue like in your avatar is now rare, and I do recall getting plenty around rottnest when i was a student. Scuba diving then showed heaps of fish, which now according to Paul is on the increase again, probably because responsible fishers and (even though I hate them) new rules.
Your ranting and raving is not what this site is about. We above, including me, have voiced OUR opinion that it is wrong to just kill such a magnificent fish, which I do target up here sometimes, and would love to tangle with. Its our opinion which may be right or wrong.
As for swear words keep them to yourself or PM them. As the doctor would say take a chill pill.
"I would like to die on Mars. Just not on impact!!" _ Elon Musk
Posts: 4586
Date Joined: 01/02/10
Just remember that If you
Just remember that If you truly want the best for the fish you will leave it the hell alone. Any time you catch a fish it is to the detriment to the fish in some way. It is never in that individual fishes interests for you to mess with it.
Does anyone know where the love of god goes, when the waves turn the minutes to hours?
Posts: 4171
Date Joined: 15/06/09
either had a bad day or is a meathead with emotional issues?
Unless you have something constructive, intellegent and interesting say perhaps you should keep it to yourself?
Lucky Tim
Posts: 2536
Date Joined: 28/11/07
so just for arguments sake,
so just for arguments sake, if I speared a 20kg dhuie or a 1m long coral trout what sort of comments would that photo get? It'd be a different theme to how this thread is going I guarantee.
If I had a dollar for every u/s dhuie that gets "released" and floats off into the distance I'd be able to buy myself a new speargun. Both spear and line fisho's kill their share of fish, just because you don't see it die doesn't mean it lives a long and happy life.
And to make a few things clear, I am a line AND spear fisherman and I release a lot of fish but I also like to keep the odd one. As long as your catch is within the rules and nothing gets wasted then we are all entitled to take some fish from the sea. How or what you take is personal preference.
Personally I'd never shoot this GT myself and I hope it did get used. I have eaten bigish GT's and they are actually not too bad to eat
Posts: 71
Date Joined: 06/03/08
Well said Luck Tim, totaly
Well said Luck Tim, totaly agree about differentiating between fish size or species.
IMO no diff between this fish and a dhu or something else. One fish is one fish.
I never had GT, but if I had bunch of people with me and we where going to eat it and didnt have other fish, and I saw one of those, I will be honest and say that I would shoot it :). most of you on here would disagree with my choice, but i think if it was posted on a spearfishing forum the reaction would be different.
Posts: 307
Date Joined: 15/12/09
No Trophy's
Tim I dont think people are trying drawing a line between line and spear .
And yes your right some line fish released dont survive . I think if you speared a big du or trout ,people on this sight are comfortable that its going to be put on the table .
I think by spearing a fish that is not highly regarded as eating quality ......people assume that its a thrill kill or trophy kill .......which is not really the done thing these days in Australia ,it may still be acceptable in other country's.
I hope that this fish was eaten and didn't get wasted . I have gladly released all trev's
as I dont rate them at all as an eating fish ,just great to catch.
Posts: 4171
Date Joined: 15/06/09
Don't get me wrong
I catch and eat my fair share of fish. I have also had a crack at spearing and found it challenging and fun. My main gripe is the choice of fish that has been speared. I struggle to se any reason for spearing a mega GT other than showing it off back at the dock. If this bloke and his mates or a local village got a feed out of it then good on em. But i doubt that was the case.
This certainly hasn't been an attack on spearing because like i said i've done it before (though only chasing Macks) and I think it is a very effective way of capturing fish. Also you can be more selective in the size of fish you target and therefore would have far less bycatch the line fishing.
Anyway, who knows if this was still a breading fish or if it was past it's used by date? Personally i'd rather see footage of the bloke swimming with it or Kasey or someone else looked in a battle trying to land it, JMO.
joe amato
Posts: 731
Date Joined: 21/12/08
if it was a dhuie id be not impressed
so what as long as that gt was not wasted ,its fine in my books but if it was a dhuie like some members have speared in the past our iconic demersal fish we are trying to preserve, i have never been impressed because the dhuies dont have a fighting chance,but thats my own opininion which i can tolerate,but thats life
Posts: 2182
Date Joined: 15/06/06
this is a tough one i can
this is a tough one i can see both sides to the story but for all those going on about this being "wrong" just have a think about how many bill fish are caught and kept for a taxidermy mounted head or the likes because it is a trophy just as this fish would be . im not saying i agree or dissagree but just trying to shed light on the other side of the story as its actually not so bad . if none went to waste then whats the problem? people probably think the same about us with some pix we post. this is an extroudinary feat to land this on the straight hook so congrats to the diver.
Posts: 986
Date Joined: 01/05/07
can of worms
another can of worms opened by the looks... unfortunently
every one is going to have there own opinions - if this fish was killed for a "trophy" and left to rot then the spearo/fisher should hang there head in shame as its the end of a magnificent fish and a downright waste...
we dont have a great deal of wording to go with this pic as to whether or not it was used/consumed? possibly it was given to a village or something along the lines? who are we to make perceptions without the correct info?
im the same when i see photos of sails marlin ect strung up at a gantry or speared for records? again this is MY opinion because i think they are such a awesome fish species to catch and id love to see and get footage of one underwater! But for the people that do decide they want to kill one for consumption or what not then that is THERE choice. people shouldnt be judged by that.
if its going to waste or ppl are just doing it for fun then they shouldnt be aloud to wet a line or put a mask on again....
if i had the chance id shoot a 15kg dhu - am i going to get that chance probably not but if i do you can bet your bottom dollar every scrap of that fish is going to be used for my , my family and my familys friends consumption.... anyone going to have a crack at me about that????
cheers poddy
but thats just me........
Fear The Spear............!
Posts: 1025
Date Joined: 15/08/10
Point well made poddy!! I
Point well made poddy!!
I havnt caught a GT before... but from what iv heard they are pretty hardy fish and i would say a large percentage of the GT's caught on line would live after being released. Correct me if im wrong.. So catching a GT on a rod is a little different to spearing and killing it imo. I can see some of the guys points on the sambo's and dhuis though.
Adam Gallash
Posts: 15655
Date Joined: 29/11/05
otherside of it
The other side of that argument Podman is that a marlin/sail only takes a few years to get to a large size (record fish take a fair while) but your average spangly, red, trout, bluebone (demersal) etc generally take double as long to get to their record size.
As to a right/wrong answer, who knows. If its legal then its all good, does that make it ethically/morally right, well, that depends on the individual and its only the invention of the internet and public discussion that makes it more of a sticking point.
As for my own opinion on the subject, I'm going fishing...
Site Admin - Just ask if you need assistance
Posts: 270
Date Joined: 02/07/09
Well said Adam! These
Well said Adam! These "trophy" fish grow alot faster than our demersals wich nobody has a drama of chucking in the ice box. Look outside the square fellow fishermen dont follow what every other dickhead has to say.
I actually fish.
Posts: 896
Date Joined: 25/05/09
fantastic fish but if you
fantastic fish but if you guys agree with releasing such a alrge fish because its a breeder what about a large dhufish or pink snapper ?? guarentee they wouldnt be released just congratulated .
living is fishing
Posts: 1853
Date Joined: 10/11/08
life is just to short
to argue over $h1t like this .Nice fish no matter how it was caught.
So tell me have you got your info from years on the water or hours on the internet?
Posts: 801
Date Joined: 12/04/10
Great Catch You Guys,
Keeper Maybe Not
"People See Things As They Are & Ask Why???
We Can All Dream of Things That Never Were and Ask Why Not!!"( RK )
Craig Pearse
Posts: 452
Date Joined: 04/01/09
Good to see that people
Good to see that people still have an opion,right or wrong stick to your guns ,love it.Saw 1 in a spearo mag (Aussie) that went just over the 60kg, big arse fish and I know alot of people that think that they are great to eat. Nothing wrong here , but thats me,
Favour changes the mind
Posts: 63
Date Joined: 08/03/10
I'd put my money on it being
I'd put my money on it being a pennant fish anyway. ;) Diamond like tail. Wish it was still alive, but thats all im saying.
Posts: 547
Date Joined: 07/04/08
What a beast of a gt, enough
What a beast of a gt, enough has been said on the release to bother adding my 2 cents
mattg6020 (not verified)
Posts: 16
Date Joined: 01/01/70
it was mentioned earlier
imagine the crap a spero would get back at the boat ramp if he/she speared a marlin. If you paraded a speared marlin around exmouth you wouldn't be in town for too long.....
small blacks are quite nice on the plate and i wouldn't have any hesitation in shafting one every season providing it is going to be eaten and not wasted as a trophy like some reckless people out there. Fish up to 40kg are only a couple of year old anyways.
then old mate down at mindarie gets a big thumbs up from everyone for catching a 22kg dhuie that is quite possibly high 2's or 3 or more decades old.
what's more sustainable?
it's in the eyes of the beholder and everyone will have a different opinion.
tight lines
Posts: 433
Date Joined: 20/10/06
the fish was caught in sth africa for the
and was going to be eaten by the indigenous locals......apparantly they like em...... i think ill be a bit more selective as to what pictures i put up cause from reading through the comments not many of you like the idea of some1 geeting a feed for a village......yeah it fed half the village....... but obviously it offends people that if they caught one big mother or 20 small ones you still going to bag it........ i only put it up cause it was huge fish for the species and i have been told the story behind it,.... it wasnt wasted and it was speared (very well i might add) for the purpose of keeping 1/2 a village alive.......and yet i think so what if they did keep it......i know you can have your opinions....but heres a line i think you all know...let he who is without sin cast the 1st stone....... then think again about baggin some1 gettin a feed for the less fortunate!!!!!!!!
Posts: 307
Date Joined: 15/12/09
Public Forum
Vander , it is a public forum ,so everybody is entitled to have their opinion and say .
I think the lesson here is that if you new the story behind the capture then it would have been better to post that with the picture .Given the story I dont think there would have been any negitive comments.........
Not much point posting a photo that looks for the lack of information a trophy photo and then complaining about the comments .
Posts: 433
Date Joined: 20/10/06
im not complaining just stating
i understand you can have an opinion.....unfortunately i didnt have the full story when i posted it.... i merely put it up cause i was amazed at how big they can get.....not to start a public debate on if its the wrong thing to do or not cause i dare say every1 here has caught an undersized fish and its died ( somehow) and yet they dont go tellin everyone they did it do they.... but they're the 1st to jump on the bandwagon and bag some1 ....and some1 they dont even know and not even in our waters........some1 said opened a can of worms.....they werent wrong!!!!!like i said...ill be selective with wat pics i put up in future in fear of some1 not liking it
Posts: 307
Date Joined: 15/12/09
Its all good !
Public opinion is what makes this such a popular site .
Its good to hear from so many like minded people and its a great place to learn .
Dont be too put off ....we are all here because we loving fishing !
Posts: 1025
Date Joined: 15/08/10
Fair enough mate.. But i
Fair enough mate.. But i dont think anyone was having a go a you directly, we were all just airing out opinions on a public forum. Glad we have the full story now though. Maaaaaaasive fish!!
Posts: 2839
Date Joined: 07/07/10
Well, I am not in favour of
Well, I am not in favour of killing such a beast of an animal for a trophy, but as I say this, I think back not 2 days and the 3 amberjack I sacrificed to the men in grey coats.......I hang my own head in shame........hats off to Till and Grayzee who pulled the pin and went home when they got sharked. In retrospect, we should have gone to another wreck straight away.
I think if you fish (line or spear), you certainly kill fish, but I think what is important is that we all (I hope!) want fish stocks to improve in the future, not get worse, so despite killing some fish, our general aim is one of conservation and hence most of us actually have a bit of a green tinge. Maybe not your Scotto...(that was a joke mate....lighten up).
I have certainly got greener with age, and take it seriously when killing another animal (remember, that is all we are.....).
Anyhow, nice to see a healthy discussion, and I have hope for the future when all the young guys I have taken out on the boat are all really concerned about fish conservation.....great to see.
We all gotta fish for the future or there will be no more fish!
Boston Whaler 235 Conquest......getting the flogging it was built for.
Posts: 96
Date Joined: 09/11/10
omg thats what i call a
omg thats what i call a gt...thats a nice catch u got ther.....nice job
shallow water
Posts: 21
Date Joined: 30/10/10
nice fish
how big is that.
Posts: 106
Date Joined: 24/04/10
Jays gt
Jays gt is bigger just ask him
Posts: 4648
Date Joined: 18/08/05
Hahaha, nice one Botti...
Hahaha, nice one Botti... but on a more serious note, I can see both sides of the argument. Personally I would never shoot a big GT like this but I do spearfish and it's generally only demersal fish that are good eating. Spearfishing is selective and there is no by catch, I can respect that.
You cannot compare this to C&R sambos or billfish though, GT's that are captured on line are rarely eaten by sharks (unlike Sambos), don't suffer from barotrauma if they're caught on poppers and fight time is generally minimal.
Posts: 243
Date Joined: 11/06/07
Fishin for a feed and fun.
Posts: 77
Date Joined: 26/10/07
makes an ass out of you and me. Small tip for all you haters.
Great GT, good post Vander im sure those villagers appreciated it!