My first jewie....yippee!!

Hi all
Here's my first ever jewie, caught today weighing in at 9.1kg!!!
Couldn't find any takers from Team Gates or a couple of fishing buddies so I went by myself....wasn't going to miss a chance to take the new boat for a fish while the weather gods are looking favourably down upon us at present.
Headed out from the Dawesville ramp at 8am (assisted in the launch by 'she who must be obeyed') and sort of went due west and came upon some small lumps in 40m of water, with the odd red arch on the screen so I marked it and had a drift around. The drift was quite slow and the sea anchor worked a treat...just another thing I'm getting used to.
Had a couple of drifts over the mark and then all of a sudden all hell broke loose!! Not only did he take the bait, he almost caught me off guard and pulled me over. There was a fair bit of 'him taking line' followed by 'me taking it back' but I took my time and went steady, before he finally surfaced. What a wonderful sight it was, too.
I was breaking in my new Penn Slammer 601GBM fitted with a Latitude XS60 loaded with 30lb braid (thanks ebay!!)...maybe not the most fashionable outfit but that's ok.
Finished the day with a 37cm blackass and a couple of nice sized sandies.
Best of luck to everyone else out there wetting a line.
If life is boring, you must be doing it wrong!
Posts: 1025
Date Joined: 15/08/10
Gotta be happy with that
Gotta be happy with that mate, well done!
Posts: 917
Date Joined: 04/12/09
Awesome! seems to be a few
Awesome! seems to be a few around atm, great to see you get your first mate. Few good feeds there:)
Forever learning with fishing
Posts: 2013
Date Joined: 30/08/06
Wicked Dhu to open your account.
Must be stoked...